
I believe it is the general practice now to give a patient, in almost every kind of illness, food that is very nourishing, yet very digestible, that the system may become strengthened to throw off its disease.

I devote a chapter to “cookery for the sick,” as it is such a useful and delightful accomplishment to know just how to prepare the few available dishes for invalids, so that while they may be most suitable food for the recovery of the patient, they may at the same time be most agreeable to the taste and pleasing to the eye.

The three events of the day to the sufferer are the three meals. How gratefully is it remembered if they have been delicately and carefully administered! Let the mother or the wife prepare them with her own hands; let her never ask an invalid what he will have to eat, but with thought and ingenuity strive to vary the bill of fare each day, always providing proper nourishment. This is an art in itself which can be delegated to no one. It is worth as much to the suffering and beloved patient as is the medical prescription of the physician.

Never leave an article of diet in the sick-room: it is a good means of destroying the appetite, which should be encouraged and not weakened.

Whatever is served, let great attention be paid to giving the dish, after it is properly cooked, a dainty appearance. Place it on the choicest of ware in the house, with the cleanest of napkins, and the brightest of silver, even if that consists only of a tea-spoon.

If tea and toast be served, put the tea, freshly drawn, into the daintiest of tea-cups. Every family might well afford to buy one little, thin china cup and saucer, to use in case of illness; put a square of loaf-sugar into it. A few drops of cream are easily saved for the patient’s tea from a small quantity of milk; and cream in small quantities is considered more digestible than milk.

All cooks think they can make toast. There is about one person in ten thousand who really does know how to make it; who actually appreciates the difference between a thin, symmetrical, well-yellowed, crisp piece of toast with the crust cut off, and just from the fire, and a thick, unshapely slice, unevenly crisped on the outside, and of doughy softness in the centre. One is digestible; the other is exceedingly indigestible. The scientific mode of making toast is explained on page 67.

Of the laxative articles of diet, undoubtedly one of the most important is the oatmeal porridge. The chemists say, “Oatmeal stands before all other grains in point of nutritive power.” I do not mean to serve gruel, but a thicker preparation, of considerable consistence, which is more palatable. The mode of making it is explained on page 74. Put a heaping table-spoonful of this on a thin saucer; pour some cream over it; then sprinkle over this a little granulated sugar. Now place the saucer on a little salver, on which is spread the whitest of napkins.

Always remember that in cooking any of the grains, as, for instance, corn-meal, oatmeal, hominy, cracked-wheat, etc., let them be thrown into salted boiling water. This makes very great difference in the flavor of the dish. Make every thing in small quantities, so that the patient may always have his dishes freshly made.

A very nourishing, digestible, and excellent dish for invalids is a raw, fresh egg, the receipt for administering which is given among the invalid receipts (see page 322).

In regard to rice, Dr. Lee remarks: “We regard rice as the most valuable of all the articles of food in cases of the derangement of the digestive organs. It nourishes, while it soothes the irritable mucous membrane; and while it supports strength, never seems to aggravate the existing disease. For acute or chronic affections of the alimentary canal, rice-water for drink and rice-jelly for food seem peculiarly well adapted, and appear to exert a specific influence in bringing about a recovery. These preparations are invaluable also in convalescence from acute fevers and other maladies, and in the summer complaints of young children.”

Jellies made with gelatine or calf’s feet are very appetizing, but must not be relied on as furnishing much nourishment. They afford a pleasant vehicle for administering wine, of which the stimulating properties are often very advantageous. I copy a short article from Booth’s “Chemistry” on the subject:

“Gelatine in domestic economy is used in the forms of soup and jelly as an aliment; but though experiments seem to show that when mixed with fibrous, albuminous, and caseous substances it becomes nutritive, this conclusion is yet doubtful; for the theory of respiration proves that histrose, which produces the gelatine, has accomplished its part in the animal organization, and can no longer afford sustenance thereto. One fact, however, seems positive, and that is its inability alone to yield nourishment to carnivorous animals. The feeble nutritive power of a gelatinous matter seems to be owing to the destruction of its organization.”

On the same subject of the dietetical value of gelatine, Professor Youmans says: “It is regarded as a product of the partial decomposition of albuminous bodies in the system, but as incapable of replacing them when taken as aliment. The French attempted to feed the inmates of their hospitals on gelatinous extract of bones. Murmurs arose, and a commission, with Magendie at their head, was appointed to investigate the matter. They reported gelatine as, dietetically, almost worthless.”

