Occurrence. The element sulphur has been known from the earliest times, since it is widely distributed in nature and occurs in large quantities in the uncombined form, especially in the neighborhood of volcanoes. Sicily has long been famous for its sulphur mines, and smaller deposits are found in Italy, Iceland, Mexico, and especially in Louisiana, where it is mined extensively. In combination, sulphur occurs abundantly in the form of sulphides and sulphates. In smaller amounts it is found in a great variety of minerals, and it is a constituent of many animal and vegetable substances. Extraction of sulphur. Sulphur is prepared from the native substance, the separation of crude sulphur from the rock and earthy materials with which it is mixed being a very simple process. The ore from the mines is merely heated until the sulphur melts and drains away from the earthy impurities. The crude sulphur obtained in this way is distilled in a retort-shaped vessel made of iron, the exit tube of which opens into a cooling chamber of brickwork. When the sulphur vapor first enters the cooling chamber it condenses as a fine crystalline powder called flowers of sulphur. As the condensing chamber becomes warm, the sulphur collects as a liquid in it, and is drawn off into cylindrical molds, the product being called roll sulphur or brimstone. Physical properties. Roll sulphur is a pale yellow, crystalline solid, without marked taste and with but a faint odor. It is insoluble in water, but is freely soluble in a few liquids, notably in carbon disulphide. Roll sulphur melts at 114.8°. Just above the melting point it forms a rather thin, straw-colored liquid. As the temperature is raised, this liquid turns darker in color and becomes thicker, until at about 235° it is almost black and is so thick that the vessel containing it can be inverted without danger of the liquid running out. At higher temperatures it becomes thin once more, and boils at 448°, forming a yellowish vapor. On cooling the same changes take place in reverse order. Varieties of sulphur. Sulphur is known in two general forms, crystalline and amorphous. Each of these forms exists in definite modifications. Crystalline sulphur. Sulphur occurs in two crystalline forms, namely, rhombic sulphur and monoclinic sulphur. 1. Rhombic sulphur. When sulphur crystallizes from its solution in carbon disulphide it separates in crystals which have the same color and melting point as roll sulphur, and are rhombic in shape. Roll sulphur is made up of minute rhombic crystals. 2. Monoclinic sulphur. When melted sulphur is allowed to cool until a part of the liquid has solidified, and the remaining liquid is then poured off, it is found that the solid sulphur remaining in the vessel has assumed the form of fine needle-shaped crystals. These differ much in appearance from the rhombic crystals obtained by crystallizing sulphur from its solution in carbon disulphide. The needle-shaped form is called monoclinic sulphur. The two varieties differ also in density and in melting point, the monoclinic sulphur melting at 120°. Monoclinic and rhombic sulphur remain unchanged in contact with each other at 96°. Above this temperature the rhombic changes into monoclinic; at lower temperatures the monoclinic changes into rhombic. The temperature 96° is therefore called the transition point of sulphur. Heat is set free when monoclinic sulphur changes into rhombic. Amorphous sulphur. Two varieties of amorphous sulphur can be readily obtained. These are white sulphur and plastic sulphur. 1. White sulphur. Flowers of sulphur, the preparation of which has been described, consists of a mixture of rhombic crystals and amorphous particles. When treated with carbon disulphide, the crystals dissolve, leaving the amorphous particles as a white residue. 2. Plastic sulphur. When boiling sulphur is poured into cold water it assumes a gummy, doughlike form, which is quite elastic. This can be seen in a very striking manner by distilling sulphur from a small, short-necked retort, such as is represented in Fig. 40, and allowing the liquid to run directly into water. In a few days it becomes quite brittle and passes over into ordinary rhombic sulphur. Fig. 40 Fig. 40 Chemical properties of sulphur. When sulphur is heated to its kindling temperature in oxygen or in the air it burns with a pale blue flame, forming sulphur dioxide (SO2). Small quantities of sulphur trioxide Uses of sulphur. Large quantities of sulphur are used as a germicide in vineyards, also in the manufacture of gunpowder, matches, vulcanized rubber, and sulphuric acid. COMPOUNDS OF SULPHUR WITH HYDROGENHydrosulphuric acid (H2S). This substance is a gas having the composition expressed