HOME-MADE MINCE MEAT The following directions will make a delicious Mince Meat: Take 4 lbs. of lean Beef, boil it until it is fairly well cooked and then chop or grind it very fine. Add 8 lbs. of Hard Green Apples, cut into small cubes. 1 lb. of very finely chopped suet. Mix the above thoroughly, then heat slowly on the stove and boil for half an hour. If the Mince Meat is to be put in jars and sealed up tight, the hot Mince Meat should be put into pint and quart jars, the jars should be filled up to the brim and the tops screwed down tight immediately. If the Mince Meat is to be kept in bulk and not sealed up in jars, add ½ pint of good Brandy after the Mince Meat has been cooked and allowed to become nearly cold, stirring the Brandy into the Mince Meat thoroughly and then pack into stone crocks, cover tightly and keep in a very cool place where the Mince Meat will not freeze. This Mince Meat will keep all winter. The above quantities can be increased or decreased proportionately, according to the total amount of Mince Meat desired at one time. Dry or concentrated Mince Meat is made same as above, except that dried apples are used instead of fresh apples, and no liquids are added. Wet Mince Meat is better than the dry and will give better satisfaction. |