Miscellaneous. NOTES ON BOOKS, ETC.


Now that the season is arriving for the sportsman, angler, yachtsman, and lover of nature to visit the wild and solitary beauties of Gamle Norge, nothing could be better timed than the pleasant gossiping Month in Norway, by J.G. Holloway, which forms this month's issue of Murray's Railway Library; or the splendidly illustrated Norway and its Scenery, comprising the Journal of a Tour by Edward Price, Esq., and a Road Book for Tourists, with Hints to Anglers and Sportsmen, edited by T. Forster, Esq., which forms the new number of Bohn's Illustrated Library, and which is embellished with a series of admirable views by Mr. Price, from plates formerly published at a very costly price, but which, in this new form, are now to be procured for a few shillings.

As the Americans have been among the most successful photographic manipulators, we have looked with considerable interest at a work devoted to the subject which has just been imported from that country, The History and Practice of the Art of Photography, &c., by Henry H. Snelling, Fourth Edition; and though we are bound to admit that it contains many hints and notes which may render it a useful addition to the library of the photographer, we still must pronounce it as a work put together in a loose, unsatisfactory manner, and as being for the most part a compilation from the best writers in the Old World.

When Dr. Pauli's Life of Alfred made its appearance it received, as it deserved, our hearty commendation. We have now to welcome a translation of it, which has just been published in Bohn's Antiquarian Library,—The Life of Alfred the Great, translated from the German of Dr. Pauli; to which is appended Alfred's Anglo-Saxon Version of Orosius, with a literal English Translation, and an Anglo-Saxon Alphabet and Glossary by Benjamin Thorpe; and it speaks favourably for the spread of the love of real learning, that it should answer the publisher's purpose to put forth such a valuable book in so cheap and popular a form. Mr. Thorpe's scholarship is too well known to require recognition at our hands.

Books Received.—Remains of Pagan Saxondom, principally from Tumuli in England, by J.Y. Akerman. The present number contains coloured engravings of the Umbo of Shield and Weapons found at Driffield, and of a Bronze Patera from a Cemetery at Wingham, Kent.—Gervinus' Introduction to the History of the Nineteenth Century. Apparently a carefully executed translation of Dr. Gervinus' now celebrated brochure issued by Mr. Bohn; who has, in his Standard Library, given us a new edition of De Lolme on the Constitution, with notes by J. Macgregor, M.P.; and in his Classical Library a translation by C.D. Yonge of Diogenes Laertius' Lives and Opinions of the Ancient Philosophers.


Walker's Latin Particles.

Herbert's Carolina Threnodia. 8vo. 1702.

Theobald's Shakspeare Restored. 4to. 1726.

Scott, Remarks on the best Writings of the best Authors (or some such title).

Sermons by the Rev. Robert Wake, M.A. 1704, 1712, &c.

History of Ancient Wilts, by Sir R.C. Hoare. The last three Parts.

Rev. A. Dyce's Edition of Dr. Richard Bentley's Works. Vol. III. Published by Francis Macpherson, Middle Row, Holborn. 1836.

Dissertation on Isaiah XVIII., in a Letter to Edward King, Esq., by Samuel Lord Bishop of Rochester (Horsley). The Quarto Edition, printed for Robson. 1779.

Ben Jonson's Works. 9 Vols. 8vo. Vols. II., III., IV. Bds.

Sir Walter Scott's Novels. 41 Vols. 8vo. The last nine Vols. Boards.

* * * Correspondents sending Lists of Books Wanted are requested to send their names.

* * * Letters, stating particulars and lowest price, carriage free, to be sent to Mr. Bell, Publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street.

Notices to Correspondents.

We are compelled to postpone until next week many interesting articles which are in type, and many Replies to Correspondents.

Mr. Riley's Reply to the Rev. Mr. Graves' notice of Hoveden did not reach us in time for insertion this week.