by the formula H2S and is commonly called hydrogen sulphide. It is found in the vapors issuing from volcanoes, and in solution in the so-called sulphur waters of many springs. It is formed when organic matter containing sulphur undergoes decay, just as ammonia is formed under similar circumstances from nitrogenous matter. Preparation. Hydrosulphuric acid is prepared in the laboratory by treating a sulphide with an acid. Iron sulphide (FeS) is usually employed: FeS + 2HCl = FeCl2 + H2S. A convenient apparatus is shown in Fig. 41. A few lumps of iron sulphide are placed in the bottle A, and dilute acid is added in small quantities at a time through the funnel tube B, the gas escaping through the tube C. Fig. 41 Fig. 41 Explanation of the reaction. Iron sulphide is a salt of hydrosulphuric acid, and this reaction is therefore similar to the one which takes place when sulphuric acid acts upon a nitrate. In both cases a salt and an acid are brought together, and there is a tendency for the reaction to go on until a state of equilibrium is reached. This equilibrium is constantly disturbed by the escape of the gaseous acid set free, so that the reaction goes on until all of the original salt has been decomposed. The two reactions differ in that the first one is complete at ordinary temperatures, while in the case of sulphuric acid acting upon sodium nitrate, the reacting substances must be heated so as to secure a temperature at which nitric acid is a gas. Physical properties. Hydrosulphuric acid is a colorless gas, having a weak, disagreeable taste and an exceedingly offensive odor. It is rather sparingly soluble in water at ordinary temperatures, about three volumes dissolving in one of water. In boiling water it is not soluble at all. In pure form it acts as a violent poison, and even when diluted largely with air produces headache, dizziness, and nausea. It is a little heavier than air, having a density of 1.18. Chemical properties. The most important chemical properties of hydrosulphuric acid are the following: 1. Acid properties. Hydrosulphuric acid is a weak acid. In solution in water it turns blue litmus red and neutralizes bases, forming salts called sulphides. 2. Action on oxygen. The elements composing hydrosulphuric acid have each a strong affinity for oxygen, and are not held together very firmly. Consequently the gas burns readily in oxygen or the air, according to the equation H2S + 3O = H2O + SO2. When there is not enough oxygen for both the sulphur and the hydrogen, the latter element combines with the oxygen and the sulphur is set free: H2S + O = H2O + S. 3. Reducing action. Owing to the ease with which hydrosulphuric acid decomposes and the strong affinity of both sulphur and hydrogen for oxygen, the substance is a strong reducing agent, taking oxygen away from many substances which contain it. 4. Action on metals. Hydrosulphuric acid acts towards metals in a way very similar to water. Thus, when it is passed over heated iron in a tube, the reaction is represented by the equation 3Fe + 4H2S = Fe3S4 + 8H. Water in the form of steam, under similar circumstances, acts according to the equation 3Fe + 4H2O = Fe3O4 + 8H. Salts of hydrosulphuric acid,—sulphides. The salts of hydrosulphuric acid, called sulphides, form an important class of salts. Many of them are found abundantly in nature, and some of them are important ores. They will be frequently mentioned in connection with the metals. Most of the sulphides are insoluble in water, and some of them are insoluble in acids. Consequently, when hydrosulphuric acid is passed into a solution of a salt, it often happens that a sulphide is precipitated. With copper chloride the equation is CuCl2 + H2S = CuS + 2HCl. Because of the fact that some metals are precipitated in this way as sulphides while others are not, hydrosulphuric acid is extensively used in the separation of the metals in the laboratory. Explanation of the reaction. When hydrosulphuric acid and copper chloride are brought together in solution, both copper and sulphur ions are present, and these will come to an equilibrium, as represented in the equation Cu+ + S- <--> CuS. Since copper sulphide is almost insoluble in water, as soon as a very small quantity has formed the solution becomes supersaturated, and the excess keeps precipitating until nearly all the copper or sulphur ions have been removed from the solution. With some other ions, such as iron, the sulphide formed does not saturate the solution, and no precipitate results. OXIDES OF SULPHURSulphur forms two well-known compounds with oxygen: sulphur dioxide (SO2), sometimes called sulphurous anhydride; and sulphur trioxide (SO3), frequently called sulphuric anhydride. Sulphur dioxide (SO2). Sulphur dioxide occurs in nature in the gases issuing from volcanoes, and in solution in the water of many springs. It is likely to be found wherever sulphur compounds are undergoing oxidation. Preparation. Three general ways may be mentioned for the preparation of sulphur dioxide: 1. By the combustion of sulphur. Sulphur dioxide is readily formed by the combustion of sulphur in oxygen or the air: S + 2O = SO2. It is also formed when substances containing sulphur are burned: ZnS + 3O = ZnO + SO2. 