Adventures of Captain Bonneville, The, 102 Afara, 139 Age of Reason, The, 32, 84 Aldrich, James, 179 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 218 Allen, James Lane, 247 All Souls' Church, 188 Along the Shore, 238 Amateur Emigrant, 231 American, 174 American Copyright League, 245 American Game in its Season, 216 American Monthly Magazine, 154, 180 American Review, 158 American Theatre, The, 70 Amos Judd, 249 Analectic Magazine, 96, 112 An Appeal for that Class of Americans Called Africans, 200 "Ancient Club of New York," 110 AndrÉ, Major John, 55, 56 Androborus, 37 Annabel Lee, 164 Apollo dancing rooms, 170 Arcturus, 178 Ariel in the Cloven Pine, 206 Arnold, Benedict, House of, 56 Arnold, George, 215, 216 Arthur Mervyn, 78 Astor House, 172 Astor, John Jacob, 102, 123 Astor Place Opera House, 160 Astoria, 102 Atlantic Monthly, 133 Audubon, John James, 189-195 Authors' Club, 245 B Bacheller, Irving, 234 Backwoodsman, The, 113 Bancroft, George, 103, 186 Barlow, Joel, 84 Barstow, Elizabeth, 204 Bartlett, John R., 172-180 Bartlett's Book Shop, 172-180 Battle Pieces, 224 Beauties of Santa Cruz, 52 Beekman House, The, 249 Behind Time, 238 Bells, The, 164 Ben Bolt, 162 Benjamin, Park, 175, 179, 180 Biblical Researches in Palestine, 151 Bigelow, John, 183, 243 Bisland, Elizabeth, 246 Bleecker, Eliza, 47-51 Bleecker Street, 83 Bloomingdale Village, 145, 157 Bohemia Invaded, 238 Boker, George H., 207 Bonneville, Captain, 102 Bonneville, Madame, 82, 83 Books of New Amsterdam, 7 Booth, Mary L., 227 Botta, Mrs., 197, 199, 200 Botta, Vincenzo, 198 Bouwerie Village, 19, 22 Bowling Green, 8 Bradford's printing press, 27 Bradford, William, 38, 57 Bradford, William, tomb of, 25-29 Bravo, The, 134 Bread-and-Cheese Club, 131-133 Brevoort, Henry, 110 Brickmaking in New Amsterdam, 3 Briggs, Charles F., 159, 160 British Prison Ship, The, 53 Broad Street, 7, 13, 31 Broadway, 67 Broadway Journal, 159 Brook Farm, 205 Brown, Charles Brockden, 77, 78-80 Browne, George Farrar, 217 Brownell, William Crary, 247 Bryant, William Cullen, 132, 133, 174, 180-188 Bunner, H.C., 243 Burns's Coffee House, 99 Burr, Aaron, 63, 190 Burton, William E., 150 Butler, William Allen, 246 C Calaynos, 207 Cary, Alice, 222-228 Cary, Phoebe, 222-228 Cecil Dreeme, 219 Century Club, 186, 244 Champion of Freedom, The, 130 Champlin, John Denison, 252 Cheever, George B, 151 Chelsea Square, 195, 196 Chelsea Village, 145, 195, 196 Child, Lydia M., 199, 200 Chimmie Fadden, 234 Church Farm, 33 Church in the Fort, 15, 20 Church of the Holy Communion, 229 City Editor's Conscience, A, 234 City Hall, First, 8 City Hall in Wall Street, 31 City Hall Park, 48, 67, 108 City Hall (Present), 75, 109 City Hotel, 100, 128 City Plan Commission, 109, 110 Clapp, Henry, 213 Clapp's Almanac, John, 27-29 Clara Howard, 78 Clari, the Maid of Milan, 74 Clark, Lewis Gaylord, 175-178 Clark, Willis Gaylord, 176 Clarke, McDonald, 136-144 Clermont, The, 109 Clinton Hall, 159, 160 Cobbett, William, 85 Colden, Cadwallader, 38, 39, 42, 43 Collect Pond, 22, 48 Columbia College, 81, 116, 174 Columbia University, 43 Columbiad, 84 