
Books by Henderson

All In The Mind — Gene L. Henderson

An Elementary Study of Chemistry — William Edwards Henderson

Germany's Fighting Machine / Her Army, her Navy, her Air-ships and Why She Arrayed Them Against the Allied Powers of Europe — Ernest F. Henderson

Great-Heart: The Life Story of Theodore Roosevelt — Daniel Henderson

How Music Developed / A Critical and Explanatory Account of the Growth of Modern Music — W. J. Henderson

Mark Twain — Archibald Henderson

Modern Musical Drift — W. J. Henderson

Pirate Princes and Yankee Jacks / Setting forth David Forsyth's Adventures in America's Battles on Sea and Desert with the Buccaneer Princes of Barbary, with an Account of a Search under the Sands of the Sahara Desert for the Treasure-filled Tomb of Ancient Kings — Daniel Henderson

Practical Cooking and Dinner Giving / A Treatise Containing Practical Instructions in Cooking; in the Combination and Serving of Dishes; and in the Fashionable Modes of Entertaining at Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner — Mary F. Henderson

Richard Wagner His Life and His Dramas / A Biographical Study of the Man and an Explanation of His Work — W. J. Henderson

Six Years in the Prisons of England — of London Frank Henderson

Some Forerunners of Italian Opera — W. J. Henderson

Supply and Demand — Sir Hubert Douglas Henderson

The Barb and the Bridle / A Handbook of Equitation for Ladies, and Manual of Instruction in the Science of Riding, from the Preparatory Suppling Exercises — active 1866-1874 Robert Henderson

The Conquest of the Old Southwest; the romantic story of the early pioneers into Virginia, the Carolinas, Tennessee, and Kentucky, 1740-1790 — Archibald Henderson

The Life and Times of John Wilkins / Warden of Wadham College, Oxford; Master of Trinity College, Cambridge; and Bishop of Chester — P. A. Wright Henderson

The West Indies — John Henderson



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