ADOLPH HELLER Adolph Heller, the father of the members of the firm of B. Heller & Co., was a scientific and practical Butcher and Packer and a Practical Sausage Manufacturer. He studied the causes of failure in the handling of meats, with the aim of always producing the best and most uniform products that could be made. He was so successful in his business that his products were known and recognized as the best that could be made. His sons were all given practical training in all departments of the business, from the bottom rung of the ladder to the top. The problems of the Packing Industry were kept constantly before them in their school and college days and influenced them in the investigations and study which developed into the present business of B. Heller & Co. Under these circumstances, the Science of Chemistry naturally claimed the sons of Adolph Heller. Naturally, too, the Chemistry of the Meat Industry overshadowed all other branches of the fascinating profession. With their habits of study and investigation, they soon discovered that one of the great causes of failure in the curing and handling of meat products was the lack of materials which were always uniform, pure and dependable. This led to the founding of the firm of B. Heller & Co., whose aim has always been to furnish to the Butchers, Packers and Sausage Makers such materials as could be absolutely depended upon for purity and uniformity. They also early found that even with good materials to work with, the lack of fixed rules and formulas contributed largely to the lack of uniformity in the finished goods. This led to the publication of “Secrets of Meat Curing and The enactment of the National Pure Food Law, the National Meat Inspection Law and the various State Pure Food Laws has made a great change in the Butcher, Packing and Sausage Making Business. The use of Chemical Preservatives is now prohibited under these various food laws, making it necessary to preserve meats and manufacture sausage without the use of many agents which were in general use. The firm of B. Heller & Co. anticipated the enactment of the various food laws, and already had completed investigations which enabled them to assist packers, butchers and sausage makers at once by giving them curing agents which were free from the Antiseptic Preservatives which these laws prohibited, and yet would produce cured meats, sausage, etc, of the highest quality without the use of the Antiseptic Agents. The underlying principles for handling meats and making sausage with the antiseptic agents and without them are very different, and it became absolutely necessary that the firm of B. Heller & Co. should furnish their friends and customers such information as would enable them to cure their meats and make their sausage so as not to incur losses from goods that would not keep, and to turn out goods of fine quality and appearance. This book is the result. In its pages are formulas and rules for the handling of all kinds of meat and the manufacture of all kinds of sausage which are the results of many years of experience as Packing House Experts and Chemists who have made a life-time study of the business in all its phases. If the directions and rules are followed, anyone can produce the finest of cured meats and sausage, whether they have had previous experience or not. Furthermore, the products made according to these directions will comply with the requirements of all the Food Laws at present in force in this country. Hoping the following pages will be found instructive and helpful and thanking the Butcher Trade for their support and patronage in the past, we beg to remain, BENJAMIN HELLER ALBERT HELLER JOE HELLER EDWARD HELLER HARRY HELLER |