the "Giasone" of, 151 ; operas of, 263 ; his style, 263 ; his melodies, 263 , 270 , 306 , 307 . Cembalo, the, 188 . Cersne, Eberhard, on the "Rules of the Minnesingers," 87 , 90 . Cesti, Antonio, develops choral part of the oratorio, 205 , 264 . Chanson, the, 58 . Chant, the Ambrosian, 3 , 4 , 6 , 11 . Chant, the church, contrapuntal treatment, 43 . Chant, the fixed , 7 , 16 , 17 , 20 , 23 , 36 . See also Cantus firmus, the . Chant, the Gregorian, 7 ; its division, 7 ; in Brittany, 9 ; general introduction of, 10 , 11 , 33 , 58 , 72 , 75 , 385 . Chant, the liturgical, 217 . Chant, the medieval, 2 . Chant, the Roman, 9 , 24 . Chants, Indian, 182 . Charlemagne, 10 , 24 . Charles V., of France, 34 . Charles VII., 40 . "Chefs-d'oeuvre de l'opEra Franaeais," 296 . Cherubini, Luigi, masses of, 80 ; operas of, 322 , 323 . Choir, the, 3 . Chopin, systematizes the use of pedals, 113 , 185 , 387 . Choral art, the methods of, 261 . Choral hymn, the Lutheran, 67 . Chorale, the German, 216 , 217 , 228 , 233 . Chord, the, 10 , 12 , 13 . Chord harmonies, 37 , 43 , 70 , 125 . Chord of the dominant seventh, the, Monteverde's use of, 260 . Chord relations, the fundamental, 46 . Chorus, the, 121 . Chorus, the antiphonal, 79 . Choruses, the old church, 214 . Choruses, oratorio, 214 ; Handel's, 215 ; Haydn's, 223 ; Mendelssohn's, 229 . Choruses, polyphonic, 238 . Christ, 2 , 45 . Christian Church, the, chants of, 2 . Christianity, 200 . Christians, the early, in Judea, 2 ; in Greece, 2 ; in Rome, 2 ; hymn of, 2 . Christofori, Bartolomeo, the claims of, 93 , 94 , 97 . "Christ's Passion," 200 , 201 . "Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue," Bach's, 124 . Chromatic harmonies, 104 . "Chromatic Madrigals," Di Rore's, 47 . Chromatics, Lasso's use of, 50 . "Cid, Le," Massenet's, 333 . "Cid, The," Cornelius's, 356 . Cimarosa, Domenico, 276 ; operas of, 276 nberg@html@files@43467@43467-h@43467-h-8.htm.html#Page_351" class="pginternal">351, 357, 359. |
Drama, the modern, 199. |
Drama per musica, the true, 315, 379. |
Drama, the secular, 237. |
Dramas, the early Christian, |
written to offset the influence of the Greek plays, 200, 201; |
early vulgarity of, 201, 202; |
Neri's reforms in, 202-203. |
Dresden, 209, 337. |
Drums, 147, 164. |
Dublin, 207. |
Dufay, William, |
work of, 35, 36; |
his masses, 36; |
his improvements, 36, 37, 40, 54. |
Dulcimer, the, 84, 85, 86, 92. |
"Dumka," the, 181. |
Duos, 193. |
Dutch, the, musical skill of, 38. |
Dvorak, Antonin, |
symphonic writing of, 179; |
work of, 181, 182; |
his symphonies, 182; |
his chamber music, 197; |
his later writings, 197; |
his American quartet and quintet, 198. |
E-flat major, Mozart's symphony in, 164. |
East Flanders, 40. |
"Echo et Narcisse," Gluck's, 315. |
Edward IV., 62. |
Egyptians, the, 84. |
Eisenach, 121. |
Eisenstadt, 136. |
Eleusis, 200. |
"Elijah," Mendelssohn's, 226, 229-231; |
its popularity in England, 232. |
"Elisa e Claudio," Mercadante's, 281. |
"Elisir d'Amore," Donizetti's, 280. |
"Enchiridion MusicÆ," 14. |
England, |
Roman singers in, 9; |
strolling musicians in, 62; |
her mastery of polyphony, 333, 389. |
Frescobaldi, Girolamo, | lass="pginternal">36, 117.
