
TRANSCRIBER’S NOTE: Only page numbers in this volume are hyperlinked.

htm.html#Page_194" class="pginternal">194 seq.;
  • doctrine of God, III. 197-202;
  • process, III. 202, 211;
  • the Spirit, III. 211.
  • Boethius, III. 37, 74.
  • Bonaparte, III. 104.
  • Brahma, I. 118, 128-133.
  • Brahmins, I. 137.
  • Brandis, Prof., I. 242, 248.
  • Brucker, I. 43, 112, 185; II. 400.
  • Bruno, Giordano, I. 113;
  • III, 116, 119-137, 139, 155, 194, 228, 287.
  • Buddha, Buddhiste, I. 124, 125; II. 125.
  • Buffon, I. 188.
  • Buhle, I. 113; II. 200; III. 121, 272, 274, 329.
  • Buridan, III. 85, 86.
  • Byzantine world, III. 11, 46.
  • Cabala, II. 394-396; III. 25, 113, 118.
  • Cagliostro, I. 438.
  • Caius Acilius, II. 320.
  • Calculus, differential and integral, III. 327, 328, 352.
  • Calvin, III. 120.
  • Campanella, III. 116, 119.
  • Canade, I. 141, 143, 144.
  • Canning, I. 58.
  • Capila, I. 128, 137.
  • Cardanus, III. 116-119, 138.
  • Carneades, II. 211, 311, 319-327;
  • doctrine of sensation, II. 322;
  • of conception, II. 322 seq.
  • Cassiodorus, III. 37, 74.
  • Caste, I. 98.
  • Cato the Elder, II. 320.
  • Cause, Causality, I. 41, 138, 139, 192;
  • first, I. 174;
  • final, I. 345;
  • of Plato, I. 342, 343.
  • Cesava, I. 143.
  • Charlier, John, III. 91.
  • Charondas, I. 201.
  • Charpentier, III. 145.
  • Charron, III. 146.
  • Chilon, I. 156, 161.
  • Chinese, I. 89, 119, 125; II. 123, 124.
  • Christ, I. 14, 17, 67, 71, 72, 71, 105, 117, 446; III. 4, 5, 14, 15, 54, 103.
  • Christians, Christianity, I. 8, 9, 46, 49, 79, 111, 117; II. 114, 226, 374, 377-379, 383, 390, 391, 448; III. 1, 4, 8, 10-14, 22, 21, 40-46, 49, 57, 90, 103, 142, 157, 158, 194, 217, 218, 258, 319, 439;
  • influenced by Plato, II. 2;
  • ideal man, II. 94;
  • 241 seq.
  • Fabricius, I. 86.
  • Faith, I. 73, 74; II. 10;
  • and Reason, I. 78, 108; II. 44;
  • of Jacobi, III. 417;
  • in relation to Thought, III. 419 seq.
  • Fall, the, I. 105, 274, 447; II. 40, 321, 395; III. 165.
  • Fathers, the, I. 91, 149; II. 76; III. 11, 13, 15, 16, 20, 22, 45, 69, 70, 159.
  • Fear, I. 96, 97.
  • Feeling, I, 40;
  • nature of, II. 45.
  • Ferguson, III. 378.
  • Fichte, I. 47; II. 188, 360; III. 228, 230, 248, 408-410, 478, 512-522, 529, 550;
  • life and teaching. III. 479-506;
  • Ego as principle, III. 481 seq.;
  • theory of knowledge, III. 484 seq.;
  • unity of self-consciousness, III. 484-490;
  • Ego limited by non-Ego, III. 490-496;
  • categories, III. 492 seq.;
  • practical reason, III. 496-499;
  • defects, III. 499-505;
  • natural rights, III. 503;
  • followers, III. 506 seq.
  • Ficinus, Marsilius, I. 46; III. 112.
  • Finitude, I. 96;
  • finite world, I. 179;
  • in Infinitude, II. 78;
  • Finite point of view, III. 407;
  • finite knowledge, III. 414.
  • Fire, principle of, I. 191, 193;
  • Stoic principle of, II. 246.
  • Formalists, III. 81.
  • France, French, the, II. 133, 401; III. 164, 219, 221, 298, 360, 389, 403, 405, 407.
  • Francis of Assisi, II. 238.
  • Frederick II., philosopher king, II. 26; III. 391.
