1. | On entering the chapel you will march erect with arms by your side, keeping step with the music. | 2. | You will take your seat promptly as designated by the officers in charge and sit with arms folded during chapel service. | 3. | The signal for rising and being seated will be the sound of the Deputy Warden's gavel. When this signal is given you will rise promptly and remain standing until notified to be seated. You will be allowed to drop arms to your side while standing. | 4. | Strict attention must be given to the service. You must not gaze about the room at visitors or at fellow convicts, but must sit erect in your seat facing the speaker. | 5. | Reading, spitting on the floor, shuffling of the feet or any other unnecessary noise is strictly forbidden. | 6. | Should you be taken sick during service, or if it becomes necessary for you to retire, raise your right hand to the officer in charge, who will excuse you if necessary. | 7. | After service you will sit erect with arms folded, giving strict attention to your officer until he gives the signal to rise, when you will be required to rise promptly and march out of the chapel as directed, keeping time with the music. | 8. | In marching to and from the chapel you will be required to keep in close order with face to the front and in as quiet and orderly a manner as possible. | Any wilful violation of these rules will be promptly reported, and severely punished if necessary to enforce compliance. |