Your attention is directed to the following rules. Only by observing and obeying them can you make a good record as a prisoner and become eligible for parole and the diminution of your sentence which the law allows: 1. | Your first duty is strict obedience to all rules and regulations and any orders of the officer under whose charge you may be placed. | 2. | You must observe strict silence in all departments of the prison and while marching through the yard. | 3. | You must not speak to, give or receive from visitors anything except by permission of the Warden or Deputy Warden. Gazing at visitors or strangers passing through the prison is strictly forbidden. | 4. | You are expected to apply yourself diligently at whatever labor you are assigned, and, after reasonable teaching, to perform the same amount of work as would be required from you as a citizen. | 5. | At every signal to fall in for marching take your place in line promptly. March with military step, attend to and promptly obey the orders of your officer. | 6. | You will be required to keep your person clean and your clothing tidy and in good order. You must not make any alterations in your clothing or cut your shoes; if they do not fit [pg 107] [pg 108] [pg 109] or need repairs report the fact to your officer. You must not carry knives, tools of any kind, pencil, paper or any material whatever from your shop to your cell without permission in writing from the Warden or Deputy Warden. Finding these things in your possession will be considered proof that you have violated this rule. Tinkering or writing notes to other convicts or carrying notes from one convict to another is strictly forbidden. | 7. | You are not allowed to have any money on your person or in your possession, neither are you permitted to trade or purchase any article whatever. All of your business must be done through the Warden. | 8. | You must approach an officer in a respectful manner. Always salute him before speaking. You must confine your conversation with him strictly to the business in hand. You must not address an officer on matters outside the prison. Insolence in any form to an officer, foreman, or even to a fellow convict will not be tolerated, | 9. | On entering the cell house, office of the Board of Control, Warden or Deputy Warden you must uncover unless your duties are such that you have special permission to remain covered. | |