Question.—H. A. writes: Please send me information as to how to use up my fat trimmings. Answer.—The best way to make use of your fat trimmings is to work them up into Pork Sausage, using plenty of Bull-Meat-Brand Sausage Binder to absorb the fat. When plenty of Bull-Meat Sausage Binder is used the fat stays in the sausage when fried instead of frying out. This keeps the meat from shrinking. FREEZE-EM PICKLE For Curing Hams, Bacon, Shoulders, Corned Beef, and for Curing Beef and Pork for making all kinds of Sausage Freeze-Em-Pickle is a preparation for Curing Hams, Shoulders, Bacon, Corned Beef, Dry Salt Meat, Pickled Pork and Meat for Making Bologna and other kinds of sausage, etc. The Freeze-Em-Pickle Process retards fermentation and souring of brine when used according to our directions. It gives a delicious, mild flavor, curing the meat more uniformly and with a fine color. By its use curing is made easier, and anyone, without being experienced, can cure meats successfully. Trimmings and sausage meats treated with dry Freeze-Em-Pickle can be stored away for six months, or even longer, and will then make better sausage than will fresh meats. Dry curing meats for sausage by the Freeze-Em-Pickle Those using the Freeze-Em-Pickle Process have an absolute guaranty in its use and can always depend upon getting good results when our directions are followed. It possesses the advantage which the curer of meat has been seeking for years, and it also fully complies with the State, National and Foreign Food Laws. The Freeze-Em-Pickle Process of curing meats gives a mild, delicious flavored cure. Meats cured by it will not be too salty, but will have that sugar-cured flavor which is so much liked. |