"Infernal Regions, The," 236. |
"Inferno," Dante's, 240. |
Instrumental forms, 263. |
Instrumental music, modern, 101, 102; |
a new element in, 106, 110; |
development of, 116, 189, 194; |
pure beauty in, 391. |
Instrumentation, Haydn's attempts in, 162. |
Intermezzi, 236, 250. |
"Inventions," Bach's, 122. |
Ionic mode, the, 70. |
"IphigÉnie en Aulide," Racine's, 314, 315. |
Isaak, Heinrich, 60. |
"Isbruck, ich muss dich lassen," 60. |
"Israel in Egypt," Handel's, 207. |
Italians, the, 129. |
Italian school, the, 284; |
characteristics of, 289. |
Italy, 44, 45; |
becomes the home of modern music, 50; |
revival of Greek learning in, 67, 94, 234, 238; |
vocal style in, 117; |
the oratorio in, 207; |
the ecclesiastical polyphonic style of, 214, 246, 291; |
hostile to Wagner, 358. |
"Ivanhoe," 355. |
Jahn, Otto, |
biographer of Mozart, 166, 192, 194; |
on "Don Juan," 344. |
Jannequin, Clement, 39, 45; |
compositions of, 46; |
his "Cris de Paris," 48; |
his "Le Bataille," 48. |
"Jephthah," Carissimi's, 204. |
"Jephthah's Vow," Meyerbeer's, 324. |
Jews, the, 2, 212. |
John George I., the Elector of Saxony, 336. |
John of Forneste, 28. |
Jomelli, 221. |
Jongleurs, the, 55, 333. |
Maggini, Giovanni Paolo, the violin maker, 150, 188. |
Magnificat, the, 8. |
Mailly, the AbbÉ, the "Akebar, Roi de Mogol" of, 295. |
Mainz, 10. |
Major key, the modern, introduction of, 214, 243, 261. |
Malvezzi, 236. |
Mancinus, Thomas, 209. |
Mandolin, the, 92. |
Mannheim, 164. |
Mannheim band, Mozart's, 164, 165. |
"Manon," Massenet's, 333. |
Mantua, the home of opera, 253. |
Mantua, the Duke of, 254. |
Marais, Marin, 308. |
Marchand, 308. |
Marenzio, 236. |
Margherita, Infanta of Savoy, 254. |
Maria, the Empress, 78. |
Marschner, Heinrich, music of, 355. |
Marseilles, 334. |
Mass, the, early arrangement of, 8. |
Mass, the Marcellus, 72, 73. |
"Massaniello," Auber's, 323. |
Massenet, Jules Émile FrÉdÉric, operas of, 333, 378. |
Masses, |
Machaut's, 34; |
Dufay's, 36, 37; |
Palestrina's, 72; |
Anerio's, 78; |
Lotti's, 79; |
Mozart's, 80; |
Beethoven's, 80; |
Cherubini's, 80. |
Masters, the Netherlands, 117, 119. |
Masters, the Venetian, 122. |
Materia musicÆ, 385. |
Matheson, the "Musikalische Kritik" of, 93. |
Matthew, St., 212. |
"Matona, mia cara," Lasso's madrigal, 49, 51-53. |
"Matrimonia Segreto, Il," Cimarosa's, 276. |
Maximilian I., Emperor of the Netherlands, 43. |
Mazarin, Cardinal, |
attempts to revive Italian opera in France, 295, 300. |
Measure, |
dual and triple, 12; |
the musical, 17, 19. |
"MedÉcin malgrÉ 6, 234. |
"Musikalische Kritik," Matheson's, 93. |
"Musurgia," Luscinius', 91. |
Mysteries, the, 56. |
Myth, the, Wagner's use of, 361, 362, 363. |
Mythical stories, as subjects for librettos, 359. |
Nanini, Giovanni Maria, 75, 77; |
his "Hodie nobis coelorum Rex," 77. |
Naples, 49, 265. |
Naumann, 37, 43. |
Nazianzen, St. Gregory, Patriarch of Constantinople, 200. |
Neapolitans, the, 302. |
Neapolitan School of opera writers, the, 265, 270, 275, 280. |
285, 357. |