2. By the reduction of sulphuric acid. When concentrated sulphuric acid is heated with certain metals, such as copper, part of the acid is changed into copper sulphate, and part is reduced to sulphurous acid. The latter then decomposes into sulphur dioxide and water, the complete equation being Cu + 2H2SO4 = CuSO4 + SO2 + 2H2O. 3. By the action of an acid on a sulphite. Sulphites are salts of sulphurous acid (H2SO3). When a sulphite is treated with an acid, sulphurous acid is set free, and being very unstable, decomposes into water and sulphur dioxide. These reactions are expressed in the equations Na2SO3 + 2HCl = 2NaCl + H2SO3, H2SO3 = H2O + SO2. Explanation of the reaction. In this case we have two reversible reactions depending on each other. In the first reaction, (1) Na2SO3 + 2HCl <--> 2NaCl + H2SO3, we should expect an equilibrium to result, for none of the four substances in the equation are insoluble or volatile when water is present to hold them in solution. But the quantity of the H2SO3 is constantly diminishing, owing to the fact that it decomposes, as represented in the equation (2) H2SO3 <--> H2O + SO2, and the sulphur dioxide, being a gas, escapes. No equilibrium can therefore result, since the quantity of the sulphurous acid is constantly being diminished because of the escape of sulphur dioxide. Physical properties. Sulphur dioxide is a colorless gas, which at ordinary temperatures is 2.2 times as heavy as air. It has a peculiar, irritating odor. The gas is very soluble in water, one volume of water dissolving eighty of the gas under standard conditions. It is easily condensed to a colorless liquid, and can be purchased in this condition stored in strong bottles, such as the one represented in Fig. 42. Fig. 42 Fig. 42 Chemical properties. Sulphur dioxide has a marked tendency to combine with other substances, and is therefore an Sulphurous acid (H2SO3). When sulphur dioxide dissolves in water it combines chemically with it to form sulphurous acid, an unstable substance having the formula H3SO3. It is impossible to prepare this acid in pure form, as it breaks down very easily into water and sulphur dioxide. The reaction is therefore reversible, and is expressed by the equation H2O + SO2 <--> H2SO3. Solutions of the acid in water have a number of interesting properties. 1. Acid properties. The solution has all the properties typical of an acid. When neutralized by bases, sulphurous acid yields a series of salts called sulphites. 2. Reducing properties. Solutions of sulphurous acid act as good reducing agents. This is due to the fact that sulphurous acid has the power of taking up oxygen from the air, or from substances rich in oxygen, and is changed by this reaction into sulphuric acid: H2SO3 + O = H2SO4, H2SO3 + H2O2 = H2S04 + H2O. 3. Bleaching properties. Sulphurous acid has strong bleaching properties, acting upon many colored substances in such a way as to destroy their color. It is on this account used to bleach paper, straw goods, and even such foods as canned corn. 4. Antiseptic properties. Sulphurous acid has marked antiseptic properties, and on this account has the power Salts of sulphurous acid,—sulphites. The sulphites, like sulphurous acid, have the power of taking up oxygen very readily, and are good reducing agents. On account of this tendency, commercial sulphites are often contaminated with sulphates. A great deal of sodium sulphite is used in the bleaching industry, and as a reagent for softening paper pulp. Sulphur trioxide (SO3). When sulphur dioxide and oxygen are heated together at a rather high temperature, a small amount of sulphur trioxide (SO3) is formed, but the reaction is slow and incomplete. If, however, the heating takes place in the presence of very fine platinum dust, the reaction is rapid and nearly complete. Fig. 43 Fig. 43 Experimental preparation of sulphur trioxide. The experiment can be performed by the use of the apparatus shown in Fig. 43, the fine platinum being secured by moistening asbestos fiber with a solution of platinum chloride and igniting it in a flame. The fiber, covered with fine platinum, is placed in a tube of hard glass, which is then heated with a burner to about 