Three fundamental laws of matter. Before we can gain any very definite idea in regard to the structure of matter, and the way in which different kinds of substances act chemically upon each other, it is necessary to have clearly in view three fundamental laws of matter. These laws have been established by experiment, and any conception which may be formed concerning matter must therefore be in harmony with them. The laws are as follows: Law of conservation of matter. This law has already been touched upon in the introductory chapter, and needs no further discussion. It will be recalled that it may be stated thus: Matter can neither be created nor destroyed, though it can be changed from one form into another. Law of definite composition. In the earlier days of chemistry there was much discussion as to whether the composition of a given compound is always precisely the same or whether it is subject to some variation. Two Frenchmen, Berthollet and Proust, were the leaders in this discussion, and a great deal of most useful experimenting was done to decide the question. Their experiments, as well as all succeeding ones, have shown that the composition of a pure chemical compound is always exactly the same. Water obtained by melting pure ice, condensing steam, burning hydrogen in oxygen, has always 11.18% hydrogen and 88.82% oxygen in it. Red oxide of mercury, from whatever source it is obtained, contains 92.6% Law of multiple proportion. It has already been noted, however, that hydrogen and oxygen combine in two different ratios to form water and hydrogen dioxide respectively. It will be observed that this fact does not contradict the law of definite composition, for entirely different substances are formed. These compounds differ from each other in composition, but the composition of each one is always constant. This ability of two elements to unite in more than one ratio is very frequently observed. Carbon and oxygen combine in two different ratios; nitrogen and oxygen combine to form as many as five distinct compounds, each with its own precise composition. In the first decade of the last century John Dalton, an English school-teacher and philosopher, endeavored to find some rule which holds between the ratios in which two given substances combine. His studies brought to light a very simple relation, which the following examples will make clear. In water the hydrogen and oxygen are combined in the ratio of 1 part by weight of hydrogen to 7.94 parts by weight of oxygen. In hydrogen dioxide the 1 part by weight of hydrogen is combined with 15.88 parts by weight of oxygen. The ratio between the amounts of oxygen which combine with the same amount of hydrogen to form water and hydrogen dioxide respectively is therefore 7.94: 15.88, or 1: 2. JOHN DALTON (English) (1766-1844) Developed the atomic theory; made many studies on the properties and the composition of gases. His book entitled "A New System of Chemical Philosophy" had a large influence on the development of chemistry JOHN DALTON (English) (1766-1844) Developed the atomic theory; made many studies on the properties and the composition of gases. His book entitled "A New System of Chemical Philosophy" had a large influence on the development of chemistry Similarly, the element iron combines with oxygen to form two oxides, one of which is black and the other red. By analysis it has been shown that the former contains 1 part by weight of iron combined with 0.286 parts by weight of oxygen, while the latter contains 1 part by weight of iron combined with 0.429 parts by weight of oxygen. Here again we find that the amounts of oxygen which combine with the same fixed amount of iron to form the two compounds are in the ratio of small whole numbers, viz., 2:3. Many other examples of this simple relation might be given, since it has been found to hold true in all cases where more than one compound is, formed from the same elements. Dalton's law of multiple proportion states these facts as follows: When any two elements, A and B, combine to form more than one compound, the amounts of B which unite with any fixed amount of A bear the ratio of small whole numbers to each other. Hypothesis necessary to explain the laws of matter. These three generalizations are called laws, because they express in concise language truths which are found by careful experiment to hold good in all cases. They do not offer any explanation of the facts, but merely state them. The human mind, however, does not rest content with the mere bare facts, but seeks ever to learn the explanation of the facts. A suggestion which is offered to explain such a set of facts is called an hypothesis. The suggestion which Dalton offered to explain the three laws of matter, called the atomic hypothesis, was prompted by his view of the constitution of matter, and it involves three distinct assumptions in regard to the nature of matter and chemical action. Dalton could not prove these assumptions to be true, but he saw that if they were true the laws of matter become very easy to understand. Dalton's atomic hypothesis. The three assumptions which Dalton made in regard to the nature of matter, and which together constitute the atomic hypothesis, are these: 1. All elements are made up of minute, independent particles which Dalton designated as atoms. 2. All atoms of the same element have equal masses; those of different elements have different masses; in any change to which an atom is subjected its mass does not change. 3. When two or more elements unite to form a compound, the action consists in the union of a definite small number of atoms of each element to form a small particle of the compound. The smallest particles of a given compound are therefore exactly alike in the number and kinds of atoms which they contain, and larger masses of the substances are simply aggregations of these least particles. Molecules and atoms. Dalton applied the name atom not only to the minute particles of the elements but also to the least particles of compounds. Later Avogadro, an Italian scientist, pointed out the fact that the two are different, since the smallest particle of an element is a unit, while that of a compound must have at least two units in it. He suggested the name molecule for the least particle of a compound which can exist, retaining the name atom for the smallest particle of an element. In accordance with this distinction, we may define the atom and the molecule as follows: An atom is the smallest particle of an element which can exist. A molecule is the smallest particle of a compound which can exist. It will be shown in a subsequent chapter that sometimes two or more atoms of the same element unite with each other to form molecules of the element. While the term atom, therefore, is applicable only to elements, the term molecule is applicable both to elements and compounds. The atomic hypothesis and the laws of matter. Supposing the atomic hypothesis to be true, let us now see if it is in harmony with the laws of matter. 