1. | On entering the shop you will take off your coat, put on your apron and get at your work promptly. If you have any cause for complaint, whether from keeper, foreman or others you will be allowed to send application for an interview through your officer at any time to the Board of Control, Warden or Deputy Warden. | 2. | Communications between prisoners is strictly prohibited and will not be allowed at any time except by special permission of the officers in charge, and then only when absolutely necessary. | 3. | In talking with your foreman you are required to confine yourself strictly to your shop duties. You will not be allowed to talk with him upon matters pertaining to outside news. | 4. | You will be required to approach your officer in a respectful manner. Always salute him before addressing him and make your wants known as briefly as possible. | 5. | You will be required to give your individual attention to your work. Gazing about at visitors passing through the shop or at other prisoners will not be allowed. You must respectfully listen to and faithfully carry out all instructions given you by your foreman pertaining to your work. | 6. | You will not be allowed to leave your place of work except by permission of the officer in charge. | 7. | You will not be allowed to brush against a fellow convict in passing, to get in each other's way or otherwise trespass upon the rights of each other so as to provoke illfeeling. | 8. | Careless or wilful injury of your work or tools will be promptly reported. | 9. | You must always salute an officer on entering or retiring from your shop. You will not be permitted to leave shop or place of work under any circumstances without first obtaining special permission of the officer in charge. | 10. | If you are sick or unable to work report the fact to your officer and act as he may direct. If you desire to see the Physician give your name to your officer immediately after entering the shop in the morning. | 11. | All trading or bartering of whatsoever kind between prisoners or between citizens and prisoners is strictly prohibited. You will not be allowed to give or receive any present or gift from a foreman or citizen under any condition. | 12. | If it becomes necesary to use a lead pencil about your work apply to your officer, who will supply you. Pencil must invariably be returned to the officer every evening. You will not be allowed to cut off or appropriate any part of pencil. | |