I.A.N. (93rd Highlanders.) Several correspondents, as well as yourself, complain of the difficulty of obtaining amber varnish. There are several Eastern gums which much resemble amber, as also a substance known as "Highgate resin." Genuine amber, when rubbed together, emits a very fragrant odour similar to a fresh lemon, and does not abrade the surface. The fictitious amber, on the contrary, breaks or becomes rough, and has a resinous turpentine-like smell. Genuine amber is to be obtained generally of the tobacconists, who have often broken mouth-pieces by them: old necklaces, now out of use, are sold at a very moderate price by the jewellers. The amber of commerce, used in varnish-making, contains so much impurity that the waste of chloroform renders it very undesirable to use. The amber should be pounded in a mortar, and, to an ounce by measure of chloroform, add a drachm and a half of amber (only about one-fourth of it will be dissolved), and this requires two days' maceration. It should be filtered through fine blotting-paper. Being so very fluid, it runs most freely over the collodion, and, when well prepared and applied, renders the surface so hard, and so much like the glass, that it is difficult to know on which side of the glass the positive really is. The varnish is to be obtained properly made at from 2s. to 2s. 6d. per ounce; and although this appears dear, it is not so in use, so very small a portion being requisite to effectually cover a picture; and the effects exceed every other application with which we are acquainted,—to say nothing of its instantaneously becoming hard, in itself a most desirable requisite.

—— (Islington). Your note has been mislaid, but in all probability the spots in your collodion would be removed by dipping into the bottle a small piece of iodide of potassium. Collodion made exactly as described by Dr. Diamond in "N. & Q.," entirely answers our expectations, and we prefer it, for our own use, to any we have ever been able to procure.

J.M.S. (Manchester) shall receive a private communication upon his Photographic troubles. We must, however, refer him to our advertising columns for pure chemicals. Ether ought not to exceed 5s. 6d. the pint of twenty ounces.

A few complete sets of "Notes and Queries," Vols. i. to vi., price Three Guineas, may now be had; for which early application is desirable.

"Notes and Queries" is published at noon on Friday, so that the Country Booksellers may receive Copies in that night's parcels, and deliver them to their Subscribers on the Saturday.

This day is published,

PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS of the Catalogue of Manuscripts in Gonville and Caius College Library. Selected by the REV. J.J. SMITH. Being Facsimiles of Illumination, Text, and Autograph, done in Lithograph, 4to. size, with Letter-press Description in 8vo., as Companion to the published Catalogue, price 1l. 4s.

A few copies may be had of which the colouring of the Plates is more highly finished. Price 1l. 10s.




HEAL & SON beg to call the Attention of Gentlemen requiring Outfits to their large stock of Portable Bedsteads, Bedding, and Furniture, including Drawers, Washstands, Chairs, Glasses, and every requisite for Home and Foreign Service.

HEAL & SON, Bedstead and Bedding Manufacturers, 196. Tottenham Court Road.

TO PARENTS, GUARDIANS, RESIDENTS IN INDIA, &c.—A Lady residing within an hour's drive westward of Hyde Park, and in a most healthy and cheerful situation, is desirous of taking the entire charge of a little girl, to share with her only child (about a year and a half old) her maternal care and affection, together with the strictest attention to mental training. Terms, including every possible expense except medical attendance, 100l. per annum. If required, the most unexceptionable references can be furnished.

Address to T.B.S., care of MR. BELL, Publisher, 186, Fleet Street.


The SCHOOL is NOW OPEN for instruction in all branches of Photography, to Ladies and Gentlemen, on alternate days, from Eleven till Four o'clock, under the joint direction of T.A. MALONE, Esq., who has long been connected with Photography, and J.H. PEPPER, Esq., the Chemist to the Institution.

A Prospectus, with terms, may be had at the Institution.

PHOTOGRAPHY.—HORNE & CO.'S Iodized Collodion, for obtaining Instantaneous Views, and Portraits in from three to thirty seconds, according to light.

Portraits obtained by the above, for the delicacy of detail rival the choicest Daguerreotypes, specimens of which may be seen at their Establishment.

Also every description of Apparatus, Chemicals, &c. &c. used in this beautiful Art.—123. and 121. Newgate Street.

PHOTOGRAPHY.—Collodion (Iodized with the Ammonio-Iodide of Silver).—J.B. HOCKIN & CO., Chemists, 289. Strand, were the first in England who published the application of this agent (see AthenÆum, Aug. 14th). Their Collodion (price 9d. per oz.) retains its extraordinary sensitiveness, tenacity, and colour unimpaired for months: it may be exported to any climate, and the Iodizing Compound mixed as required. J.B. HOCKIN & CO. manufacture PURE CHEMICALS and all APPARATUS with the latest Improvements adapted for all the Photographic and Daguerreotype processes. Cameras for Developing in the open Country. GLASS BATHS adapted to any Camera. Lenses from the best Makers. Waxed and Iodized Papers, &c.