  • Freedom, I. 26, 94, 95, 99, 100, 146, 150, 206, 324, 386, 481; II. 209, 385, 451; III. 105, 150, 154, 164, 249, 287, 385, 402, 407, 503, 504;
  • subjective, I. 407, 423; II. 99, 109; III. 390;
  • concrete, I. 482 seq.;
  • in thought, II. 71;
  • inward, II. 235;
  • and necessity, III. 295-313;
  • doctrine of reality, III. 296 seq.;
  • innate ideas, III. 300;
  • origin of ideas, III. 302 seq.
  • Logos (Reason), II. 244, 381, 391 seq., 397, 407;
  • of Plotinus, II. 416; III. 4, 10, 359.
  • Lombard, Peter, III. 69-71, 89.
  • Longinus, II. 404.
  • Lullus, Raymundus, III. 92-94, 287;
  • His Art, III. 93, 123, 129, 134, 136.
  • Luther, III. 12, 54, 114, 148, 150, 158, 159, 385, 389, 398.
  • Lutheran faith, I. 73; III. 149.
  • Lyceum, II. 126
  • Lycurgus, I. 158; II. 8.
  • Macchiavelli, III. 146.
  • Magna GrÆcia, I. 169, 206.
  • Maheswara, I. 131, 135.
  • Mahomed, Mahomedanism, I. 71; III. 24, 26, 28, 30, 387.
  • Malebranche, III. 219, 220, 240, 296, 299, 311, 364, 399;
  • life and teaching, III. 290-295;
  • origin of knowledge, III. 291 seq.
  • ManichÆism, III. 17-20.
  • Marcus the Gnostic, II. 397.
  • Marinus, II. 433, 434, 450.
  • Materialism, II. 62; III. 125, 381, 387, 398.
  • Mathematics, I. 10.
  • Mauritius, III. 75.
  • Mayer, Ludwig, III. 255.
  • Medabberim, III. 27, 30-33.
  • Medici, Cosmo de’, I. 46; III. 112.
  • Megarics, the, I. 452-469;
  • dialectic of, I. 453, 454.
  • Melancthon, III. 114.
  • Melchisedec, I. 47.
  • Melissus, I. 240, 241, 249, 250, 263, 380;
  • life and teaching, I. 257-260.
  • Melitus, I, 435.
  • Mendelssohn, Moses, II. 55; III. 356, 357, 404-406, 411, 412.
  • Menedemus, I. 455, 461.
  • Messemans, I. 100.
  • Messina, I. 241.
  • Metaphysics, II. 137 seq., 283 seq.; III. 61 s 25-146, 162.
  • Ionic, I. 52, 58, 155, 171-194, 208, 320, 384.
  • Kantian, I. 277, 388; III. 421, 423-478, 505.
  • of Middle Ages, I. 109; III. 1-155.
  • Modern, I. 109; III. 157-554
  • Neo-Aristotelian, II. 381.
  • Oriental, I. 63, 96-99, 117-147.
  • Platonic, II. 1-117, 400; III. 38, 110, 111.
  • Popular, I. 92, 93, 389.
  • Pythagorean, I. 194-239; III. 113.
  • Scholastic, I. 64; II. 130, 395; III. 25, 37-107, 114, 115, 138, 142, 146, 151, 162, 180;
  • language of, III. 38;
  • name, III. 39.
  • Scottish, III. 219, 362, 363, 375-379, 392.
  • of the Sophists, I. 107, 352-384.
  • Teutonic, I. 101, 109.
  • Western, I. 99.
  • Phoenicians, I. 85.
  • Physiocratic system, III. 386.
  • Picus, III. 112.
  • Pindar, II. 35.
  • Pisistratus, I. 158-160.
  • Pittacus, I. 156, 160.