Graham bread, corn bread, or the Boston brown-bread, made with part rye flour, are much more nourishing than breads made from bolted wheat. The whiter the wheat flour, the more starch it contains, and the less gluten, which is separated in bolting, and which is the nutritious or flesh-producing portion. The rich Boston brown-bread is especially good cut into thin, even pieces, with a little cream poured over it.

The value of corn-meal for invalids who are thin and incapable of maintaining their natural warmth is scarcely appreciated. Indian-corn contains a large percentage of oil, which is nourishing and fattening. Fat is the heat-producing power.

As to the meats, it seems to me a mistake that that from the ox, with his wholesome food, cleanly habits, sweet breath, and clear eye, is not the most wholesome and digestible of aliments. No meat is so tender and juicy as the cut from the tenderloin or the porter-house steak.

Pork should be avoided in every form by invalids.

I can not but believe that rare-cooked, tender beef is the most valuable dish in the culinary rÉpertoire for invalids; yet Dr. Beaumont, after experimenting with St. Martin, ranks venison, when tender and in season, as the most digestible and assimilable of meats. He classes mutton second; then beef. Lamb is less digestible than mutton. Veal should be avoided as well as pork. Fatty substances are also difficult of assimilation. Poultry is less digestible than beef. Then, again, the manner of cooking beef has a great influence on its digestibility. The best modes are broiling and roasting. Potatoes roasted or baked are digested an hour sooner than potatoes boiled.

Before beginning the receipts for especial dishes, I will copy a little story, which furnishes an illustration that the simplest modes of cooking are, after all, the most satisfactory.

“The Vicomte de Vaudreuil, when appointed chargÉ d’affaires of France to the Court of St. James’s, brought over with him a young cook, an ÉlÈve of the highest schools of the cuisines of Paris. This young culinary aspirant to fame, shortly after his arrival in London, obtained permission of his master to go and witness the artistic operations of that established cordon-bleu, Monsieur Mingay, the cook to Prince Esterhazy, who had been brought up under the Prince Talleyrand’s famous chef, Louis, and previously under that most bleu of all cordons, the great CarÊme. On the ÉlÈve’s return, the Vicomte, hearing that his cook was in a state of astonishment from something he had witnessed in Prince Esterhazy’s kitchen, summoned him to his presence, and said, ‘What is this culinary miracle, which I have heard astonishes you, and casts into the shade all other triumphs of the art?’ Vatel’s follower replied, ‘Oh, Monsieur le Vicomte, when I entered the cuisine at Chandos House it was near the time of the prince’s luncheon, for which his excellency had ordered something which should be very simple and easily digestible, as he was suffering from languor. The chef, Mingay, accordingly cut from under a well-hung rump of beef three slices of fillet, and rapidly broiling them, he placed the choicest-looking in the middle of a hot dish, and afterward pressing the juice completely out of the remaining two, he poured it on the first! Oh, monsieur, how great the prince! how great the cook!’



Tea is best, made fresh in the sick-room. A little tÊte-À-tÊte china service is a pretty ornament for a bedroom, and it is a convenient and tasteful arrangement for serving tea to invalids. If one has no little tea-pot like that belonging to the service here referred to, a small one of any other kind is desirable.

Put two tea-spoonfuls of tea-leaves into the small tea-pot; pour two tea-cupfuls of boiling water over it; cover it closely, and let it steam for a few moments.

With a small table at the side of the invalid’s bed, it is a decidedly pleasant little diversion to make tea in this manner, being sure at the same time that it is perfectly fresh. However it is made though, do not present a cupful of tea to a sufferer with a part of the tea spilled into the saucer.

To avoid having fat left in the soups, it is safer to allow them to get entirely cold, when the fat can be easily skimmed off. Just enough can be heated each time the soup is served.

Beef Tea, or Essence of Beef.

Cut, say, a pound of perfectly lean beef into small pieces, put them into a wide-mouthed bottle (a pickle-bottle answers the purpose), cork it tightly, and place it in a pot of cold water in which there is a saucer at the bottom. Heat it gradually, then let it boil slowly for two or three hours, when all the juice will be drawn out of the meat.

Now pour off the juice, season it with salt carefully, as it requires very little. When it is cold, skim off all the globules of fat.

