Take 100 lbs. of boneless Beef Plates and cure them in brine made as follows: 5 gallons of cold water. Cure the Plates in this brine 10 to 30 days in a cooler. The temperature should not be higher than 42 to 44 degrees Fahrenheit, but 38 to 40 degrees temperature is always the best for curing purposes. The 5 gallons of brine should be flavored by placing in it about 6 to 8 ounces of Zanzibar Brand Corned Beef Seasoning. After the meat has been fully cured in accordance with the above directions, sprinkle some Corned Beef Seasoning on the meat; then roll the meat and tie it tight with a heavy string. The meat should then be boiled slowly. Boiled Spiced Beef should be boiled the same as hams, in water that is 155 degrees Fahrenheit. This Rolled Spiced Beef is sold to customers raw as well as boiled. Many prefer to buy it raw and boil it at home. This style of Corned Beef makes a beautiful display on the counter and butchers will find this a profitable way of working off fat plates. Meat worked up in this way brings a good price and is a ready seller. Those liking Garlic Flavor can also add a small quantity of Garlic Compound or Garlic Condiment. |