Commentaries on American Law, 81 Commercial Advertiser, 65, 183 Common Sense, 82 Common, The, 48, 49, 67 Complaint of New Netherland, The, 10 Confident To-morrow, A, 251 Conquest of Grenada, 97 Contoit's Garden, 170 Cooke, George Frederick, 71, 72 Cooper, James Fenimore, 125-136, 184 Cooper, Susan Fenimore, 127 Cornbury, Lord, 34, 35 Corporation Library, 31 Corsair, The, 155 Cosby, Governor, 39-43 Cozzens, Frederick S., 175, 178 Crane, Stephen, 246 Criterion, The, 222 "Croaker Papers," 119 Croegers, Tryntie, 15 Cromwell, 216 Culprit Fay, The, 121 Curtis, George William, 235 D Dana, Charles A., 234 Dana, Richard Henry, 130, 131 Da Ponte, Lorenzo, 141, 142 Davis, Richard Harding, 234, 238 Deacon Giles's Distillery, 151 Dearman, 104 Death of the Flowers, 181 Debtors' Prison, 49-51 DeKay, Charles, 245, 254 De Lancey, Étienne, 99 Dennie, Joseph, 77, 79, 80 De Sille, Anna, 18 De Sille, Nicasius, 11-19 Deukalion, 208 Dewey, Orville, 185 Diamond Lens, The, 220 Dictionary of Americanisms, 172 Diverting History of John Bull and Brother Jonathan, 112 Don Giovanni, 141 Downing, Major Jack, 150, 201 Drake, Joseph Rodman, 103, 115-124 Draper, Dr. John W., 220, 221 Du Chaillu, Paul, 239, 241, 252 Duke's Farm, 32 Dunlap, William, 70, 71, 77 Dutchman's Fireside, The, 113 Duyckinck, Evert A., 175, 178, 179 Duyckinck, George, 179 Dyde's, 111 E East River Park, 101 Eben Holden, 234 Edgar Huntley, 78 Elgin Botanical Garden, 81 Elixir of Moonshine, 139 Embury, Emma C., 144 EncyclopÆdia of American Literature, 179 English, Thomas Dunn, 162, 164 Eureka, 163 Evening Mirror, 152, 156-159 Evening Post, 181, 182 Exchange Street, 13 F Fairlie, Mary, 94 Fall of the House of Usher, 150 Fanny, 118 Fashion and Famine, 202 Fawcett, Edgar, 247, 253 Fay, Theodore S., 154 Federal Hall, 62 Federalist, 62 Fire of 1776, 54 First almanac printed, 27-29 First City Hall, 8 First free school, 109 First library, 31 First museum, 171 First newspaper, 38, 57 First newspaper row, 57 First night watch, 25 First poet of New Amsterdam, 4-10 First Poorhouse, 49 First printing press, 27 First street lighting, 25 First Tammany Hall, 71 First telegraphic message, 194 Fitzroy, Lord Augustus, 41, 42 Footnotes, 204 Fordham, 162-166 Ford, James L., 238 Ford, Paul Leicester, 251 Forester, Frank, 216 Forest Life, 199 Forrest-Macready Riots, 160 Francis, Dr. J.W., 132 Frankfort Street, 45, 46 French Dramatists of the Nineteenth Century, 243 French Traits, 247 Freneau, Philip, 47, 51-66 Friendly Club, 77 Fuller, Margaret, 202, 203 G Gaine, Hugh, 58-60 Gazetteer, Rivington's, 56 General Theological Seminary, 195, 196 Gentleman's Magazine, The, 150, 152 Gilder, Jeannette L., 247 Gilder, Richard Watson, 239, 245 Give Me the Old, 151 Glasgow, Ellen, 246 Gleanings in Europe, 135 Glimpses of Home Life, 143 Godey's Lady's Book, 161 Godwin, Parke, 182, 183, 186, 248 Golden Hill, 48, 87, 88 Golden Hill Inn, 88 Goodrich, Samuel G., 227 Gowans, William, 149 Gracie's house, 103 Graham's Magazine, 152 Grayslaer, 175 Greeley, Horace, 202, 205, 206, 224, 246 Greenwich Village, 81-83, 145, 146 Griswold, Rufus W., 207 Grove