This is an invaluable aliment for invalids who are very ill, or for weak infants, when they need much nourishment in small compass. This beef tea can then be given by the tea-spoonful at regular intervals, administering it as medicine.

Another Beef Tea (for Convalescents).

Soak three-quarters of a pound of small-cut pieces of lean steak (say a cut from a round steak) in a pint of cold rain-water for half an hour, squeezing the beef occasionally; then put it on the fire, cover it, and boil it slowly for ten minutes, removing the scum. Season with salt, and serve hot. Serve Albert biscuit, or thin wafers (see page 72), with it. The addition of a little boiled rice makes a pleasant change.

Beef Juice.

Choose a thick cut of fine, fresh, juicy steak without fat. Broil it over the coals for only a minute, or long enough to merely heat it throughout. Put it over a warm bowl set in a basin of hot water; cut it in many places, and squeeze out all the juice with the aid of the meat-squeezer (see page 56). Salt it very slightly. It should be served immediately, freed from every atom of fat, and accompanied with a wafer cracker.

Chicken Broth.

Cut up a fowl, and crack the bones. Put it into three pints of cold water. Boil it slowly, closely covered, for three or four hours, or until the meat falls in pieces. Strain it, then add two table-spoonfuls of rice which has been soaked for half an hour in a very little warm water, also a chopped sprig of parsley, if you have it. Simmer it for twenty minutes longer, or until the rice is thoroughly cooked. Season with salt and pepper, but not too highly. Serve with crackers, which should be broken into the broth the last minute.

Chicken Custard.

Ingredients: One half-pint of chicken broth, beaten yolks of three eggs, a little salt. Mix well, and cook it in the custard-kettle (as for boiled custard) until it has thickened. Serve in custard-cups.

Chicken Panada.

Roast a small chicken, and take out the breasts, or use more of the meat if preferred, and add a little salt; chop it as fine as possible, pound it, and pass it through a colander. Soak half the amount of the crumb of French rolls, or good bread (not too fresh), in tepid milk; squeeze it nearly dry, and mix it with the chicken. Thin it with a little strong chicken broth (which may be made with the remainder of the chicken) or with boiling water. Serve it in a custard-cup, to be eaten with a spoon. For convalescents, a very little finely minced parsley may be added.

Mold of Chicken Jelly.

Cut half a raw chicken into small pieces, and break the bones; put it on the fire with a quart of cold water. Boil it slowly until it is reduced to less than half; season with salt and a little pepper, if the invalid is not too ill for pepper. Strain it first through a colander, then a jelly-bag, into a mold or a bowl. If the chicken is quite tender, broil carefully the breast of the other half of it; cut it into dice, or put it whole into the mold or bowl, and cover it with the liquid. When the jelly has hardened, scrape off the layer of fat at the top of the mold before turning the jelly on a little oval platter.

Chicken and Ceylon Moss.

Cut a small fowl (two pounds) into small pieces, and put it over the fire with three pints of cold water, four ounces of Ceylon moss (which can be obtained at the drug-stores), and half a tea-spoonful of salt. Boil all together an hour; then strain it through a jelly-strainer or napkin into little cups or molds.

Mutton Broth

may be made in the same manner as chicken broth, allowing a quart of cold water to each pound of meat.

Veal and Sago Broth (Marian Harland).

Ingredients: Two pounds of knuckle of veal cracked to pieces, two quarts of cold water, three table-spoonfuls of best pearl sago soaked in a cupful of cold water, one cupful of cream heated to boiling, and the yolks of two eggs beaten light.

Boil the veal and water in a covered saucepan very slowly until reduced to one quart of liquid; strain, season with salt, and stir in the soaked sago (having previously warmed it by setting for half an hour in a saucepan of boiling water, and stirring from time to time). Simmer half an hour, taking care it does not burn; beat in the cream and eggs. Give one good boil up, and turn out.

Beef and Tapioca Broth.

Soak one pound of beef, cut into pieces, in a quart of cold water for half an hour; then boil it slowly, keeping it closely covered for two hours. Strain it. The last half hour, add half a cupful of tapioca (which has been soaked an hour in a little water), a small sprig of parsley, and a thin cut from an onion. When done, remove the parsley and onion; season with a very little pepper and salt, and two or three drops only of lemon-juice. When just ready to serve, put into the soup an egg, carefully poached in salted water, the white being merely set.

