Introduction 1
A. Notion of the History of Philosophy 7
1. Common Ideas regarding the History of Philosophy 10
2. Explanatory remarks upon the Definition of the History of Philosophy 19
3. Results obtained with respect to the Notion of the History of Philosophy 29
B. The Relation of Philosophy to other Departments of
1. The Historical side of this Connection 50
2. Separation of Philosophy from other allied departments of Knowledge 55
3. Commencement of Philosophy and its History 94
C. Division, Sources, and Method adopted in treating of the
History of Philosophy
1. Division of the History of Philosophy 101
2. Sources of the History of Philosophy 110
3. Method of Treatment adopted 114
Oriental Philosophy 117
A. Chinese Philosophy 119
1. Confucius 120
2. The Philosophy of the Y-king 121
3. The Sect of the Tao-See 124
B. Indian Philosophy 125
1. The Sanc’hya Philosophy of Capila 128
2. The Philosophy of Gotama and Canade 141



Introduction 149
The Seven Sages 156
Division of the Subject 163


Chapter I.—First Period, First Division 166
A. The Ionic Philosophy 171
1. Thales 171
2. Anaximander 185
3. Anaximenes 189
B. Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans 194
1. The System of Numbers 208
2. Application of the System to the Universe 224
3. Practical Philosophy 235
C. The Eleatic School 239
1. Xenophanes 241
2. Parmenides 249
3. Melissus 257
4. Zeno 261
D. Heraclitus 278
1. The Logical Principle 282
2. Natural Philosophy 285
3. Relation of the Principle to Consciousness 293
E. Empedocles, Leucippus and Democritus 298
1. Leucippus and Democritus 299
a. The Logical Principle 302
b. The Constitution of the World 304
c. The Soul 310
2. Empedocles 310
F. Philosophy of Anaxagoras 319
1. The Universal Principle 329
2. The HomoeomeriÆ 333
3. The Relation of the Two 339
Chapter II.—First Period, Second Division 350
A. The Sophists 352
1. Protagoras 372
2. Gorgias 378
B. Socrates 384
1. The Socratic Method 397
2. The Principle of the Good 406
3. The Fate of Socrates 425
C. The Philosophy of the Socratics 448
1. The Megarics 454
a. Euclides 455
b. Eubulides 456
c. Stilpo 464
2. The Cyrenaic School 469
a. Aristippus 470
b. Theodoras 475
c. Hegesias 477
d. Anniceris 478
3. The Cynic School 479
a. Antisthenes 481
b. Diogenes 484
c. Later Cynics 486


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