GREEK PHILOSOPHY SECTION ONE (CONTINUED) | PAGE | Chapter III.—First Period, Third Division | 1 | A. The Philosophy of Plato | 1 | 1. Dialectic | 49 | 2. Philosophy of Nature | 71 | 3. Philosophy of Mind | 90 | B. The Philosophy of Aristotle | 117 | 1. Metaphysics | 137 | 2. Philosophy of Nature | 153 | 3. Philosophy of Mind | 180 | a. Psychology | 180 | b. Practical Philosophy | 202 | a. Ethic | 202 | . Politics | 207 | 4. Logic | 210 | SECTION TWO Second Period.—Dogmatism and Scepticism | 232 | A. The Philosophy of the Stoics | 236 | 1. Physics | 243 | 2. Logic | 249 | 3. Ethics | 257 | B. The Philosophy of the Epicureans | 276 | 1. Canonic | 281 | 2. Metaphysics | 286 | 3. Physics | 292 | 4. Ethics | 300 | C. The Philosophy of the New Academy | 311 | 1. Arcesilaus | 313 | 2. Carneades | 319 | D. Scepticism | 328 | 1. Earlier Tropes | 347 | 2. Later Tropes | 357 | SECTION THREE Third Period.—The Neo-Platonists | 374 | A. Philo | 387 | B. The Cabala and Gnosticism | 394 | 1. Cabalistic Philosophy | 394 | 2. The Gnostics | 396 | C. The Alexandrian Philosophy | 399 | 1. Ammonias Saccas | 403 | 2. Plotinus | 404 | 3. Porphyry and Iamblichus | 431 | 4. Proclus | 432 | 5. Successors of Proclus | 450 |