Street, 84 H Hackett, James H., 114 Halleck, Fitz-Greene, 103, 115-124, 132, 138, 142 Hall of Records, 49-51 Halpine, Charles Graham, 220 Hamilton, Alexander, 62, 191 Hamilton Grange, 62 Handbook of Universal Literature, 198 Hanover Square, 57-59, 61 Harland, Henry, 250 Harlem, 145 Harrison, Mrs. Burton, 244, 248 "Harry Franco," 159, 174 Haven, Alice, 228 Hell Gate, 101 Herbert, Henry W., 216, 217 Hildreth, Richard, 224 Hillhouse, James A., 128, 181 History of Intellectual Development in Europe, 221 History of New York, 227 History of the City of New York, 227 History of the Five Nations, 39 History, Rise, and Progress of the Arts of Design in the United States, 70 Hobomok, 199 Hodgkinson, Thomas Hawkins, 120 Hoffman, Charles Fenno, 173-176, 206 Hoffman, Josiah Ogden, 95 Hoffman, Matilda, 95, 174 Holland, Dr. Josiah Gilbert, 248 Home Journal, 157 Home, Sweet Home, 74 Homeward Bound, 136 Hone, Philip, 132, 183 Hoogh Street, 10 Horse and Horsemanship in North America, The, 216 Horseshoe Robinson, 149 Hosack, Dr. David, 81 House of Night, The, 52 Houses of New Amsterdam, 2, 3 Howe, Julia Ward, 233 Howells, William Dean, 218, 235, 251 How the Other Half Lives, 236 Hudson Park, 146-148 Huguenot Church, 32 Hunter, Governor Robert, 35-38 Hutton, Lawrence, 253 I Idle Man, The, 131 Idlewild, 156 Imp of the Perverse, The, 158 Independent Columbian Hotel, 94 Irving, Ebenezer, 100 Irving, John T., 104 Irving, Peter, 92, 94, 109, 110 Irvington, 104 Irving, Washington, 87-105, 109-112, 115, 174 Irving, Washington, birthplace of, 89 Irving, William, 93, 107, 108, 110-112, 231 Italian Opera House, 141 Ivar the Viking, 239 I Would Not Live Alway, 228 J James, Henry, 238 Jane Talbot, 78 Jans Farm, Annetje, 32, 33 Jersey, The prison ship, 53 John Brent, 219 John Bull in America, 114 John Street Theatre, 55, 56, 90, 91 Jordan, Elizabeth, 235 Judgment, The, 128 Jumel, Madame, 190 Jumel Mansion, 190 K Kean, Edmund, 137 Kemble, Gouverneur, 110, 111, 113 Kennedy, John P., 148, 149 Kent, James, 77, 80, 81 Kidd, Captain William, 24 Kilmaster's School, 91 Kimball, Richard, 207 King's Bell, 240 King's College, 43 King's Farm, 32 Kinsmen, The, 246 Kip, Hendrick, 12, 18 Kirkland, Caroline M., 198, 199 Kissing Bridge, 22 Knickerbocker Days, Close of the, 167-172 Knickerbocker History of New York, 94 Knickerbocker Magazine, 174, 176, 177 Knight, Madame Sarah, 33-35 Koningsmarke, 113 Kubleh, 206 L Lafayette Theatre, 134 Lamb, Martha J., 227 La Montagne, Dr., 12 Land of the Midnight Sun, The, 242 Last of the Mohicans, The, 134 Lathrop, George Parsons, 238 Lathrop, Rose Hawthorne, 236, 238 Lawson, James, 120 "Lay Preacher, The," 79 Legend of Sleepy Hollow, 103 Leggett, William, 182 Leisler, Jacob, 46 Letters from under a Bridge, 155 Lewis, Estella, 201, 202 Liberty Bell, The, 151 Life and Voyages of Columbus, 97 Life of Horace Greeley, 224 Life of Humboldt, 241 Life of Joseph Brant, The, 184 Life of Mahomet, 105 Life of Red Jacket, The, 184 Life of Washington, 105 Lion of the West, The, 114 Literary Gazette, 179 Literary Magazine and American Register, The, 80 Literary World, The, 179 