Just published, price 1s., free by Post 1s. 4d.,


Sole Agents in the United Kingdom for VOIGHTLANDER & SON'S celebrated Lenses for Portraits and Views.

General DepÔt for Turner's, Whatman's, Canson FrÈres', La Croix, and other Talbotype Papers.

Pure Photographic Chemicals.

Instructions and Specimens in every Branch of the Art.

GEORGE KNIGHT & SONS, Foster Lane, London.

PHOTOGRAPHIC PAPER.—Negative and Positive Papers of Whatman's, Turner's, Sanford's, and Canson FrÈres' make, Waxed-Paper for Le Gray's Process. Iodized and Sensitive Paper for every kind of Photography.

Sold by JOHN SANFORD, Photographic Stationer, Aldine Chambers, 13. Paternoster Row, London.

PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES.—A Selection of the above beautiful Productions (comprising Views in VENICE, PARIS, RUSSIA, NUBIA, &c.) may be seen at BLAND & LONG'S, 153. Fleet Street, where may also be procured Apparatus of every Description, and pure Chemicals for the practice of Photography in all its Branches.

Calotype, Daguerreotype, and Glass Pictures for the Stereoscope.

BLAND & LONG, Opticians, Philosophical and Photographical Instrument Makers, and Operative Chemists, 153. Fleet Street.


Established 1824.

FIVE BONUSES have been declared: at the last in January, 1852, the sum of 131,125l. was added to the Policies, producing a Bonus varying with the different ages from 24½ to 55 per cent. on the Premiums paid during the five years, or from 5l. to 12l. 10s. per cent. on the Sum Assured.

The small share of Profit divisible in future among the Shareholders being now provided for, the ASSURED will hereafter derive all the benefits obtainable from a Mutual Office, WITHOUT ANY LIABILITY OR RISK OF PARTNERSHIP.

POLICIES effected before the 30th June next, will be entitled, at the next Division, to one year's additional share of Profits over later Assurers.

On Assurances for the whole of Life only one half of the Premiums need be paid for the first five years.

INVALID LIVES may be Assured at rates proportioned to the risk.

Claims paid thirty days after proof of death, and all Policies are Indisputable except in cases of fraud.

Tables of Rates and forms of Proposal can be obtained of any of the Society's Agents, or of

GEORGE H. PINCKARD, Resident Secretary.

99. Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, London.

CITY OF LONDON LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, 2. Royal Exchange Buildings, London.

Subscribed Capital, a Quarter of a Million.


Mr. Commissioner West, Leeds.

The Hon. W.F. Campbell, Stratheden House.

John Thomas, Esq., Bishop's Stortford.

This Society embraces every advantage of existing Life Offices, viz. the Mutual System without its risks of liabilities: the Proprietary, with its security, simplicity, and economy: the Accumulative System, introduced by this Society, uniting life with the convenience of a deposit bank: Self-Protecting Policies, also introduced by this Society, embracing by one policy and one rate of premium a Life Assurance, an Endowment, and a Deferred Annuity. No forfeiture. Loans with commensurate Assurances. Bonus recently declared, 20 per Cent.

EDW. FRED. LEEKS, Secretary.

SPECTACLES.—WM. ACKLAND applies his medical knowledge as a Licentiate of the Apothecaries' Company, London, his theory as a Mathematician, and his practice as a Working Optician, aided by Smee's Optometer, in the selection of Spectacles suitable to every derangement of vision, so as to preserve the sight to extreme old age.

ACHROMATIC TELESCOPES, with the New Vetzlar Eye-pieces, as exhibited at the Academy of Sciences in Paris. The Lenses of these Eye-pieces are so constructed that the rays of light fall nearly perpendicular to the surface of the various lenses, by which the aberration is completely removed; and a telescope so fitted gives one-third more magnifying power and light than could be obtained by the old Eye-pieces. Prices of the various sizes on application to

WM. ACKLAND, Optician, 93. Hatton Garden, London.

