The Weatherman's in direst straits; All wrong are his predictions; Not Bright and Fair, but Drear and Cold— And so his maledictions. man looking out a window Now I can give the answer to This scientific gent: 'Tis not from meteoric change— But just 'cause She has went. I've read by hundreds love-stuff books, But ne'er believed one bit When sun was made to cease to shine When "She" made her exit. But now I know that they were right; From Sol no rays are sent; It's dull and gray and dismal quite— And all 'cause She has went. I cannot read, nor write, nor think Since She has went, Oh, dear! Of compensation, though, there's heaps: For, well, she once was here! So I'll not mind the fierce heart pain That naught seems to allay. She's went, ah me! but I shall hope That she'll come back some day. Decorative divider |