Adam Brothers, 127, 153
Addison, Joseph, 60, 121, 156
Adelphi Terrace, 125, 126
Adelphi, The, 127, 153
Adelphi Theatre, 125
"Albany, The," 155
Albemarle Street, 153
Aldermanbury, 19
Aldersgate, 40
Aldgate, 40, 64
Aldgate Pump, 64
All Hallows, Barking, 73
All Hallows, Lombard Street, 61
All Hallows on the Wall, 47
All Hallows, Staining, 62
Almack's Club, 159
"Alsatia," 88
"American Notes," 147
Angelica, in "Love for Love," 104
Apsley House, 142
Arne, T.A., 124
Arundel House, 113
Arundel Street, 113
Askew, Anne, 16
Austin Friars, 51
Baker Street, 145
Bank of England, 21, 52
Barbican, 41
Barham, R.H., 54
"Barnaby Rudge," 28, 146, 176
Barnard's Inn, 106
Bartholomew Fair, 32, 35
"Bastard, The," 107
Bath, Roman, 115
"Battle of Life," 147
"Bayard's Castle," 80
Beaumont, Francis, 20
Becky Sharp, in "Vanity Fair," 149
Bedford's Coffee House, 123
"Beer Street," 173
"Beggar's Opera," 93, 104
Bell Tavern, 25
Berkeley Square, 151
Berkeley Street, 153
Berners Street Hoax, 170
Berry, Agnes, 149
Berry, Mary, 149
Betsy Trotwood in "David Copperfield," 127
Bevis Marks, 49
Billingsgate, 75
Birch, Dr. Thomas, 61
Birdcage Walk, 140
Bishop's Court, 101
Bishopsgate, 40, 47
Bishopsgate Street Within, 50
Blackfriars, 81
Blackfriars Theatre, 82
Blackstone, Sir William, 99
Blake, William, 170
Blandford Street, 147
"Bleak House," 101, 102, 107
Bleeding Heart Yard, 109
Blessington, Lady, 150
Bloomsbury, 173
Bloomsbury Square, 175
Boar's Head, 76
Boleyn, Anne, 72, 83
Bolt Court, 90
Bolton Street, 152
Bone, Henry, 171
Bonehill Fields, 44
Boswell, James, 105, 166
Bourchier, Elizabeth, 42
Bow Church, 13
Bow Street, 119
Bracegirdle, Mrs., 104, 132
Brand, John, 75
Bread Street, 53
"Brick Lane Branch of the United Grand Junction Ebenezer Temperance Association," 68
Bridewell Palace, 83
Bridewell Prison, 82
Broad Sanctuary, 137
BrontË, Charlotte, 25
Brook Street, 169
Brooke Street, 108
Brothers Club, 157
Browning, Mrs., 169
Buckingham House, 141
Buckingham Palace, 141
Buckingham Street, 127
Bucklersbury, 11
Bunhill Fields, 43
Bunhill Row, 44
Bunyan, John, 44
Burbage, James, 82
Burke, Edmund, 165
Burleigh, Lord, 118
Burne-Jones, 176
Bury Street, 158
Butler, Samuel, 124
Button, Daniel, 121, 122, 124
Button's Coffee House, 121
Byron, Lord, 143, 146, 155, 156, 169
Cab stand, The First, 114
Cade, Jack, 11, 56, 79
Camomile Street, 50
Cannon Street, 55
Canute, 49
Carey, Henry, 121
Carlton House, 134, 161
Carter, Elizabeth, 151
Catherine Street, 159
Cave, the publisher, 36
Cawarden, Sir Thomas, 81
Caxton, William, 136
Chancery, Inns of, 97
Chandos Street, 126
Change Alley, 59
Chapter Coffee House, 25
Charing Cross, 128, 129
Charing Cross Railway Station, 128, 130
Charles Street, 151
Charterhouse, 35
Chatterton, Thomas, 108
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 64, 74
Cheapside, 12, 21
"Chepe," 12
Cherringe, 129
Cheshire Cheese, 89
Chesterfield, Lord, 150, 156, 160
Chesterfield House, 150
Chesterfield Letters, 150
Child's Bank, 92
"Chimes, The," 104
Chippendale, Thomas, 164
"Christmas Carol," 132, 147
Church Street, 69, 139
Clarges Street, 151
"Clarissa Harlowe," 88
Clifford's Inn, 101
