Short Ribs (Regular) are made from the sides of the hog, between the Ham and Shoulder, having the loin and ribs in, and backbone removed. Extra Short Ribs are made from the sides of the hog, between the Ham and Shoulder, with loin taken out, but belly ribs left in. Short Ribs (Hard) are made from the sides of the hog, between the Ham and Shoulder, having the loin, ribs and backbone in. Short Clears are made from the sides of the hog, between the Ham and Shoulder, having the loin in, and ribs and backbone removed. Extra Short Clears are made from the sides of the hog, between the Ham and Shoulder with loin and all bones taken out. Long Clears are made from sides, Ham being cut off, but Shoulders left in, back bone and ribs removed, shoulder blade and leg bone taken out, and leg cut off close to the breast. Extra Long Clears are made from sides, Ham being cut off, back bone, loin and ribs removed. Shoulder blade and leg bone taken out and leg cut off close to the breast. Short Clear Backs are made from the backs of hogs with the loin left in, but ribs and backbone removed; also known as Lean Backs and Loin Backs. Short Fat Backs are made from the fat backs of prime hogs, being free from lean and bone, and properly squared on all edges. Dry Salt Bellies are made from medium size hogs, cut square and well trimmed on all edges, with ribs left in. Dry Salt Clear Bellies are made from medium size hogs, cut square and well trimmed on all edges, with ribs taken out. |