BENNETT'S MODEL WATCH, as shown at the GREAT EXHIBITION, No. 1. Class X., in Gold and Silver Cases, in five qualities, and adapted to all Climates, may now be had at the MANUFACTORY, 65. CHEAPSIDE. Superior Gold London-made Patent Levers, 17, 15, and 12 guineas. Ditto, in Silver Cases, 8, 6, and 4 guineas. First-rate Geneva Levers, in Gold Cases, 12, 10, and 8 guineas. Ditto, in Silver Cases, 8, 6, and 5 guineas. Superior Lever, with Chronometer Balance, Gold, 27, 23, and 19 guineas. Bennett's Pocket Chronometer, Gold, 50 Guineas; Silver, 40 guineas. Every Watch skilfully examined, timed, and its performance guaranteed. Barometers, 2l., 3l., and 4l. Thermometers from 1s. each.

BENNETT, Watch, Clock, and Instrument Maker to the Royal Observatory, the Board of Ordnance, the Admiralty, and the Queen.




Founded A.D. 1842.


H.E. Bicknell, Esq.

W. Cabell, Esq.

T.S. Cocks, Jun. Esq., M.P.

G.H. Drew, Esq.

W. Evans, Esq.

W. Freeman, Esq.

F. Fuller, Esq.

J.H. Goodhart, Esq.

T. Grissell, Esq.

J. Hunt, Esq.

J.A. Lethbridge, Esq.

E. Lucas, Esq.

J. Lys Seager, Esq.

J.B. White, Esq.

J. Carter Wood, Esq.


W. Whateley, Esq., Q.C.; L.C. Humfrey, Esq., Q.C.; George Drew, Esq.

Physician.—William Rich. Basham, M.D.

Bankers.—Messrs. Cocks, Biddulph, and Co., Charing Cross.


POLICES effected in this Office do not become void through temporary difficulty in paying a Premium, as permission is given upon application to suspend the payment at interest, according to the conditions detailed in the Prospectus.

Specimens of Rates of Premium for Assuring 100l., with a Share in three-fourths of the Profits:—






























Now ready, price 10s. 6d., Second Edition, with material additions. INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT and EMIGRATION: being a TREATISE ON BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETIES, and on the General Principles of Land Investment, exemplified in the Cases of Freehold Land Societies, Building Companies, &c. With a Mathematical Appendix on Compound Interest and Life Assurance. By ARTHUR SCRATCHLEY, M.A., Actuary to the Western Life Assurance Society, 3. Parliament Street, London.


DR. LOVELL'S SCHOLASTIC ESTABLISHMENT (exclusively for the Sons of Gentlemen) was founded at Mannheim in 1836, under the Patronage of H.R.H. the GRANDE DUCHESSE STEPHANIE of Baden, and removed to Winslow in 1848. The Course of Tuition includes the French and German Languages, and all other Studies which are Preparatory to the Universities, the Military Colleges, and the Army Examination. The number of Pupils is limited to Thirty. The Principal is always in the Schoolroom, and superintends the Classes. There are also French, German, and English resident Masters. Prospectus and References can be had on application to the Principal.



(The Horticultural Part edited by PROF. LINDLEY)

Of Saturday, May 28, contains Articles on

Agriculture, history of

Agricultural machinery, by Mr. Mechi

—— statistics, by Mr. Watson

Birds, names of, by Mr. Holt

Bottles, preserve, by Mr. Cuthill

Calendar, horticultural

——, agricultural

Chemical work nuisance

Dahlia, the, by Mr. McDonald

Draining swamps, by Mr. Dumolo

Drill seeding, advantages of

Dropmore Gardens

Exhibition of 1851, estate purchased by commissioners of (with engraving)

Frost, plants injured by, by Mr. Whiting

Gardening, kitchen

Grapes, colouring of

Heating, gas, (with engraving)

Land, transfer of

Law relating to land

—— of leases, by Dr. Mackenzie

—— of fixtures, French

Manchester and Liverpool Agricultural Society's Journal, rev.

