Similar in disposition, Like a brother link’d to brother, We unconsciously were ever Growing fonder of each other. Each one knew the other’s meaning, Just as if we were omniscient; Words, in fact, we found superfluous, And a look was quite sufficient. How I long’d to have thee near me, Revelling in peace and plenty, As my staunch and valiant comrade In a dolce far niente! Always to remain beside thee Was the aim of each endeavour; Everything that gave thee pleasure, To accomplish sought I ever. I enjoy’d what thou didst relish, Neither would I touch the dishes Thou didst hate, and even smoking I commenced, to meet thy wishes. Many a funny Polish story That thy merriment excited, In a strange and Jewish accent To repeat I then delighted. Yes, then long’d I to approach thee, Leave my foreign habitation, And beside thy fortune’s fireplace Take for evermore my station. Golden wishes! mere soap bubbles! Like my life they all have vanish’d; On the ground I now am lying, Crush’d for ever, hopeless, banish’d. Fare ye well, ye golden wishes Where my darling hopes once centred! Ah! the blow was far too deadly That my inmost heart has enter’d. |