
“Convict Life at the Minnesota State Prison” Published by Mr. W. C. Heilbron of St. Paul.

“Convict Life at the Minnesota State Prison,” of which Mr. W. C. Heilbron, assistant public examiner, St. Paul, is the author and publisher, is a neat volume, replete with halftone illustrations of scenes, views and incidents of this institution, occupying 134 pages of text, including pictures.

The frontispiece is a remarkably good likeness of Hon. Henry Wolfer, the warden, under whose guidance during the past eighteen years the Minnesota State Prison has made its remarkable penological and financial success.

To one unacquainted with the modus operandi of dealing with prisoners in a penitentiary, “Convict Life at the Minnesota State Prison” affords an accurate and sustained story from start to finish. In this book is given a detailed description of the reception of the prisoner, the manner in which he is handled, [pg 157] clothed, fed, assigned to duty and governed by the resident officials, with excellent sidelights upon the situation.

The illustrations are numerous and give interior views of buildings, shops, departments and hospital, together with interesting scenes of parades, drills and other matters of moment to the reader.

Citizens—even those who have visited penal institutions—obtain but a very scant conception of the method and manner in which they are conducted by a casual observance upon the occasion of a visit. “Convict Life at the Minnesota State Prison,” however, is written so that all may gain a proper conception by reading it, and the illustrations materially aid in that respect. This book will be the means of doing a great deal of good in removing false notions regarding inmates and it ought to enjoy a large sale.—(Prison Mirror, July 22, 1909.)



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