350°, while sulphur dioxide and air are passed into the tube. Union takes place at once, and the strongly fuming sulphur trioxide escapes from the jet at the end of the tube, and may be condensed by surrounding the receiving tube with a freezing mixture. Properties of sulphur trioxide. Sulphur trioxide is a colorless liquid, which solidifies at about 15° and boils at 46°. SO3 + H2O = H2SO4. Catalysis. It has been found that many chemical reactions, such as the union of sulphur dioxide with oxygen, are much influenced by the presence of substances which do not themselves seem to take a part in the reaction, and are left apparently unchanged after it has ceased. These reactions go on very slowly under ordinary circumstances, but are greatly hastened by the presence of the foreign substance. Substances which hasten very slow reactions in this way are said to act as catalytic agents or catalyzers, and the action is called catalysis. Just how the action is brought about is not well understood. DEFINITION: A catalyzer is a substance which changes the velocity of a reaction, but does not change its products. Examples of Catalysis. We have already had several instances of such action. Oxygen and hydrogen combine with each other at ordinary temperatures in the presence of platinum powder, while if no catalytic agent is present they do not combine in appreciable quantities until a rather high temperature is reached. Potassium chlorate, when heated with manganese dioxide, gives up its oxygen at a much lower temperature than when heated alone. Hydrogen dioxide decomposes very rapidly when powdered manganese dioxide is sifted into its concentrated solution. On the other hand, the catalytic agent sometimes retards chemical action. For example, a solution of hydrogen dioxide decomposes more slowly when it contains a little phosphoric acid than when perfectly pure. For this reason commercial hydrogen dioxide always contains phosphoric acid. Many reactions are brought about by the catalytic action of traces of water. For example, phosphorus will not burn in oxygen in the absence of all moisture. Hydrochloric acid will not unite with ammonia if the reagents are perfectly dry. It is probable that many of the chemical transformations in physiological processes, such as digestion, are assisted by certain substances acting as catalytic agents. The principle of catalysis is therefore very important. Sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol) (H2SO4). Sulphuric acid is one of the most important of all manufactured chemicals. Not only is it one of the most common reagents in the laboratory, but enormous quantities of it are used in many of the industries, especially in the refining of petroleum, the manufacture of nitroglycerin, sodium carbonate, and fertilizers. Manufacture of sulphuric acid. 1. Contact process. The reactions taking place in this process are represented by the following equations: SO2 + O = SO3, SO3 + H2O = H2SO4. To bring about the first of these reactions rapidly, a catalyzer is employed, and the process is carried out in the following way: Large iron tubes are packed with some porous material, such as calcium and magnesium sulphates, which contains a suitable catalytic substance scattered through it. The catalyzers most used are platinum powder, 2. Chamber process. The method of manufacture exclusively employed until recent years, and still in very extensive use, is much more complicated. The reactions are quite involved, but the conversion of water, sulphur dioxide, and oxygen into sulphuric acid is accomplished by the catalytic action of oxides of nitrogen. The reactions are brought about in large lead-lined chambers, into which oxides of nitrogen, sulphur dioxide, steam, and air are introduced in suitable proportions. Reactions of the chamber process. In a very general way, the various reactions which take place in the lead chambers may be expressed in two equations. In the first reaction sulphur dioxide, nitrogen peroxide, steam, and oxygen unite, as shown in the equation (1) 2SO2 + 2NO2 + H2O + O = 2SO2 (OH) (NO2). The product formed in this reaction is called nitrosulphuric acid or "chamber crystals." It actually separates on the walls of the chambers when the process is not working properly. Under normal conditions, it is decomposed as fast as it is formed by the action of excess of steam, as shown in the equation (2) 2SO2 (OH) (NO2) + H2O + O = 2H2SO4 + 2NO2. The nitrogen dioxide formed in this reaction can now enter into combination with a new quantity of sulphur dioxide, steam, and oxygen, and the series of reactions go on indefinitely. Many other reactions occur, but these two illustrate the principle of the process. The relation between sulphuric acid and nitrosulphuric acid can be seen by comparing their structural formulas:
