Illustrations were relocated to correspond to their references in the text, therefore page numbers listed in the INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS are not accurate anymore. Obvious printer errors corrected and inconsistent spellings have been kept, including inconsistent use of hyphen (e.g. "after-flavor" and "after flavor"), accents (e.g. "MÜskirte" and "Muskirte"), capitalisation (e.g. "Nec plus Meuris" and "Nec Plus Meuris"), and proper names (e.g. "Luxemburg" and "Luxembourg"). Index entries that do not match their referenced text corrected (except where the text is an obvious printer error) and if necessary moved to the correct position according to alphabetical order, e.g. "Langstielege Zuckerbirne" corrected to be "Langstielige Zuckerbirne". Index entries that refer to non-existent text have been deleted. Page 247, word "it" removed from sentence "...though it it seems...." Page 284, word "it" removed from sentence "...where it it is...." |