Neri, St. Philip, reforms the early Christian drama, 202-203. |
"Nerone," Boito's, 288. |
Netherlands, the, 17, 44. |
Netherlands school, the great, |
over-shadows the Gallo-Belgic school, 37; |
periods of, 38-40; |
formation of its character, 40, 45, 48, 60, 73, 102, 189, 387, 392. |
Neumes, the, 17, 18, 19, 383. |
New College, 63. |
New Haven, 87. |
New Testament, the, study of, 68. |
"Nibelungen Lied," the, 348. |
Nokter, Balbulus, 9. |
"Nonne Sanglante, La," Gounod's, 329. |
"Norma," Bellini's, 280. |
Notation, the earliest form of, 17. |
Nottinghamshire, 63. |
"Nozze di Figaro," Mozart's, 285, 340, 341, 342. |
"Nozze di Tito e di Peleo," Cavalli's, 263. |
"Nuove Musiche," Caccini's, 241. |
Nuremberg, 209. |
"Oberon," Weber's, Mendelssohn attracted towards, 227, 230. |
Oratorios, |
Handel's, 201, 207, 313; |
Carissimi's, 204; |
Scarlatti's, 205; |
Bach's, 207; |
Haydn's, 221, 222, 224, 225; |
Spohr's, 225; |
German, 232; |
Italian, 232. |
Orchestra, the, 121; |
evolution of, 147-157; |
early arrangement of, 147, 148; |
first organized use of, 148; |
Monteverde's influence on, 149; |
plan of the contemporaneous, 156-157; |
transformed in its treatment by Haydn and Mozart, 168. |
Orchestras, |
continental town, 61; |
Hungarian, 84. |
Orchestration, Wagnerian, 233. |
"Orfeo," Gluck's, 314, 317, 318, 319. |
"Orfeo," Monteverde's, 149, 337. |
Organ, the, 10, 22, 77, 85, 86, 101, 102; |
first systematic method of playing, 105, 121, 149, 153, 188. |
Organists, 101, 102; |
Venetian school of, 102, 209; |
Roman school of, 104. |
Organ playing, 115. |
Organ school, the, |
of Venice, 102, 209; |
of Rome, 104. |
OrlÉans, 10. |
"Orpheus," SchÜtz's, 337. |
"Otello," Rossini's, 277, 278. |
"Otello," Verdi's, Rassoumoffsky, Count, 194. |
"Rassoumoffsky Quartets, The," Beethoven's, 194. |
Reading, 28. |
Recitative, dramatic, |
invention of, 203; |
its effect on oratorio, 203, 235, 239, 240; |
improvement in, 264. |
Recitative, the Florentine, 292. |
Recitative, French, 313. |
Recitative, the Greek, 243. |
Recitative secco, 266, 278, 279. |
Recitativo stromentato, 267, 278, 279. |
"Redemption," Gounod's, 233. |
Reformation, the, 60, 71, 104. |
Regal, the, 149. |
Regensburg, 10. |
"Reine de Saba, La," Gounod's, 329. |
Reinken, John Adam, the "Hortus Musicus" of, 189. |
Renaissance, the, dawn of, 67, 69, 70. |
"Reson and SensualitÉ," Lydgate's, 85. |
Reszke, Jean de, 329. |
"RÊve, Le," Bruneau's, 334. |
Reyer, Ernest, operas of, 334. |
"Rheingold, Das," Wagner's, 358, 368, 377. |
Rhine, the, 58. |
Rhythm, 10, 11; |
the appearance of, 16, 21; |
elementary attraction of pure, 70; |
Aristoxenus on, 238; |
Veron on, 384. |
Ricercari, |
Buus', 103; |
Frescobaldi's, 104. |
"Ricercari da cantare e sonare," Buus', 103. |
"Ride of the Valkyrs," 154, 260. |
"Rienzi," Wagner's, 281, 358. |
"Rigoletto," Verdi's, 281, 282. |
Rimbault, on "The Pianoforte," 93. |
"Rinaldo," Handel's opera, 206. |
"Ring des Nibelungen, Der," Wagner's, 358, 360. |
Rinuccini, Ottavio, |