If patients are not too ill, any kind of beef soup made from stock, as explained on page 80, ought to be advantageous.

How To Prepare an Uncooked Egg.

This is a delicate, strengthening, and valuable preparation for an invalid.

Beat well the yolk and a tea-spoonful of sugar in a goblet; then stir in one or two tea-spoonfuls of brandy, sherry, or port wine. Add to this mixture the white of the egg beaten to a stiff froth. Stir all well together. It should quite fill the goblet. If wine is not desired, flavor the egg with nutmeg. It is very palatable without any flavoring at all.

Tapioca Jelly.

Ingredients: One cupful of tapioca, four cupfuls of water, juice and a little of the grated rind of one lemon, and sugar to taste.

Soak the tapioca for four or five hours in the water. Sweeten it, and set it in a pan of boiling water to cook an hour, or until it is thoroughly done and quite clear, stirring it frequently. When nearly cooked, stir in the lemon; and when done, pour it into little molds. Serve with cream sweetened and flavored.

Sea-moss Blanc-mange.

Wash the moss well, and soak it for half an hour or more in a little cold water. To half an ounce or a handful of moss allow one quart of water, or rather of rich milk, if the patient can take milk. When the water or milk is boiling, add the soaked sea-moss, and sugar to taste. Let them simmer until the moss is entirely dissolved. Strain the juice into cups or little molds. Many boil a stick of cinnamon with the water or milk, and flavor also with wine; but the simple flavor of the sea-moss is very pleasant. It may be served with a little cream and sugar poured over it.

Arrowroot Jelly or Blanc-mange.

Add two heaping tea-spoonfuls of best arrowroot, rubbed smooth with a little cold water, to a coffee-cupful of boiling water or rich milk which has been sweetened with two tea-spoonfuls of sugar. Stir and boil it until it has thickened. It may be flavored with lemon-juice if made with water, or with brandy or wine if made with milk. It is very nice without flavoring. Pour into a cup or little mold. Serve with cream and sugar poured over, or with a compote of fruit around it.

Corn-starch and Rice Puddings

are explained among the regular receipts for puddings. Little circular molds come in form of Fig. A, on page 59. It is a pretty form for any of these puddings or blanc-manges, with a compote of apples, peaches, plums, or any other kind of fruit, in the centre.

Rice Jelly.

Mix enough water to two heaping tea-spoonfuls of rice flour to make a thin paste; then add to it a coffee-cupful of boiling-water. Sweeten to taste with loaf-sugar. Boil it until it is transparent. Flavor by boiling with it a stick of cinnamon if the jelly is intended for a patient with summer complaint; or add, instead, several drops of lemon-juice if intended for a patient with fever. Mold it.

Vanilla should never be used for flavoring any dish for an invalid. Homeopathic books can never say enough about its poisonous effects on even healthy and robust persons.

Rice-water for Drink

is made in the same way, in the proportion of a table-spoonful of rice flour to a quart of boiling water.

Jelly and Ice (for Fever Patients).

Break ice into small pieces about as large as a pea; mix with it about the same quantity of lemon jelly, also cut into little pieces. This is very refreshing.

Parched Rice.

Parch rice to a nice brown, as you would coffee. Throw it into a little boiling salted water, and boil it until it is thoroughly done. Do not stir it more than necessary, on account of breaking the grains. Serve with cream and sugar.

Milk Porridge.

Put a dozen raisins into two cupfuls of milk. Bring it to a boil; then add a heaping tea-spoonful of flour rubbed to a paste with a little cold water or milk; boil it three or four minutes. The raisins may not be eaten, yet they give a pleasant flavor to the milk; in fact, they may be taken out if the dish is intended for a child.

For a change, the well-beaten white of an egg may be stirred into this preparation just after it is taken from the fire, and, again, the raisins may be left out, and the porridge simply flavored with salt or sugar, or sugar and nutmeg.

Beef Sandwich.

Scrape very fine two or three table-spoonfuls of fresh, juicy, tender, uncooked beef; season it slightly with pepper and salt; spread it between two thin slices of slightly buttered bread; cut it neatly into little diamonds about two and a half inches long and an inch wide.

Prepared Flour for Summer Complaints (Mrs. Horace Mann).