Clive, Lord, 151
Cloth Fair, 34, 35
Cobham, Eleanor, 87
Cock Lane Ghost, 31, 37
Cock Tavern, 91
Colechurch, Peter of, 78
Colman, George, the Elder, 166
Column, York, 161
Conduit, The Great, 11
"Confessions of an English Opium Eater," 118
Congreve, William, 103, 114, 120
Constitution Hill, 142
"Coral Reefs," 174
Cotton, Charles, 156
"Country Girl, The," 124
Covent Garden, 122
Coverdale, Miles, 77
Cowper, William, 98
Crabbe, George, 158
Crane Court, 90
Cranmer, Archbishop, 72
Craven Street, 131
"Cricket on the Hearth," 147
Cripplegate, 40, 41, 42
Cromwell, Oliver, 42, 116, 138
Crook, of "Bleak House," 102
Crooked Lane, 164
Crosby Hall, 50
Cross, Eleanor's, 21, 22, 130
Cross, St. Paul's, 23
"Cry of the Children," 169
"Curiosities of Literature," 175
Curtain Theatre, 45
Curzon Street, 149
Curzon Street Chapel, 149
Czar's Head, 74
Daniel Doyce in "Little Dorrit," 109
Darwin, Charles, 174
"David Copperfield," 127, 129, 130, 139, 147, 164
DeFoe, Daniel, 28, 44
De Quincey, Thomas, 117
Devereux Court, 100
Devil Tavern, 92, 93
Devonshire Terrace, 146
Dickens, Charles, 28, 90, 104, 105, 106, 127, 129, 146, 176
Dilettanti Club, 157
D'Israeli, Isaac, 175
Doctors' Commons, 24
"Dombey and Son," 64, 70, 146
Dover Street, 153
Downing Street, 135
Doyce, Daniel in "Little Dorrit," 109
Doyle, Conan, 175
Dryden, John, 120, 165
D'Urfey, Tom, 156
Dutch Church, 51
Duval, Claude, 28, 126
East India Company, 66
Edgware Road, 145
Eleanor's Cross, 21, 22, 130
"Elegy written in a Country Churchyard," 67
Elephant Tavern, 61
Elgin Marbles, 142
39, 49
"Hudibras," 124
Hume, David, 127
Hungerford Market, 128
Hungerford Stairs, 129
Hunter, John, 163
"Idle Apprentice," 144, 146
"Ingoldsby Legends," 54
Inner Temple, 96
Inns of Chancery, 97
Inns of Court, 96
Ironmonger Lane, 12
Ivy Lane, 26
Ivy Lane Club, 26
Jaggers, Mr., in "Great Expectations," 166
Jeffreys, Judge, 19, 74
Jenner, Dr., 143
Jenny Wren in "Our Mutual Friend," 139
Jewin Street, 40
Jo, in "Bleak House," 107
Johnson, Charles, 121
Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 26, 36, 88, 89, 90, 106, 112, 161, 166
Johnson's Court, 90
John Westlock, in "Martin Chuzzlewit," 100
Jonathan's Coffee House, 60
Jones, Inigo, 34, 80, 103, 116, 123
Jonson, Ben, 20, 92, 132
Kean, Edmund, 151
Keats, John, 48
Kemble, Fanny, 171
Kemble, John Philip, 174
King's Head Tavern, 26
Knightrider Street, 30, 55
Kynaston, Edward, 124
Lamb Alley, 40
Lamb, Charles, 66, 98, 120
Lamb, Charles and Mary, 141
Lamb, Mary, 120, 176
Lampson, Frederick Locker, Leicester Fields, 131, 164
Leicester Square, 164
"Life of Johnson," 105
Lightfoot, Hannah, 149
Lincoln's Inn, 96, 102
Lincoln's Inn Fields, 102
Lincoln's Inn Fields Theatre, 103
Lintot, Bernard, 93
"Lirriper's Lodgings, Mrs.," 113
Literary Club, 166
Little Britain, 34
"Little Dorrit," 109
Locket's Ordinary, 131
Lombard Street, 58
London Bridge, 17, 78
London Stone, 56, 57
London Wall, 39, 40, 41, 43, 47, 83
"Love for Love," 103, 114
Lovelace, Richard, 86
Love Lane, 19
Lower Thames Street, 74
Ludgate, 39
Ludgate Hill, 83
Lytton, Bulwer, 27, 143, 147, 155
Macclesfield, Countess of, 107
Maidenhead Court, 40