Literati of New York, The, 161 London Terrace, 253 Longfellow, Henry W., 97 Longworth, David, 93 Loockermans, Govert, 12 Ludlow, Fitz-Hugh, 215 Luska, Sidney, 250 Lynch, Anne C., 197-204 Mabie, Hamilton W., 246 Mad Poet, The, 136-144 Magazine of American History, 227 Mahan, Captain A.T., 252 "Major Jack Downing," 150, 201 Marco Bozzaris, 124, 181 Martling's Tavern, 71 Mary Derwent, 202 Masonic Hall, 170 Matthews, Brander, 238, 243, 245, 246, 251 McLelland, Isaac, 152 Melodies and Madrigals, 240 Melville, Herman, 224-226 Mercantile Library, 160 Messinger, Robert H., 151 Middle Dutch Church, 55, 171 Mild Barbarian, A, 247 Miller, John, 29, 30 Minerva, The, 65 Minniesland, 189, 194 Mirror, The, 130 Mitchell, John A., 248, 249 Mitchill, Dr. Samuel, 94 Moore, Bishop Benjamin, 196 Moore, Clement C., 195, 196 Moreau, Jean Victor, 61 Morgensons, The, 240 Morning Chronicle, 92, 109 Morris, George P., 130, 138, 153, 154, 156, 157 Morris House, 123, 190 Morse, Samuel F.B., 194 Muhlenberg, Dr. William Augustus, 228 Murray Hill, 60 Murray, Lindley, 60, 61 Murray, Mrs., 60 My Faith Looks up to Thee, 140 N Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, 150 National Anti-Slavery Standard, 199 National Gazette, 64 Nearer My Home, 223 New Amsterdam, 2-6 New England Magazine, 179 New Gospel of Peace, The, 241 New Mirror, 162 Newspaper, First, 38, 57 Newspaper Row, The first, 57 New York before the Civil War, 209-212 New York Gazette, 38, 58 New York Gazetteer, 58 New York in 1830, 167-172 New York Journal, 58 New York Mercury, 58 New York Mirror, 153-156 New York Quarterly Review, 149 New York Review and AthenÆum, 181 Niblo's Garden, 171 Night watch, The first, 25 Noah, Mordecai M., 138 Nothing to Wear, 246 Nozze di Figaro, 141 O O'Brien, Fitz-James, 220, 221 Odellville, 145 Old Oaken Bucket, The, 130 Old Sexton, The, 180 "Old Tom's," 118, 119 Oliver Goldsmith, 105 O'Reilly, Miles, 220 Ormond, 78 Osgood, Frances Sargent, 203, 204 Our Country, 246 Our New World, 180 Outlook, The, 246 P Paine, Thomas, 82-86 Paine, Thomas, Grave of, 85, 86 Paine, Thomas, House of, 83, 84 Palmer, Ray, 139, 140 Park Row, 68 Park Theatre, 68, 72, 75, 77, 171 Parton, James, 224 Paulding, James Kirke, 90, 93, 103, 107-114 Paul Felton, 131 Payne, John Howard, 72-75, 97 Penelope's Experiences, 251 Percival, James G., 132, 181 "Peter Parley," 227 Petticoat Lane, 233 Pfaff's, 213-218 Philosophy of Composition, 161 Picture of New York, 94 Pilot, The, 128 Pine Street, 32, 75, 76 Pioneers, The, 128 Poe, Edgar Allan, 145-166, 200-204 Poe, Virginia, 149, 157, 162, 164 Poems of the Orient, 208 Poet, First, of New Netherland, 4-10 Poets and Poetry of America, 207 Poorhouse, First, 49 Portfolio, The, 79 Powhatan, 151 Prairie, The, 134 Praise of New Netherland, The, 10 Precaution, 126 Prose Writers of America, 207 Putnam's Magazine, 159 Q Queen's Farm, 32 R Raven, The, 158, 161, 202 Red Badge of Courage, The, 246 Red Rover, The, 134 Renwick, Jane, 96, 104 Renwick, Professor James, 96, 132 Revolution, New York during the, 54-56 Reynold's Ale House, 117-119 Richmond Hill, 63 Riis, Jacob A., 236 