
  • Abel, man of Lemuria, 23.
  • Action, desirability of, 16.
  • Action, good, required for soul body, 183.
  • A. D. M., red earth, 78.
  • Adam, a Polarian, 22.
  • Airships of Atlantis, 71.
  • Albumen not needed by spiritual, 24.
  • Alcohol, action, 83.
  • Altar of sacrifice, 96.
  • America, the melting pot, 112.
  • Angels, humanity of Moon Period, 50.
  • lived in etheric world, 50.
  • guided man, 32.
  • Anglo-Saxons, pioneers of race, 75.
  • Animals ruled by group spirits, 108.
  • Aquarian Age, science to rule in, 82.
  • six hundred years until, 81.
  • teacher of, 76.
  • Arche-Tektons, Initiates are, 103.
  • Ark, airship of Atlantis, 71.
  • Aryan Age, invaders of, 80.
  • Aryana, national segregation of, 70.
  • Assimilation of life experiences, 184.
  • Asteroids, remnants of Moons, 60.
  • Astrology, value of in marriage, 53.
  • Atlantis, destruction of, 180.
  • Atlantean epoch, the nadir of materiality, 9.
  • Atlanteans aspire to light, 95.
  • divinely guided, 69.
  • Atlantis, airships of, 71.
  • atmosphere of, 69.
  • man becomes man in, 25.
  • peaceful conditions of, 86.
  • Atmosphere, changes of, 180.
  • Attainment, method of, 171.
  • Baptism, soul’s urge for higher life, 55.
  • Black Brothers, increase evil, 106.
  • Black Magic, frequent practice of, 101.
  • golden, wedding garment protects against, 106.
  • practices of, 103.
  • Blood hound, follows invisible emanation, 104.
  • Born of water and spirit, 80.
  • Brain gained at sacrifice of creative force, 32.
  • Breathing exercises, danger of, 9.
  • use of, 10.
  • Brotherhood, all members of, 44.
  • Cain, a Hyperborean, 23.
  • Candles, tallow, attract elementals, 106.
  • Causation, 177.
  • Children, training of, 127.
  • Chosen people, 95.
  • Christ, annual coming of, 171.
  • bodily presence of the Father, 98.
  • forgiveness of, Intensity of feeling, 19.
  • Jehovah, creation principle of, 168.
  • dwells in physical sun, 58.
  • highest Initiate of Moon Period, 58.
  • race spirit of the Jews, 110.
  • regent of various moons, 58.
  • warder of creative forces, 56.
  • Jesus race body of, 74.
  • Judgment, Sun in Libra, 156.
  • Justice of life, 175.
  • with mercy, 33.
  • Knowledge, necessity for, 131.
  • Larynx gained at sacrifice of creative force, 32.
  • Law, knowledge of, 131.
  • Law of Consequence given to Atlanteans, 26.
  • Laws of nature and destiny, 25.
  • Legumes not needed by advanced, 24.
  • Lemurian epoch, desire body gained in, 23.
  • Life Spirit and vital body, 132.
  • Light, Atlanteans aspire to, 95.
  • symbol of God, 167.
  • Living church within, 124.
  • Lords of Mercury, stragglers of past, 59.
  • Lords of Venus, stragglers of past, 59.
  • Lord’s Supper, see communion.
  • Lost souls, 58.
  • Love endlessly born, 169.
  • keynote of coming age, 80.
  • of souls, 53.
  • transcends sex, 51.
  • Lucifer spirits cause body’s crystallization, 32.
  • Lungs related to spirits’ freedom, 24.
  • Man becomes man in Atlantis, 25.
  • mineral-like in Polarian Epoch, 88.
  • Marriage necessitated by disintegration and death, 49.
  • sacrament of, 55.
  • transcends sex, 51.
  • Materialism, predominance of, 163.
  • Matter, limitation of causes self-confidence, 22.
  • Materialization, varieties of, 102.
  • Meat non-permanent as food, 82.
  • Meat eating, see Flesh eating.
  • Michael, race spirit, 111.
  • Milk aid in evolving desire body, 89.
  • given in Lemuria, 23.
  • Mind, effect of meat upon, 93.
  • given during Atlantean epoch, 22.
  • given for discrimination, 122.
  • link between spirit and matter, 132.
  • Minerals, assimilation impossible, 82.
  • Moderation in food, 136.
  • Mongols, descendants of Atlanteans, 75.
  • Moons, discipline stragglers, 59.
  • physical vehicles of isub1">used in Black Magic, 104.
  • Wedding garment, see Soul Body.
  • Western Initiates more advanced, 8.
  • Western Mystery Teaching Christian, 47.
  • White Magic, unselfish, 102.
  • Wine, given in Atlantis, 26.
  • self-assertion from drinking, 86.
  • stimulates spirit of man, 27.
  • Word, cosmic meaning of, 155.
  • Workers, the pioneers, 16.
  • World, God’s training school, 180.
  • World change to come, 181.
  • Worry, evil of, 116.
  • You as pronoun, 83.

Rays From the Rose Cross

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The Rosicrucian Fellowship, Oceanside, California.

Transcriber's Notes

Obvious typographical errors have been silently corrected. Variations in hyphenation have been standardised but all other spelling and punctuation remains unchanged.

The entry “Catalogue of Publications” has been added to the Table of Contents.


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