The latter may be regarded as derived from the former by the substitution of the nitro group (NO2) for the hydroxyl group (OH). Fig. 44. Fig. 44. The sulphuric acid plant. Fig. 44 illustrates the simpler parts of a plant used in the manufacture of sulphuric acid by the chamber process. Sulphur or some sulphide, as FeS2, is burned in furnace A. The resulting sulphur dioxide, together with air and some nitrogen peroxide, are conducted into the large chambers, the capacity of each chamber being about 75,000 cu. ft. Steam is also admitted into these chambers at different points. These compounds react to form sulphuric acid, according to the equations given above. The nitrogen left after the withdrawal of the oxygen from the admitted air escapes through the Gay-Lussac tower X. In order to prevent the escape of the oxides of nitrogen regenerated in the reaction, the tower is filled with lumps of coke, over which trickles concentrated sulphuric acid admitted from Y. The nitrogen peroxide dissolves in the acid and the resulting solution collects in H. This is pumped into E, where it is mixed with dilute acid and allowed to trickle down through the chamber D (Glover tower), which is filled with some acid-resisting rock. Here the nitrogen peroxide is expelled from the solution by the action of the hot gases entering from A, and together with them enters the first chamber again. The acid from which the nitrogen peroxide is expelled collects in F. Theoretically, a small amount of nitrogen peroxide would suffice to prepare an unlimited amount of sulphuric acid; practically, some of it escapes, and this is replaced by small amounts admitted at B. The sulphuric acid so formed, together with the excess of condensed steam, collect upon the floor of the chambers in the form of a liquid containing from 62% to 70% of sulphuric acid. The product is called chamber acid and is quite impure; but for many purposes, such as the manufacture of fertilizers, it needs no further treatment. It can be concentrated by boiling it in vessels made of iron or platinum, which resist the action of the acid, nearly all the water boiling off. Pure concentrated acid can be made best by the contact process, while the chamber process is cheaper for the dilute impure acid. Physical properties. Sulphuric acid is a colorless, oily liquid, nearly twice as heavy as water. The ordinary concentrated acid contains about 2% of water, has a density of 1.84, and boils at 338°. It is sometimes called oil of vitriol, since it was formerly made by distilling a substance called green vitriol. Chemical properties. Sulphuric acid possesses chemical properties which make it one of the most important of chemical substances. 1. Action as an acid. In dilute solution sulphuric acid acts as any other acid, forming salts with oxides and hydroxides. 2. Action as an oxidizing agent. Sulphuric acid contains a large percentage of oxygen and is, like nitric acid, a very good oxidizing agent. When the concentrated acid is heated with sulphur, carbon, and many other substances, oxidation takes place, the sulphuric acid decomposing according to the equation H2SO4 = H2SO3 + O. 3. Action on metals. In dilute solution sulphuric acid acts upon many metals, such as zinc, forming a sulphate and liberating hydrogen. When the concentrated acid is employed the hydrogen set free is oxidized by a new portion (1) Cu + H2SO4 = CuSO4 + 2H, (2) H2SO4 + 2H = H2SO3 + H2O, (3) H2SO3 = H2O + SO2. By combining these equations the following one is obtained: Cu + 2H2SO4 = CuSO4 + SO2 + 2H2O. 4. Action on salts. We have repeatedly seen that an acid of high boiling point heated with the salt of some acid of lower boiling point will drive out the low boiling acid. The boiling point of sulphuric acid (338°) is higher than that of almost any common acid; hence it is used largely in the preparation of other acids. 5. Action on water. Concentrated sulphuric acid has a very great affinity for water, and is therefore an effective dehydrating agent. Gases which have no chemical action upon sulphuric acid can be freed from water vapor by bubbling them through the strong acid. When the acid is diluted with water much heat is set free, and care must be taken to keep the liquid thoroughly stirred during the mixing, and to pour the acid into the water,—never the reverse. Not only can sulphuric acid absorb water, but it will often withdraw the elements hydrogen and oxygen from a compound containing them, decomposing the compound, and combining with the water so formed. For this reason most organic substances, such as sugar, wood, cotton, and woolen fiber, and