Ripley, George, 205 Rip Van Winkle, 97 Rivington, James, 58, 59 Robinson, Edward, 151 Romance of Old New York, A, 253 S St. George's Chapel, 90 St. John's Burying-Ground, 147, 148, 150 St. John's Park, 125, 126 St. Leger, 207 St. Luke's Hospital, 228, 229 St. Mark's Church, 22, 23 St. Patrick's Church, 142 St. Paul's Chapel, 62, 108 Salmagundi, 41, 93 Salmagundi's Cockloft Hall, 111 Saltus, Edgar, 246, 247 Sands, Robert C, 133, 181 Saturday Press, 214, 218 Schurz, Carl, 251 Scudder's Museum, 171 Second City Hall, 12 Selyns, Henricus, 20-24 Shakespeare Tavern, 120 "Sign of the Bible and Crown," 58 Sinless Child, The, 200 Sketches in Switzerland, 135 Smith, Rev. Eli, 151 Smith, Dr. Elihu Hubbard, 76-79 Smith, Elizabeth Oakes, 201 Smith, Seba, 150 Smith, William, 43, 44 Society Library, 31 Society of American Artists, 245 Southern Literary Messenger, 148 Sparkling and Bright, 173 Sparrowgrass Papers, 178 Spy, The, 126, 134 Stadt Huys, 8 Stedman, Edmund C., 218, 233, 253 Steendam, Jacob, 4-10 Stephens, Ann S., 202 Stephens, John L., 175-177 Stevenson, Robert Louis, 230, 231 Stoddard, Richard Henry, 204-207, 233, 236, 238, 240-242 Stoddard, Mrs. Richard Henry, 240, 242 Stone Street, 9 Stone, William L., 175, 183, 184 Story of a New York House, The, 232 Streets first lighted, 25 Strong, Dr. Josiah, 246 Stuyvesant, Judith, 11 Stuyvesant, Peter, 1, 11, 12, 19 Stylus, The, 152 Sunday Times and Messenger, 138 Sunnyside, 104 Swallow Barn, 149 Sweet Bells Out of Tune, 244 T Tales and Sketches of a Cosmopolite, 120 Tales of a City Room, 235 Tales of a Country Schoolmaster, 182 Tales of the Good Woman, 114 Talisman Magazine, 181 Talisman, The, 133 Tammany Hall, First, 71 Taylor, Bayard, 198, 204-208, 218, 238, 241 Temple, Charlotte, 118 Temple Street, 118 Thames Street, 99 Thistle Finch, The, 10 Thomson, Mortimer, 215 Tienhoven's Street, 76 Tom Thornton, 131 Town and Country, 157 Townsend, Edward W., 234 Trinity Church, 26, 32 Tuckerman, Henry T., 221, 222 Typee, 226 U Ulalume, 165 United States and England, 112 Universe, The, 165 V Van Brugh Street, 57 Van Cortlandt, Oloff, 12 Vanderlyn, 175 Van Dyke, Henry, 248 Vanity Fair, 215, 218 Van Tassel house, 103 Vauxhall, 171 Verplanck, Gulian C., 133, 142, 181, 186 Views Afoot, 205 Vignettes of Manhattan, 251 Visit of St. Nicholas, 197 Voyages of the Companions of Columbus, 98 W Wallace, William Ross, 151 Wall Street, 6 Wall, The city, 5 Ward, Artemus, 217 Washington, George, 62, 64 Washington Hall, 131 Water Witch, The, 134 Webster, Noah, 65 Weekly Post-Boy, 58 Westward Ho!, 114 Whitehall, 8 White, Richard Grant, 241, 243 Whitman, Walt, 218 Wieland, 78 Wiggin, Kate Douglas, 251 Wild Scenes in Forest and Prairie, 175 Wiley, the publisher, 130 Williams, Jesse Lynch, 234 William Street, 88 Willis, Nathaniel P., 138, 154-157, 162 Windust's, 111, 137, 138 Winter in the West, A, 175 Winter, William, 218, 234 Winthrop, Theodore, 219, 220 Wolfert's Roost, 103, 104 Woman of Honor, The, 243 Woodman, Spare that Tree, 154 Woodworth, Samuel, 129, 130, 142, 153, 154 Y Yorkville, 145 "Young American Roscius," 73 Z Zenger, Peter, 38, 40