Maiden Lane, 125
Mall, The, 140
Mansion House, 57
"Martin Chuzzlewit," 147
Martyrs, Nonconformist, 32
Martyrs, Protestant, 32
Marylebone, 146
Mary-le-Bone Church, 146
Mayfair, 148, 150
"Memories of the Reign of Elizabeth," 61
Mermaid Club, 20
Mermaid Tavern, 20
Middle Temple, 96, 99
Middle Temple Hall, 99
Middle Temple Lane, 99
Milk Street, 20
Millais, 175
Miller, Joe, 113
Milton, John, 19, 40, 41, 42, 44, 53, 54, 88, 141
Milton Street, 42
Mincing Lane, 61
Minories, 39, 69
Mitre, Sign of the, 109
Mohun, Lord, 164, 166
Montague Street, 175
"Monthly Magazine," 90
Monument to Great Fire, 76
Moore, Tom, 158
Moorfields, 46, 47
More, Sir John, 73
More, Sir Thomas, 20, 50, 138
More, Sir William, 82
Morris, William, 176
"Mourning Bride, The," 114
Mozart, 172
"Mrs. Lirriper's Lodgings," 113
"Musgrave Ritual," 175
"Mysteries of Udolpho," 145
Nando's Coffee House, 100
National Gallery, 134, 161
Nelson, Lord, 133, 134, 151
"New Arabian Nights," 165
"Newcombs, The," 36
Newgate, 27, 39
Newgate Prison, 27, 28
Newman Street, 171
"News From the Farm," 18
Newton, Isaac, 90
Newton, John, 58
"Nicholas Nickleby," 168, 176
Nickleby, Ralph, in "Nicholas Nickleby," 168
"Night Thoughts," 75
Norfolk Street, 113
Northumberland House, 132
Northumberland Street, 132
Oates, Titus, 28
"Old Bachelor, The," 114
Old Bailey, 39
"Old Curiosity Shop," 49, 147
Old Jewry, 11
Old Lady of Threadneedle Street, 52
Old Palace Yard, 138
"Old Q," 155
"Oliver Twist," 64, 176
Opie, John, 171
Otway, Thomas, 73
"Our Mutual Friend," 139
Outer Temple, 96
Owen, Sir Richard, 33
Palle-Malle, 159
Pall Mall, 159
"Panegyrical Epistle," 59
Panyer Alley, 25, 26
"Paradise Lost," 42, 44
"Paradise Regained," 44
Paternoster Row, 24, 25
Paterson, William, 21
Pavement, Finsbury, 47
Pendrell, Richard, 173
Penn, William, 28, 73
Pepys, Samuel, 63, 92, 104, 127, 128
Peter of Colechurch, 78
Peter of Savoy, 114, 117
Peter the Great, 74, 113
Petty France, 141
Philips, Ambrose, 121
"Phineas Redux," 152
"Pickwick Papers," 37, 68, 86, 130, 176
Pie Corner, 29
Pie Powder Court, 30
"Pilgrim's Progress," 44
"Pills to Purge Melancholy," 156
Pinch, Ruth, in "Martin Chuzzlewit," 100
Pinch, Tom, in "Martin Chuzzlewit," 100
Pip, in "Great Expectations," 106
Plane Tree, Wood Street, 22
Plague, The Great, 17, 44, 63
Playhouse Yard, 81
Plornish, in "Little Dorrit," 109
Plough Court, 60
Pocahontas, 29
Pocket, Herbert, in "Great Expectations," 106
Poland Street, 170
Polly Peacham, in "The Beggar's Opera," 104
"Poor Susan," 23
Pope, Alexander, 60, 76, 121, 153
Pope's Head Alley, 58
Pope's Head Tavern, 59
"Popular Antiquitus," 75
Postman's Park, 39
Poultry, The, 10
Powell, Mary, 40
Protestant Martyrs, 33
Pudding Lane, 12, 30, 77
Radcliffe, Mrs., 145
Rahere, 33
"Rake's Progress, The," 146
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 72, 137, 138
Ralph Nickleby, 168
Ramsey, Mary, 64
"Rasselas," 106
Red Cross Street, 41
Red Lion Street, 176
Regent's Park, 168
Regent's Street, 168
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 164, 166
Richardson, Samuel, 88
Road, Edgware, 145
Robert Street, 127
Roberts, David, 171
"Robinson Crusoe," 44
