Chapter I. - Leaving Home
- New York
- Brooklyn--Plymouth Church
- Extracts from Henry Ward Beecher's Sermon
- Greenwood Cemetery
- Barnum's Hippodrome
- On Board the "Manhattan"
- Setting Sail--The Parting Hour
- Sea-Sickness
- A Shoal of Whales
- Approaching Queenstown--The First Sight of Land
- Coasting Ireland and Wales
- Personal Incidents--Life-boat, No. 5
Chapter II. - Liverpool
- The Mystical Letters "IHS" mean Jesus
- The Wonderful Clock of Jacob Lovelace
Chapter III. - Chester--Origin of the Name
- The Rows or Second-Story Pavements
- The Cathedral and St. John's
- The Walls
- Birmingham
- Railroads in Europe
Chapter IV. - Stratford-on-Avon--- Shakespeare's Birthplace
- Shottery--Anne Hathaway's Home
- Shakespeare's Grave
Chapter V. - Warwick--St. Mary's
- Kenilworth Castle
- Approaching Coventry--"The Lover's Promenade"
- Coventry--Its Fine Churches
- Warwick Castle
- Oxford--The Great University
Chapter VI. London. - Its Underground Railroads
- Territory, Population and Other Statistics
- St. Paul's Cathedral
- Crystal Palace
- The Houses of Parliament
- Westminster Abbey
- Ensigns Armorial, &c.
- Sunday in London
- Hyde Park--Radical Meeting
- The Tower of London
Chapter VII. London to Paris. Chapter VIII. Paris. - Its Railway Stations,
- Lack of Delicacy in Many of the Social Habits and Institutions Among the People of Warm Countries
- The Boulevards, Rues, &c.
- Arcades and Passages
- Palais Royal
- Its Diamond Windows
- The Cafe--A Characteristic Feature of Modern
- Civilization
- Champs Elysees
- Palais de l'Industrie or the Exhibition Buildings
- Place de la Concorde and the Obelisk of Luxor
- Garden of the Tuileries
- The Arch of Triumph
- Other Triumphal Arches
- The Tomb of Napoleon I
- Artesian Wells
- Notre Dame Cathedral
- The Pantheon
- The Madeleine
- The Louvre
- Theaters and Operas
- At a Ball
- Incidents
Chapter IX. - St. Cloud
- The Palace at Versailles
- The Pleasure-Garden
Chapter X. - Leaving Paris
- Brussels
- The Cathedral
- Hotel de Ville
- Antwerp
- The Spirit of Revolution
- Notre Dame Cathedral
- The Museum
Chapter XI. Holland. - The Hague
- Cloak-Rooms
- Utrecht
Chapter XII. - Cologne
- The Cathedral
- The Museum
- Depths of Man's Degradation
- Bonn
- The Kreuzberg
- The Drachenfels
Chapter XIII. - Coblentz
- Geological Laws
- On the Rhine
- Frankfort
- Darmstadt
- Worms
Chapter XIV. The Palatinate, (Die Pfalz). - Mannheim
- Neustadt
- Heidelberg
- The Castle
- The Great Tun
- Stuttgart
- Strassburg
- The Black Forest
Chapter XV. Switzerland. - The Rigi
- The Giessbach Falls
- The Rhone Glacier
- The Grimsel
- The Cathedral of Freiburg
- Berne
Chapter XVI. - Geneva to Turin
- Mont Cenis Tunnel
Italy. - Its Fair Sky and Beautiful People,
- Milan
- Venice
- San Marco
Chapter XVII. - Venice to Bologne
- Florence
- Pisa
- Going Southward
Chapter XVIII. Rome. - The Colosseum
- The Roman Forum
- The Site of the Ancient Capitol
- "Twelve"
- The Temple of CÆsar
- The Baths of Caracalla
- The Pyramid of Cestius
- St. Peter's
- The Lateran
- Santa Maria Maggiore
- Museums
Chapter XIX. Rome to Brindisi. - Ascent of Mount Vesuvius,
- The Ruins of Pompeii
Chapter XX. - On the Mediterranean
- Alexandria
- Cairo
- Wretchedness of the Poorer Classes
- The Return Trip
- Conclusion
Subjects treated in a general way are distinguished by being rendered in italics, in this table of contents. The Keystone State Normal School. The Keystone State Normal School. |