Machinery, agricultural, by Mr. Mechi

Mangold wurzel, by Mr. Watson

Musa Cavendishi

Pipes, to coat, by Dr. Angus Smith

Potatoes, curl in

Potato disease

Preserves, bottles for, by Mr. Cuthill

Rhubarb wine, by Mr. Cuthill

Root, crops on clay, by Mr. Wortley

Royal Botanic Society, report of exhibition

Seeding, advantages of drill

Siphocampylus betulifolius

Societies, proceedings of the Horticultural, Linnean, National Floricultural, Agricultural of England

Sparkenhoe Farmers' Club

Statistics, agricultural, by Mr. Watson

Swamps, to drain, by Mr. Dumolo

Tulips, Groom's

Vegetables, culture of

Water-pipe coating, by Dr. Angus Smith

Winter, effects of, by Mr. Whiting

Woods, management of

THE GARDENERS' CHRONICLE and AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE contains, in addition to the above, the Covent Garden, Mark Lane, Smithfield, and Liverpool prices, with returns from the Potato, Hop, Hay, Coal, Timber, Bark, Wool, and Seed Markets, and a complete Newspaper, with a condensed account of all the transactions of the week.

ORDER of any Newsvender. OFFICE for Advertisements, 5. Upper Wellington Street, Covent Garden, London.

This day is published, Part III. of

LILLY'S CATALOGUE, containing a most extraordinary COLLECTION of RARE and CURIOUS BLACK-LETTER ENGLISH BOOKS, printed in the Fifteenth Century, particularly rich in Theology and Works relating to Controversial Theology, and Historical Books, relating to the Reign of Queen Elizabeth and James I. on the Jesuits, Seminary Priests, Roman Catholics, Mary Queen of Scots, Martin Mar-Prelate Tracts, &c. &c., during this eventful period. Also, a COLLECTION of HISTORICAL and ANTIQUARIAN BOOKS, in ENGLISH TOPOGRAPHY, HERALDRY, HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, &c. &c., in very fine state, in fine old Russia and calf gilt bindings; besides a Selection of Rare and Curious Books in English and Miscellaneous Literature, on sale, at the very moderate prices affixed, by J. LILLY, 19. King Street, Covent Garden, London.

The Catalogue will be forwarded to any Gentleman on the receipt of two postage stamps; or the whole of Lilly's Catalogues for 1853 on the receipt of twelve postage stamps.

*** J. LILLY would most respectfully beg the attention of Collectors and Literary Gentlemen to the above Catalogue.


BRITANNIC RESEARCHES; or, New Facts and Rectifications of Ancient British History. By the REV. BEALE POSTE, M.A. 8vo., pp. 448, with Engravings, 15s. cloth.

A GLOSSARY OF PROVINCIALISMS in Use in the County of SUSSEX. By W. DURRANT COPPER, F.A.S. 12mo., 3s. 6d. cloth.

A FEW NOTES on SHAKSPEARE; with occasional Remarks on the Emendations of the Manuscript-Corrector in Mr. Collier's Copy of the Folio, 1632. By the REV. ALEXANDER DYCE. 8vo., 5s. cloth.

WILTSHIRE TALES, illustrative of the Dialect and Manners of the Rustic Population of that County. By JOHN YONGE AKERMAN, Esq. 12mo., 2s. 6d. cloth.

REMAINS of PAGAN SAXONDOM, principally from Tumuli in England, described and illustrated. By J.Y. AKERMAN, Secretary of the Society of Antiquaries. Parts I. to V., 4to., 2s. 6d. each.

*** The Plates are admirably executed by Mr. Basire, and coloured under the direction of the Author. It is a work well worthy the notice of the ArchÆologist.

THE RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW; consisting of Criticisms upon, Analyses of, and Extracts from Curious, Useful, and Valuable Old Books. 8vo. Nos. 1, 2, and 3, 2s. 6d. each. (No. 4., August 1.)

J. RUSSELL SMITH, 36. Soho Square.

Established 1839, for the Relief of its distressed Members.

Patroness: Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen. Vice-Patronesses: Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge.

On FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 10, 1853, at the HANOVER SQUARE ROOMS, will be performed, for the Benefit of this Institution, A GRAND CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music.

Vocal Performers—Miss Birch, Miss Dolby, Miss Pyne, Miss Helen Taylor, Mrs. Noble, and Miss Louisa Pyne. Madame F. Lablache and Madame Clara Novello. Signor Gardoni, Mr. Benson, and Signor F. Lablache. Herr Pischek and Herr Staudigl.