Tie up a pint of flour very tightly in a cloth, and put it into boiling water, and let it boil three hours. When untied, the gluten of the flour will be found in a mass on the outside of the ball. Remove this, and the inside will prove a dry powder which is very astringent. Grate this, and wet a portion of it in cold milk. Boil a pint of milk, and when it is at the boiling-point stir in as much of the wet mixture as will thicken it to the quality of palatable porridge. Stir in a little salt, and let this be the article of diet until the disease is removed. Relieve it at first by toasted bread, or a mutton broth, which latter is also astringent. If the disease has not progressed to the degree of inflammation, this diet will generally preclude all need of medicine.

The author would also add, for a change of diet, well-boiled rice with a little cream, parched rice, beef juice, toasted water or milk crackers, a little tea (avoiding generally too much liquid), and a little wild-cherry brandy; or to Mrs. Mann’s flour porridge, when cooked, and just taken hot from the fire, the well-beaten white of an egg might be added; and, after stirring them well together, the preparation should be served immediately.

Milk Toast.

Toast one or two thin slices of bread with the crust cut off; if there are two slices, have them of equal size. When still hot, spread evenly over them a very little fresh butter, and sprinkle over some salt. Now pour over a small tea-cupful of boiling milk, thickened with half a tea-spoonful of flour, and salted to taste. If the invalid can not take milk, the toast may be moistened with boiling water. Serve immediately. It is a very appetizing dish, when fresh made and hot.


Sprinkle a little salt or sugar between two large Boston, soda, or Graham crackers, or hard pilot-biscuit; put them into a bowl; pour over just enough boiling water to soak them well; put the bowl into a vessel of boiling water, and let it remain fifteen or twenty minutes, until the crackers are quite clear and like a jelly, but not broken. Then lift them carefully, without breaking, into a hot saucer. Sprinkle on more sugar or salt if desired: a few spoonfuls of sweet, thick cream poured over are a good addition for a change. Never make more than enough for the patient at one time, as they are very palatable when freshly made, and quite insipid if served cold.

Toasted bread cut into thin even slices may be served in the same way. This is also a good baby diet.

A panada may be made by adding an ounce of grated bread or rolled crackers to half a pint of boiling water, slightly salted, and allowing it to boil three or four minutes. It may be sweetened, and flavored with wine or nutmeg, or both; or the sugar and nutmeg may be simply sprinkled over.


Wet corn-meal, salted to taste, with enough cold water to make a soft dough, and let it stand half an hour or longer; mold it into an oblong cake, about an inch and a half or two inches thick. A clean spot should then be swept on the hot hearth, the bread placed on it, and covered with hot wood-ashes. The bread is thus steamed before it is baked. It should be done in a half to three-quarters of an hour, and brushed and wiped before eaten. There is no better food than this for dyspeptics inclined to acidity of the stomach, on account of the alkaline properties of the ashes left in the crust. In other extreme cases of dyspepsia where acids are required, I have heard of cures being effected by the use of buttermilk.

Milk Punch.

Sweeten a glass of milk to taste, and add one or two table-spoonfuls of best brandy. Grate a little nutmeg over the top.

Egg-and-milk Punch.

Stir well a heaping tea-spoonful of sugar, and the yolk of an egg together in a goblet, then add a table-spoonful of best brandy. Fill the glass with milk until it is three-quarters full, then stir well into the mixture the white of the egg beaten to a stiff froth. The receipt for “Eggnog” among the “Beverages” is similar to this, and better, of course, as whipped cream is substituted for milk.

Herb Teas

are made by pouring boiling water over one or two tea-spoonfuls of the herbs, then, after covering well the cup or bowl, allowing it to steep for several minutes by the side of the fire. The tea is sweetened to taste. Camomile tea is quite invaluable for nervousness and sleeplessness; calamus tea, for infants’ colic; cinnamon tea, for hemorrhages; watermelon-seed tea, for strangury.

Boneset for a Cough or Cold (Mrs. General Simpson).

Pour one and one-half pints of boiling water on a ten-cent package of boneset. Let it steep at the side of the fire for ten or fifteen minutes, when strain it. Sweeten it with two and a half coffee-cupfuls of loaf-sugar, then add one half-pint of Jamaica rum; bottle it. A child should take a tea-spoonful before each meal; a grown person, a sherry-glassful.

Botanic Cough Sirup.

