
The Board of Control by virtue of the authority and power conferred upon them by Section 5 of an act of the Minnesota Legislature, entitled “An Act to regulate the sentencing of prisoners convicted of felony and their subsequent release on parole,” hereby establish three (3) grades of prisoners to be known and designated as the First, Second and Third Grades, together with a system of marks to be governed by the following rules and regulations, which shall be in force and have effect from and after the official notification of the passage of said Act is certified by the Secretary of State under date of April 5th, 1893.

All prisoners on arrival shall be entered in the Second Grade; they may earn nine credit marks each month and shall be marked on conduct, work and mental advancement. Promotion from the Second to the First Grade shall be conditioned upon the earning of fifty (50) out of the possible fifty-four (54) credit marks, within six (6) consecutive months. The loss of more than two (2) marks in any one month shall cause the prisoner so offending to be reduced to the next lower grade. By a clear record of one (1) month, and the earning of nine (9) credit marks shall entitle the prisoner to be advanced to the next upper grade.

Prisoners may lose their grades:

First. By such violations of prison rules as shall necessarily subject them to solitary confinement.
Second. For general disorderly conduct.
Third. For habitual laziness, untidiness or negligence.
[pg 114]

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