
The steward's office is in charge of Mr. T. W. Alexander, a man who has had at least twenty-five years' experience in institutional work, well qualified to fill the position of chief steward of the prison. All supplies are ordered for the prison through this department and upon receipt are carefully checked to ascertain if they comply with specifications.

Supplies are issued from this departemnt on the 5th, 15th and 25th of each month, the heads of the several departments making out requisitions therefor, countersigned by the warden. Prison supplies are purchased quarterly through the State Board of Control. Whenever any articles are issued to a department duplicate vouchers are made out, one retained by the steward and the other signed by the recipient and forwarded to the State Board of Control.

The chief steward has charge of the officers' quarters and the administration building, and sees that they are kept clean and in proper order. He is responsible for all the property under his charge.


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