This book is not a medical treatise, yet I can not resist the temptation to add the following receipt, given me by Mrs. H——, of Buffalo. Many cases of long and aggravated cough have been entirely cured by its use. If the patient has a tendency to vertigo, the bloodroot may be omitted from the receipt; but for pale persons of weak vitality it will be found a valuable addition.

Ingredients: Elecampane, one ounce; spikenard, one ounce; cumfrey root, one ounce; bloodroot, one ounce; hoarhound tops, one ounce.

Add two quarts of water to these herbs, and steep them five hours in a porcelain or new tin vessel; add more boiling water, as it boils away, to keep the vessel as full as at first. At the end of this time, strain the liquid, add one pound of loaf-sugar, and boil it until it is reduced to one quart.

Dose.—A dessert-spoonful before each meal and before retiring. It should be kept in a cool place; or a little spirits may be added to prevent its spoiling.



Cut out the tender part of the beef from a porter-house or a tenderloin steak. The slice from these steaks, if large, can be cut in two, as it is sufficient for two meals for an invalid. Let it be three-quarters of an inch thick; trim or press it into shape (it should be oval in form). Broil it carefully over a hot fire, cooking it rare: the inside should be pink, not raw. To cook it evenly without burning, turn it two or three times, but do not pierce it with a fork nor squeeze it. It does not require over two minutes to finish it. Do not put pepper and salt over it until it is cooked, as salt rubbed on fresh meat contracts the fibres and toughens it. However, as soon as it is cooked and placed on a little hot oval platter, sprinkle salt and pepper over it; then, placing a small piece of fresh butter on the top, set it into the oven a minute to allow the butter to soak into the meat: it only requires a small piece of butter. Beefsteak swimming in butter is unwholesome, and as slovenly as it is wasteful.

If an invalid can eat beefsteak, he can generally eat some one vegetable with it; and to make the little plump, tender morsel of beef look more tempting, garnish it with the vegetable. If with potatoes, bake one or two equal-sized potatoes to a turn. When quite hot, remove the inside; mash it perfectly smooth, season it with butter, or, what is better, cream and salt, and press it through a colander. It will look like vermicelli. Place it in a circle around the steak.

If with pease, when they are out of season, the French canned pease or the American brand of “Triumph” pease will be found almost as good. One can, if kept well covered, should furnish three or four meals for an invalid. Merely heat them, adding a little salt and butter. Do not use much, if any, of the juice in making a circle of them around the beef.

If you garnish with tomatoes, make them into a sauce, as follows: After cooking and seasoning them with salt and pepper, turn off the watery part, add a little stock, if you have it (however, it is nice without it, if the word stock frightens any body), and press it through the sieve. Pour it around the steak.

If with Lima beans, cook them as in receipt (see page 201) with parsley. Lima beans, as well as string-beans, green corn, and onions, should not be trusted, in severe cases of illness. A few water-cresses around a steak would not be injurious to a convalescent.


Scrape the bone, and trim the chop into good shape; this adds much to the appearance, and requires but little time for one chop. Rub a little butter on both sides, and broil it carefully, having it well done; season it as explained for beefsteak. It can be garnished in the same way.

Breast of Chicken.

Choose a tender chicken, and cut out the breast; season it, rub a little butter around it, and throw it on a fire of live coals which is not too hot. Watch it constantly, turning it around to cook evenly on all sides. If skillfully done, the surface will be very little charred, and the inside meat will be more tender and juicy than if cooked in any other way. Cut off such parts as may be much crisped. Season with butter, pepper, and salt. Form the breast into a cutlet, with the leg, as described on page 175. Rub it with butter, and broil it carefully on the gridiron. Garnish it with rice steamed with rich milk. It is especially nice with tomato-sauce.

Chicken Boiled.

The second joint of a leg of chicken thrown into a little salted boiling water, or into stock, makes a delicious dish, with a chicken-sauce (see page 123) poured over it. I think this second joint is more tender, and has more flavor, than the breast.

Venison Steak.

A tender cut from a venison steak should be broiled the same as a beefsteak. It is nice with mashed potatoes (À la neige), or a currant-jelly, or a tomato-sauce around it.

To Prepare a Bird.