Roman Bath, 115
Roses, War of the, 98
Rossetti, 176
Roubiliac, 164
Round Church, 97
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 127
Rowland, hair dresser, 157
Royal Exchange, 10
Royal Society, 91
"Rule Britannia," 124
Rupert Street, 165
"Rural Tales," 18
Russell Street, 121
Ruth Pinch, in "Martin Chuzzlewit," 100
St. Alban's, Love Lane, 19
St. Alphage's, 43
St. Andrew's, 108
St. Andrew Undershaft, 65
St. Anne's, Wardour Street, 167
St. Augustine's, 54
St. Bartholomew the Great, Churchyard, 34
St. Bartholomew the Less, 33
St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 33
St. Benet's, Paul's Wharf, 80
St. Botolph, Without Aldersgate, 39
St. Botolph, Without Bishopsgate, 47
St. Botolph, Aldgate, 69
St. Bride's, 87
St. Bride's Lane, 88
St. Catherine Cree, 65
St. Clement Danes, 112
St. Clement, Eastcheap, 77
St. Dunstan's-in-the-East, 74, 75
St. Dunstan's-in-the-West, 91
St. Edmund's, 60
St. Ethelburga, 50
St. Etheldreda's, 109
St. George's, Hart Street, 173
St. George's Cemetery, 145
St. Giles, Cripplegate, 41
St. Giles in the Fields, 172, 173
St. Helen's, 51
St. James's, Curtain Road, 45
St. James Garlickhithe, 79
St. James's Palace, 158
St. James's Park, 139, 140, 72, 73
Tower of London, 71
Trafalgar Square, 133
"Tragedy of Cato," 60
Traitor's Gate, 72
Trinity Church, 175
Trinity Gardens, 72
"Tristram Shandy," 145
"Trivia," 94
Trollope Anthony, 152
Trotwood, Betsy, in "David Copperfield," 127
Tulkinghorn, in "Bleak House," 104
Turk's Head Tavern, 166
Turner, William, 124, 125
Turpin, Dick, 28
"Twelfth Night," 99
Tyburn, 144
Tyburn Brook, 144, 169
Tyburn Lane, 143
Tyburn Street, 144
Tyler, Wat, 32, 78
"Uncommercial Traveller," 69
Urwin, William, 120
Vanhomrige, Esther, 162
"Vanity Fair," 147
Vestris, Madame, 132
Vholes, Mr., in "Bleak House," 102
Viaduct, Holborn, 85
"Vicar of Wakefield," 89
Villiers, George, Duke of Buckingham, 127, 128
Villiers Street, 128, 129
"Visionary Portraits," 170
Voltaire, 125
Walbrook, 9
Wall of London, 39, 41, 43, 83
Wallace Collection, 147
Wallace, William, 32, 138
Walpole, Horace, 149, 151, 158, 167
Walton, Izaak, 101
Wardour Street, 167
War of the Roses, 98
Warren's Blacking Factory, 129
Warwick, the King Maker, 27
Warwick Lane, 27
Warwick Palace, 27
Waterloo Steps, 161
Watling Street, 54
Watts, Isaac, 44
Wednesday Club, 21
Wellclose Square, 70
Wellington, Duke of, 142
Wesley, John, 45
Wesley, Susannah, 44
West, Benjamin, 171
West, Thomas, 122
Westlock, John, in "Martin Chuzzlewit," 100
Westminster Abbey, 135
Westminster Hall, 137
Whitefriars, 88
White Hart Tavern, 48
White Tower, 71
Whittington, Dick, 13, 63, 79
Wild, Jonathan, 84, 144
"Will Waterproof's Lyric," 92
Will's Coffee House, 120
Wine Office Court, 89
Wint, Peter de, 174
Woodcock, Catherine, 19, 141
Wooden Midshipman, of "Dombey and Son," 70
Wood Street Plane-Tree, 22
Woodville, Elizabeth, 137
Wordsworth, William, 22
Wren, Sir Christopher, 9, 14, 156
Wren, Jenny, in "Our Mutual Friend," 139
Wyatt, Sir Thomas, 73, 153
Wycherley, 119, 120, 124
York Column, 161
York House Water Gate, 127
York Street, 118, 141
Young, Edward, 75
Zoffany, 153