1. The atomic hypothesis and the law of conservation of matter. It is evident that if the atoms never change their masses in any change which they undergo, the total quantity of matter can never change and the law of conservation of matter must follow. 2. The atomic hypothesis and the law of definite composition. According to the third supposition, when iron combines with sulphur the union is between definite numbers of the two kinds of atoms. In the simplest case one atom of the one element combines with one atom of the other. If the sulphur and the iron atoms never change their respective masses when they unite to form a molecule of iron sulphide, all iron sulphide molecules will have equal amounts of iron in them and also of sulphur. Consequently any mass made up of iron sulphide molecules will have the same fraction of iron by weight as do the individual iron sulphide molecules. Iron sulphide, from whatever source, will have the same composition, which is in accordance with the law of definite composition. 3. The atomic hypothesis and the law of multiple proportion. But this simplest case may not always be the only one. Under other conditions one atom of iron might combine with two of sulphur to form a molecule of a second compound. In such a case the one atom of iron would be in combination with twice the mass of sulphur that is in the first compound, since the sulphur atoms all have equal masses. What is true for one molecule will be true for any number of them; consequently when such quantities of these two compounds are selected as are found to contain The combination between the atoms may of course take place in other simple ratios. For example, two atoms of one element might combine with three or with five of the other. In all such cases it is clear that the law of multiple proportion must hold true. For on selecting such numbers of the two kinds of molecules as have the same number of the one kind of atoms, the numbers of the other kind of atoms will stand in some simple ratio to each other, and their weights will therefore stand in the same simple ratio. Testing the hypothesis. Efforts have been made to find compounds which do not conform to these laws, but all such attempts have resulted in failure. If such compounds should be found, the laws would be no longer true, and the hypothesis of Dalton would cease to possess value. When an hypothesis has been tested in every way in which experiment can test it, and is still found to be in harmony with the facts in the case, it is termed a theory. We now speak of the atomic theory rather than of the atomic hypothesis. Value of a theory. The value of a theory is twofold. It aids in the clear understanding of the laws of nature because it gives an intelligent idea as to why these laws should be in operation. A theory also leads to discoveries. It usually happens that in testing a theory much valuable work is done, and many new facts are discovered. Almost any theory in explaining given laws will involve a number of consequences apart from the laws it seeks to explain. Experiment will soon show whether these facts are as the theory predicts they will be. Thus Dalton's atomic theory predicted many properties of gases which experiment has since verified. Atomic weights. It would be of great advantage in the study of chemistry if we could determine the weights of the different kinds of atoms. It is evident that this cannot be done directly. They are so small that they cannot be seen even with a most powerful microscope. It is calculated that it would take 200,000,000 hydrogen atoms placed side by side to make a row one centimeter long. No balance can weigh such minute objects. It is possible, however, to determine their relative weights,—that is, how much heavier one is than another. These relative weights of the atoms are spoken of as the atomic weights of the elements. If elements were able to combine in only one way,—one atom of one with one atom of another,—the problem of determining the atomic weights would be very simple. We should merely have to take some one convenient element as a standard, and find by experiment how much of each other element would combine with a fixed weight of it. The ratios thus found would be the same ratios as those between the atoms of the elements, and thus we should have their relative atomic weights. The law of multiple proportion calls attention to the fact that the atoms combine in other ratios than 1: 1, and there is no direct way of telling which one, if any, of the several compounds in a given case is the one consisting of a single atom of each element. If some way were to be found of telling how much heavier the entire molecule of a compound is than the atom chosen as a standard,—that is, of determining the molecular weights of compounds,—the problem could be solved, though its solution would not be an entirely simple matter. There are ways of determining the molecular weights of Standard for atomic weights. Since the atomic weights are merely relative to some one element chosen as a standard, it is evident that any one of the elements may serve as this standard and that any convenient value may be assigned to its atom. At one time oxygen was taken as this standard, with the value 100, and the atomic weights of the other elements were expressed in terms of this standard. It would seem more rational to take the element of smallest atomic weight as the standard and give it unit value; accordingly hydrogen was taken as the standard with an atomic weight of 1. Very recently, however, this unit has been replaced by oxygen, with an atomic weight of 16. Why oxygen is chosen as the standard for atomic weights. In the determination of the atomic weight of an element it is necessary to find the weight of the element which combines with a definite weight of another element, preferably the element chosen as the standard. Since oxygen combines with the elements far more readily than does hydrogen to form definite compounds, it is far better adapted for the standard element, and has accordingly replaced hydrogen as the standard. Any definite value might be given to the weight of the oxygen atom. In assigning a value to it, however, it is convenient to choose a whole number, and as small a number as possible without making the atomic weight of any other element less than unity. For these reasons the number 16 has been chosen as the atomic The atomic weights of the elements are given in the Appendix. EXERCISES1. Two compounds were found to have the following compositions: (a) oxygen = 69.53%, nitrogen = 30.47%; (b) oxygen = 53.27%, nitrogen = 46.73%. Show that the law of multiple proportion holds in this case. 2. Two compounds were found to have the following compositions: (a) oxygen = 43.64%, phosphorus = 56.36%; (b) oxygen = 56.35%, phosphorus = 43.65%. Show that the law of multiple proportion holds in this case. 3. Why did Dalton assume that all the atoms of a given element have the same weight? |