I remember the effects of a quail so well, eaten when very ill, that I have a decided disinclination to mention the word “bird” in association with “invalid dishes” at all. But there is a difference in the tenderness of birds, of course; and, then, a bird need not be swallowed whole, if one should be ever so hungry. If a bird is to be served, be sure that it is a tender one. Broil it carefully, or cook it whole in this manner: Put it into a close-covered vessel holding a little boiling water, and place it over a very hot fire; steam it for a few minutes; then brown it in the oven, basting it very frequently. Serve a tomato, currant-jelly, or wine sauce around it.

(When a laxative diet is not objectionable.)


Oatmeal porridge. A poached egg on toast.

Dinner (at half-past twelve o’clock).

Beefsteak and mashed baked potatoes; toasted Graham crackers.

Dessert: Sea-moss blanc-mange.


Boston brown-bread cut into slices, with cream poured over.

A baked apple.


Hominy grits; a mutton-chop, with tomato-sauce.


A chicken broth, quite thick with rice, and some pieces of chicken in it.


Dessert: A raw egg, arranged as in receipt on page 322, with sherry wine.




Oatmeal porridge. The second joint of a leg of chicken cooked on the coals and served with pease around it.


Beef broth, thick with tapioca. Graham wafers.

Dessert: Boiled parched rice, with cream.


Corn-meal mush, with cream and sugar.


I am indebted to Dr. Franklin, of St. Louis, for this little chapter. Appreciating his experience in the uses of prepared foods for invalids, I asked his advice about certain ones, when he kindly sent me a written opinion, which I insert verbatim. Dr. Franklin says:

“In the dietetic treatment of the sick, notwithstanding that well-meaning and unwise friends often injure their patients by solicitations to take more food, it is often one of the great difficulties to induce the invalid to partake sufficiently of what is suitable, remembering that the body is nourished by the assimilation of the food, and that the assimilating power is weak, and can not be overtaxed. But the desire of food, and, indeed, the assimilation, depend in a considerable degree on the manner in which it is presented. It should not only please the eye and gratify the palate, but should be varied in kind and method of preparation.

Liebig’s Extract of Meat is an economical and valuable preparation. It is valuable in nearly all cases of physical debility and extreme emaciation, especially after profuse losses of blood in collapse from wounds; for patients suffering from severe and prolonged fevers in the last stage of consumption; in bad cases of indigestion, when the stomach rejects all solid food; and as an article of diet for nursing-mothers, etc.

“In cases of extreme exhaustion, the extract may be mixed with wine. As it is stimulating, it may take the place of tea and coffee, and will be less liable than they to produce derangement of the digestive organs. An advantage with this extract is that it can be readily prepared.

Valentine’s Extract of Meat.—This is one of the best articles of the kind for the sick-chamber, and is not only simple of preparation, but is the most nutritive of all the beef essences. As a medicinal agent, it will be found of great value to the sick, and for persons (children as well) with weak constitutions.[K]

“These beverages, in common with any nutritive soups, offer to the patient whose general bodily functions are more or less suspended a fluid and assimilable form of food. It is to this adaptation of nourishment to the condition of the body that we must, in part at least, ascribe their beneficial results. They have a remarkable power of restoring the vigorous action of the heart, and dissipating the sense of exhaustion following severe, prolonged exertion, and may be recommended in preference to the glass of wine which some take after watching, preaching, prolonged mental effort, etc.

“Rice (whole or ground), barley, etc., may often be advantageously added to thicken beef tea.

Gillon’s Essence of Chicken.—A similar preparation may be more readily made by using this essence of chicken, which may be procured from any homeopathic chemist. This simply requires diluting with hot water in the proportion stated upon each tin case.

Oatmeal Porridge.—When properly made, this is both wholesome and nutritious, and especially suitable when a patient does not suffer from water-brash, acidity, or from any form of bowel irritation. It has long been the staple food of the Scotch, and produces good muscular fibre and strong bone. It is a very nourishing diet for growing children. The common oatmeal is not equal to the Scotch oatmeal; however, it is not always easy to obtain the latter.

Pearl Barley forms an excellent meal. It should be boiled for four hours, so tied in a cloth that room is left for the grain to swell. Only so much water should be added from time to time as to feed the barley and supply the waste of evaporation, lest the strength of the barley should be boiled out. It may be served with milk, or (if the patient can digest them) with preserves, jelly, or butter.