intermezzi of, his use of the string quartet, 151; |
his "Sinfonia avanti l'Opera," 159; |
his concertos, 160; |
his oratorios, 205; |
his treatment of the aria, 206; |
his career, 265; |
the founder of the Neapolitan school, 265; |
his operas, 265; |
characteristics of his writing, 265, 266; |
his improvements in Italian opera, 265-269; |
his development of the aria da capo, 269, 270, 280. |
Scarlatti, Domenico, 92, 106; |
his harpsichord style, 107, 120, 127; |
sonatas of, 130, 131. |
Scherzo, the, 144, 145. |
Schiller, 349. |
Schink, on "Don Juan," 345, 346. |
SchrÖter, Christopher G., the claims of, 93. |
Schubert, Franz, |
symphonic writing of, 179, 180; |
orchestra of, 154; |
chamber music of, 196, 348; |
his "Erl-KÖnig," 389. |
Schulz, Christopher, 209. |
Schumann, Robert, 113; |
his original style, 114; |
his music, 114; |
orchestra of, 154, 185; |
his symphonies, 179, 180; |
chamber music of, 196, 325, 346, 382, 387, 388. |
SchÜtz, Heinrich, |
the "Seven Last Words" of, 209; |
his settings of the Passion, 210; |
writes the first German opera, 336, 337; |
his "Orpheus," 337. |
Sculpture, Greek, 69. |
"Seasons, The," Haydn's, 167, 213, 225. |
"Seasons, The," Thompson's, 225. |
Sebastiani, Giovanni, passion music of, 186, 191, 193, 196, 197. |
"Tristam and Isolde," Wagner's, 154, 358. |
"Triumph of Apollo, The," 236. |
Trombones, 148, 149, 153, 155, 156, 164, 193. |
Troubadours, the, 55, 56; |
songs of, 57, 62, 240, 292. |
"Trovatore, Il," Verdi's, 281, 282. |
Trumpets, 149, 153, 155, 156, 162, 164. |
Turkey, the Christian scholars of, 67. |
Turks, the, 67. |
"Tutti" passages, 151. |
Tschaikowsky, Peter Ilitisch, |
symphonies of, 181; |
his "Symphony Pathetique," 181; |
his "Hamlet" overture, 179; |
his symphonic writing, 179, 382. |
Tschudi and Kirkman, the harpsichord builders, 92. |
Tympani, 153, 155. |
Upright piano, the, 98. |
"Vampire, The," 355. |
Vatican, the, at Rome, 75. |
Vaudemont, Mlle. de, 291. |
Venetians, the, 104. |
Venetian school, the, 77, 78. |
Venice, 45, 50, 71; |
school of Catholic composition at, 77; |
the home of opera, 253, 259, 263, 344, 357. |
Veni Sancte Spiritus, 9. |
Verdi, Giuseppe, 277; |
his "La Traviata," 278; |
his operas, 281, 282; |
his three styles, 282; |
accused of imitating Wagner, 100, 122, 139. |
"Werther," Massenet's, 333. |
Westminster Cathedral, 63. |
"What is Good Music?", Henderson's, 383. |
Whittington, Dick, 63. |
Willaert, Adrian, 39, 45; |
his work, 46; |
his monets, 48, 50, 71, 77, 79, 103; |
his church vocal music, 104, 387. |
"William Tell." See |
William the Conqueror, 62. |
"Willow" song, Verdi's, 283. |
Wind instruments, 151, 153, 155, 162, 166, 193. |
Wooden wind instruments, 153, 154, 155, 156, 162, 187. |
Worship, Italian system of, 68, 69. |
Writers, church, 386. |
WÜrzburg, 10. |
Yorkshire, 63. |
Zachau of Halle, 206. |
Zarlino, 240. |
"ZauberflÖte, Die," Mozart's, 340, 342, 348. |
Zeelandia, H. de, "Lehrcompendium" of, 60. |
Zither, the, 85. |
"Zoroastre," Rameau's, 309. |
Zumpe, Johannes, 95. |