  • Plato, I. 14, 46, 48, 52, 87, 88, 91, 135, 163, 165-167, 195, 206-209, 213, 215, 228, 249, 250, 262, 342, 350, 354, 365-368, 374-376, 386, 387, 396, 401-406, 410-414, 431, 443, 448, 457, 459, 464, 471, 474, 486; II. 118-121, 134-136, 140, 210, 232, 234, 244, 274, 311, 314, 317, 338, 350, 364, 383, 388, 401-403, 407, 410, 413, 429, 434, 435, 441, 445, 452; III. 29, 59, 85, 95, 110, 161, 242, 257, 300, 310, 312, 319, 358, 527;
  • life and teaching, II. 1-117;
  • disciple of Socrates, II. 1, 3, 4;
  • studied Heraclitus, I. 282, 283; II. 4;
  • difficulty of his philosophy II. 10;
  • dialogues, II. 12 seq.;
  • Symposium, I. 284, 285, 390, 394, 395;
  • PhÆdo, I. 340, seq.; II. 41, 55;
  • TimÆus, I. 38, 143, 233, 252; II. 14, 20, 22, 49, 62, 71, 73, 81, 106, 134, 312;
  • Parmenides, I. 88, 166, 249, 261, 264, 266; II. 49, 56, 59, 60, 64, 437;
  • Republic, I. 323; II. 22, 23, 27, 44, 46, 49, 51, 90, 93, 95-99, 109, 122, 405; III. 48;
  • TheÆtetus, I. 249;
  • Protagoras, I. 358-364;
  • Meno, I. 406; II. 33, 34;
  • PhÆdrus, II. 14, 36, 41, 74;
  • Critias, II. 49;
  • Philebus, II. 56, 68, 70, 442;
  • Sophist, II. 56, 62;
  • Laws, II. 104;
  • aim of dialogues, II. 50, 51;
  • Ideas of, I. 220, 278; II. 21, 29 seq., 56, 59, 139, 140, 228, 229, 419, 451;
  • inert ideas, II. 144;
  • myths, II. 19 seq.;
  • conception of Philosophy, II. 21 seq.;
  • knowledge and opinion, II. 31, 32;
  • doctrine of recollection, II. 33 seq.;
  • immortality of the soul, II. 36 seq.;
  • idealism of, II. 43;
  • sensuous and intellectual distinguished, II. 46;
  • dialectic, II. 48-71, 257, 436, 438;
  • speculative dialectic, II. 52, 53;
  • logical side of dialectic, II. 54;
  • natural philosophy, II. 49;
  • Page_510" class="pginternal">510, 511;
  • of Socrates, I. 374 seq., 384, 387, 407, 410-413, 420-423, 444, 449;
  • of Plato, II. 33, 80, 108 seq.;
  • of lack of, in Greek moral Idea, II. 114, 139;
  • Aristotle, II. 140, 221;
  • of the Academy, II. 311;
  • of the Sceptics, II. 328 seq., 341, 350, 374;
  • of Descartes, III. 240;
  • lack of in Spinoza, III. 287;
  • of Hume, III. 372-374;
  • of Kant, III. 410, 430-434, 440-443, 453, 454, 468, 477;
  • of Jacobi, III. 416, 423-425;
  • of Fichte, III. 481, 486, 507.
  • Substance, I. 73, 98, 105, 106, 127, 143, 150, 153, 174; III. 243, 244, 257, 259, 288-290, 299, 306, 363.
  • Substantial, the, I. 70, 76, 77, 97, 104-106, 144-146, 150, 152, 386.
  • Sulzer, III. 404.
  • Supernatural, the, I. 80.
  • Supper, the, I. 74; III. 54.
  • Syllogism, the, II. 75, 213, 214, 223; III. 179, 180, 445, 446, 464.
  • Syncellus, I. 86.
  • Syria, Syrians, I. 149, 150; III. 26-29, 104.
  • Syrianus, II. 433.
  • Talk, idle, I. 202, 203.
  • Tennemann, I. 111, 113, 114, 181, 196, 206, 241, 243, 250, 278, 290, 297, 299, 311, 322, 394, 430, 440, 465; II. 11, 19, 53, 130; III. 39, 67, 68, 85.
  • Tertullian, III. 8.
  • Testament, Old, II. 108; III. 163;
  • New, III. 12.
  • Tetens, III. 403.
  • Teutons, I. 105, 109; III. 24, 56.
  • Thales, I. 41, 43, 44, 58, 109, 120, 156, 157, 163, 165, 196, 197, 203, 236, 248, 278, 286, 336; II. 350; III. 1;
  • life and teaching, I. 168-185.
  • Theism, I. 41; III. 387.
  • Themistocles, I. 157; II. 25.
  • Theodicy, III. 7, 546.
  • Theodorus the Cyrenaic, I. 469, 475-477; II. 3.
  • the Mathematician, II. 4.
  • Theogony, I. 69, 179.
  • Theology, I. 14, 60, 64, 80.
  • Theon of Smyrna, I. 214.
  • Theophrastus, I. 256; II. 127, 224, 225, 277, 314.
  • Theurgy, II. 432, 449.
  • Thirty Tyrants, II. 2.
  • Thomas of Strasburg, III. 89.
  • Thomasius, III. 349, 351.
  • Thomists, III. 80, 82.
  • Thought, I. 4, 5, 13, 21, 35, 67, 76, 77, 83, 89-92, 94, 95, 102, 103, 106-109, 145, 146, 153-155, 320, 347, 349; II. 2, 20, 36, 151, 316-318, 321, 419; III. 41,


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