even flesh, all of which contain much oxygen and hydrogen in addition to carbon, are charred or burned by the action of the concentrated acid. Salts of sulphuric acid,—sulphates. The sulphates form a very important class of salts, and many of them have commercial uses. Copperas (iron sulphate), blue vitriol (copper sulphate), and Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) serve as examples. Many sulphates are important minerals, prominent among these being gypsum (calcium sulphate) and barytes (barium sulphate). Thiosulphuric acid (H2S2O3); Thiosulphates. Many other acids of sulphur containing oxygen are known, but none of them are of great importance. Most of them cannot be prepared in a pure state, and are known only through their salts. The most important of these is thiosulphuric acid. When sodium sulphite is boiled with sulphur the two substances combine, forming a salt which has the composition represented in the formula Na2S2O3: Na2SO3 + S = Na2S2O3. The substance is called sodium thiosulphate, and is a salt of the easily decomposed acid H2S2O3, called thiosulphuric acid. This reaction is quite similar to the action of oxygen upon sulphites: Na2SO3 + O = Na2SO4. More commonly the salt is called sodium hyposulphite, or merely "hypo." It is a white solid and is extensively used in photography, in the bleaching industry, and as a disinfectant. Monobasic and dibasic acids. Such acids as hydrochloric and nitric acids, which have only one replaceable hydrogen atom in the molecule, or in other words yield one hydrogen ion in solution, are called monobasic acids. Acids yielding two hydrogen ions in solution are called dibasic acids. Similarly, we may have tribasic and tetrabasic acids. The three acids of sulphur are dibasic acids. It is therefore possible for each of them to form both normal and acid salts. The acid salts can be made in two ways: the acid may be treated with only half enough base to neutralize it,— NaOH + H2SO4 = NaHSO4 + H2O; or a normal salt may be treated with the free acid,— Na2SO4 + H2SO4 = 2NaHSO4. Acid sulphites and sulphides may be made in the same ways. Carbon disulphide (CS2). When sulphur vapor is passed over highly heated carbon the two elements combine, forming carbon disulphide (CS2), just as oxygen and carbon unite to form carbon dioxide (CO2). The substance is a heavy, colorless liquid, possessing, when pure, a pleasant ethereal odor. On standing for some time, especially when exposed to sunlight, it undergoes a slight decomposition and acquires a most disagreeable, rancid odor. It has the property of dissolving many substances, such as gums, resins, and waxes, which are insoluble in most liquids, and it is extensively used as a solvent for such substances. It is also used as an insecticide. It boils at a low temperature (46°), and its vapor is very inflammable, burning in the air to form carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide, according to the equation CS2 + 6O = CO2 + 2SO2. Fig. 45 Fig. 45 Commercial preparation of carbon disulphide. In the preparation of carbon disulphide an electrical furnace is employed, such as is represented in Fig. 45. The furnace is packed with carbon C, and this is fed in through the hoppers B, as fast as that which is present in the hearth of the furnace is used up. Sulphur is introduced at A, and at the lower ends of the tubes it is melted by the heat of the furnace and flows into the hearth as a liquid. An electrical current is passed through the carbon and melted sulphur from the electrodes E, heating the charge. The vapors of carbon disulphide pass up through the furnace and escape at D, from which they pass to a suitable condensing apparatus. Comparison of sulphur and oxygen. A comparison of the formulas and the chemical properties of corresponding compounds of oxygen and sulphur brings to light many striking similarities. The conduct of hydrosulphuric acid and water toward many substances has been seen to be very similar; the oxides and sulphides of the metals have analogous formulas and undergo many parallel reactions. Carbon dioxide and disulphide are prepared in similar ways and undergo many analogous reactions. It is clear, therefore, that these two elements are far more closely related to each other than to any of the other elements so far studied. Selenium and tellurium. These two very uncommon elements are still more closely related to sulphur than is oxygen. They occur in comparatively small quantities and are usually found associated with sulphur and sulphides, either as the free elements or more commonly in combination with metals. They form compounds with hydrogen of the formulas H2Se and H2Te; these bodies are gases with properties