Macaroni-pudding.—Three ounces of macaroni should be soaked for forty minutes in cold water, then added to a pint of boiling milk. This should be stirred occasionally, while it simmers for half an hour; two eggs are then added, beaten with a dessert-spoonful of sugar; also, if desired, a flavoring of lemon. This may then be baked in a pie-dish for twenty minutes.

“Vermicelli may be used instead of macaroni, but requires only twenty minutes’ soaking.

“Part of a loaf of stale bread, boiled, and served with butter and salt, or with preserves, affords a change of wholesome food. Bread-pudding made with eggs and milk, either boiled or baked, may be used, made according to the receipt used at Westminster Hospital, viz.: Bread, one-quarter of a pound; milk, one-quarter of a pint; sugar, one-quarter of an ounce; flour, one-quarter of an ounce; one egg for every two pounds. A pudding may be made in the same way of stale sponge-cake or rusks, to diversify the diet.

Neave’s Food.—Many years’ experience in the use of Neave’s Farinaceous Food justifies the recommendation of it as an excellent article of diet for infants, invalids, and persons of feeble digestion. Competent chemical analysts have found the preparation to contain every constituent necessary for the nourishment of the body, and this has been abundantly confirmed by what we have frequently observed as the result of its use. For infants it should be prepared according to the direction supplied with the food, taking care not to make it too thick; it also makes a very agreeable and highly nutritious gruel.

“One precaution is necessary: Neave’s food should be obtained fresh and in good condition; if exposed too long, it deteriorates. Under favorable circumstances it keeps good for from six to twelve months. It may generally be procured in good condition from the leading homeopathic druggists.

“Ridge’s, Hard’s, and other farinaceous foods have their advantages, and are preferred by some patients.

“Those foods that are pure starch, as ‘corn flour,’ so called, and all those which thicken in like manner, contain but a small proportion of nutriment, being less sustaining and also more difficult of digestion than ordinary stale bread. They are very unsuitable for young infants and children suffering from diarrhea, indigestion, constipation, flatulence, atrophy, or aphthÆ.

“In all cases, food which contains traces of bran, and also gluten, gum, sugar, cellulose, and saline matter, especially the phosphates, in proportion to the starch, are to be preferred. I prefer the Ridge’s food for nursing infants, but either may be used according to adaptability.

Sugar of Milk.—A preparation of cow’s milk and sugar of milk forms a still lighter food, and one which, in the case of very young infants, should be used to the exclusion of farinaceous food. Cow’s milk may be assimilated to human milk by dilution with water and the addition of sugar of milk. Cow’s milk contains more oil (cream) and caseine, or cheese matter, but less sugar, than woman’s. When necessary to bring up a child by hand from birth, sugar of milk is more suitable to begin with.

“Formula: One ounce of sugar of milk should be dissolved in three-quarters of a pint of boiling water, and mixed as required with an equal quantity of fresh cow’s milk. The infant should be fed with this from the feeding-bottle in the usual way. Care must be taken to keep the bottle, etc., perfectly clean.

Alkershrepta (Chocolate).—One of the most delicate and nutritious beverages is made from this preparation of the cocoa. It is prepared from the best cocoa-bean, the highly nutritious natural oil of which is not extracted, as in the ordinary soluble chocolates, but so neutralized as not to derange the stomach of the most delicate. Its nutritious and mildly stimulating qualities, its purity, and the facility with which it is prepared for use—not requiring to be boiled—recommend it as an excellent substitute for tea and coffee. Directions for its preparation accompany each package.

Delacre’s Extract of Meat Chocolate.—This agreeable article combines in one preparation, and under a most agreeable form, a large proportion of tonic and nutritive principles. It contains both the properties of chocolate and beef. It is a useful tonic and nutritive agent for invalids and convalescents, and for persons of delicate constitutions. It contains three per cent. of La Plata Extract of Meat, and every square represents the nutritive constituents of one and a quarter ounces of beef. It is employed as ordinary chocolate. Full directions accompany each box.

Welluc’s Biscotine.—A most excellent, healthy, and invigorating food for infants and invalids. It is prepared from sweetened bread and other nutritious substances, reduced to a fine powder, so as to render them easily soluble in water or milk. As an article of common diet for infants, particularly those suffering from delicate constitutions or with looseness of the bowels, it will be found to give health and strength with more certainty than the crude substances now in use, and not, like them, liable to sour on the stomach.”


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