Acc. & P. | Accounts and Papers. | A. P. C. | Acts of the Privy Council. | Add. | Additional. | Cal. B. P. | Calendar of Border Papers. | Cal. S. P. | Calendar of State Papers. A. & W. I., Col., D., For., and Ire., added to Cal. S. P., indicate respectively to the America and West Indies, Colonial, Domestic, Foreign, and Ireland sections of this series. | Cal. T. B. | Calendar of Treasury Books. | Cal. T. P. | Calendar of Treasury Papers. | Cal. T. B. & P. | Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers. | D. N. B. | Dictionary National Biography. | Fin. Rep., 1797. | Finance Reports 1797-98. | Hist. MSS. Com. | Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. | Jo. H. C. | Journals of the House of Commons. | Jo. H. L. | Journals of the House of Lords. | Joyce. | Joyce, H. The History of the Post Office to 1836. | L. & P. Hen. VIII. | Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII. | Parl. Deb. | Hansard, Parliamentary Debates. | Parl. Papers. | Parliamentary Papers. | P. & O. P. C. | Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council. | Rep. Commrs. | Reports from Commissioners. | Rep. Com. | Reports from Committees. | Rep. P. G. | Reports of the Postmasters-General. | Scobell, Collect. | Scobell, H. A Collection of Acts and Ordinances made in the Parliament held 3 Nov., 1640 to 17 Sept., 1656. |