very similar to those of H2S. They also form oxides and oxygen acids which resemble the corresponding sulphur compounds. The elements even have allotropic forms corresponding very closely to those of sulphur. Tellurium is sometimes found in combination with gold and copper, and occasions some difficulties in the refining of these metals. The elements have very few practical applications. Crystallography. In order to understand the difference between the two kinds of sulphur crystals, it is necessary to know something about crystals in general and the forms which they may assume. An examination of a large number of crystals has shown that although they may differ much in geometric form, they can all be considered as modifications of a few simple plans. The best way to understand the relation of one crystal to another is to look upon every crystal as having its faces and angles arranged in definite fashion about The names and characteristics of these systems are as follows: 1. Isometric or regular system (Fig. 46). Three equal axes, all at right angles. 2. Tetragonal system (Fig. 47). Two equal axes and one of different length, all at right angles to each other. Fig. 47 Fig. 47 3. Orthorhombic system (Fig. 48). Three unequal axes, all at right angles to each other. Fig. 48 Fig. 48 4. Monoclinic system (Fig. 49). Two axes at right angles, and a third at right angles to one of these, but inclined to the other. Fig. 49 Fig. 49 5. Triclinic system (Fig. 50). Three axes, all inclined to each other. Fig. 50 Fig. 50 6. Hexagonal system (Fig. 51). Three equal axes in the same plane intersecting at angles of 60°, and a fourth at right angles to all of these. Fig. 51 Fig. 51 Every crystal can be imagined to have its faces and angles arranged in a definite way around one of these systems of axes. A cube, for instance, is referred to Plan 1, an axis ending in the center of each face; while in a regular octohedron an axis ends in each solid angle. These forms are shown in Fig. 46. It will be seen that both of these figures belong to the same system, though they are very different in appearance. In the same way, many geometric In general a given substance always crystallizes in the same system, and two corresponding faces of each crystal of it always make the same angle with each other. A few substances, of which sulphur is an example, crystallize in two different systems, and the crystals differ in such physical properties as melting point and density. Such substances are said to be dimorphous. EXERCISES1. (a) Would the same amount of heat be generated by the combustion of 1 g. of each of the allotropic modifications of sulphur? (b) Would the same amount of sulphur dioxide be formed in each case? 2. Is the equation for the preparation of hydrosulphuric acid a reversible one? As ordinarily carried out, does the reaction complete itself? 3. Suppose that hydrosulphuric acid were a liquid, would it be necessary to modify the method of preparation? 4. Can sulphuric acid be used to dry hydrosulphuric acid? Give reason for answer. 5. Does dry hydrosulphuric acid react with litmus paper? State reason for answer. 6. How many grams of iron sulphide are necessary to prepare 100 l. of hydrosulphuric acid when the laboratory conditions are 17° and 740 mm. pressure? 7. Suppose that the hydrogen in 1 l. of hydrosulphuric acid were liberated; what volume would it occupy, the gases being measured under the same conditions? 8. Write the equations representing the reaction between hydrosulphuric acid and sodium hydroxide and ammonium hydroxide respectively. 9. Show that the preparation of sulphur dioxide from a sulphite is similar in principle to the preparation of hydrogen sulphide. 10. (a) Does dry sulphur dioxide react with litmus paper? (b) How can it be shown that a solution of sulphur dioxide in water acts like an acid? 11. (a) Calculate the percentage composition of sulphurous anhydride and sulphuric anhydride. (b) Show how these two substances are in harmony with the law of multiple proportion. 12. How many pounds of sulphur would be necessary in the preparation of 100 lb. of 98% sulphuric acid? 13. What weight of sulphur dioxide is necessary in the preparation of 1 kg. of sodium sulphite? 14. What weight of copper sulphate crystals can be obtained by dissolving 1 kg. of copper in sulphuric acid and crystallizing the product from water? 15. Write the names and formulas of the oxides and oxygen acids of selenium and tellurium. 16. In the commercial preparation of carbon disulphide, what is the function of the electric current? 17. If the Gay-Lussac tower were omitted from the sulphuric acid factory, what effect would this have on the cost of production of sulphuric acid? |