In the Course of the Concert, Madlle. Clauss will play one of her celebrated Pianoforte Pieces. The Members of the Harp Union, Mr. T.H. Wright, Herr OberthÜr, and Mr. H.J. Trust, will perform the GRAND NATIONAL FANTASIA for THREE HARPS, composed by OberthÜr, as lately played at Buckingham Palace, by command of Her Majesty.

THE BAND will be complete in every Department.—Leader, Mr. H. Blagrove. Conductor, Mr. W. Sterndale Bennett.

The Doors will open at Seven o'Clock, and the Concert will commence at Eight precisely.

Tickets, Half-a-Guinea each. Reserved Seats, One Guinea each. An Honorary Subscriber of One Guinea annually, or of Ten Guineas at One Payment (which shall be considered a Life Subscription), will be entitled to Two Tickets of Admission, or One for a Reserved Seat, to every Benefit Concert given by the Society. Donations and Subscriptions will be thankfully received, and Tickets delivered, by the Secretary,

MR. J.W. HOLLAND, 13. Macclesfield St., Soho; and at all the Principal Music-sellers.

THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE for JUNE contains the following articles:—1. The Daughters of Charles I. 2. The Exiled Royal Family of England at Rome in 1736. 3. The Philopseudes of Lucian. 4. History of the Lead Hills and Gold Regions of Scotland. 5. Survey of Hedingham Castle in 1592 (with two Plates). 6. Layard's Discoveries in Nineveh and Babylon (with Engravings). 7. Californian and Australian Gold. 8. Correspondence of Sylvanus Urban: Establishment of the Cloth Manufacture in England by Edward III.—St. James's Park.—The Meaning of "Romeland."—The Queen's and Prince's Wardrobes in London.—The Culture of Beet-root.—With Notes of the Month, Reviews of New Publications, Historical Chronicle, and Obituary, including Memoirs of Rear-Adm. Sir T. Fellowes, General Sir T.G. Montresor, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Walter Gilbert, the Dean of Peterborough, Professor Scholefield, James Roche, Esq., George Palmer, Esq., Andrew Lawson, Esq., W.F. Lloyd, Esq., &c. &c. Price 2s. 6d.

NICHOLS & SONS, 25. Parliament Street.




1. Public Picture Galleries.

2. Poems by Alexander Smith.

3. The Pawnbroker's Window.

4. Notes and Emendations of Shakspeare.

5. The PrÆraphaelites.

6. Social Life in Paris—continued.

7. The Rappists.

8. Colchester Castle.

9. Cabs and Cabmen.

10. The Lay of the Hero.

Price One Shilling.


The Twenty-eighth Edition.

NEUROTONICS, or the Art of Strengthening the Nerves, containing Remarks on the influence of the Nerves upon the Health of Body and Mind, and the means of Cure for Nervousness, Debility, Melancholy, and all Chronic Diseases, by DR. NAPIER, M.D. London: HOULSTON & STONEMAN. Price 4d., or Post Free from the Author for Five Penny Stamps.

"We can conscientiously recommend 'Neurotonics,' by Dr. Napier, to the careful perusal of our invalid readers."—John Bull Newspaper, June 5, 1852.



RESPECTFULLY informs the Clergy, Architects, and Churchwardens, that he replies immediately to all applications by letter, for information respecting his Manufactures in CHURCH FURNITURE, ROBES, COMMUNION LINEN, &c., &c., supplying full information as to Prices, together with Sketches, Estimates, Patterns of Materials, &c., &c.

Having declined appointing Agents, MR. FRENCH invites direct communications by Post, as the most economical and satisfactory arrangement. PARCELS delivered Free by Railway.

RECORD AND LITERARY AGENCY.—The advertiser, who has had considerable experience in topography and genealogy, begs to offer his services to those gentlemen wishing to collect information from the Public Record Offices, in any branch of literature, history, genealogy, or the like, but who, from an imperfect acquaintance with the documents preserved in those depositories, are unable to prosecute their inquiries with satisfaction. Address by letter, prepaid, to W.H. HART, New Cross, Hatcham, Surrey.

Printed by Thomas Clark Shaw, of No. 10. Stonefield Street, in the Parish of St. Mary, Islington, at No. 5. New Street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride, in the City of London; and published by George Bell, of No. 186. Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West, in the City of London, Publisher, at No. 186. Fleet Street aforesaid.—Saturday, June 4, 1853.



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