
(Names of varieties in this index, if accepted names, appear in Roman type; synonyms in italics.)

ref="@public@vhost@g@html@files@47263@47263-h@47263-h-16.htm.html#Page_305" class="pginternal">305
Batchelder, William, var. orig. with, 305
Bateham, M. B., var. orig. by, 339
Baugh, 305
Baumann, Eugene, var. orig. by, 315
Baxter, Isaac B., var. orig. with, 389, 440
Baxter, William, var. orig. with, 305
Baxter Cling, 305
Bayne, Dr., var. introduced by, 305
Bayne Favorite, 305
Bayne New Heath, 305
Bealmear, Dr., var. orig, by, 305
Bealmear Cling, 305
Bear Early, 305
Bear Late, 305
Beatrice, 305
Beauchamp, 305
Beausse, Joseph, var. orig. by, 307
BeautÉ de la Saulsaie, 306
Beauty Blush (syn. of Blush), 314
Beauty of Salisbury, 306
Beauty of Vitry (syn. of Belle de Vitry), 309
Beauty of Zoar (syn. of Zoar Beauty), 497
Beaver No. 2, 306
Beckwith, var. orig. by, 306
Beckwith Early, 306
Becquett Late, 306
Becquette Cling (syn. of Bequette Cling), 310
Becquette Free (syn. of Bequette Free), 184
Beer (syn. of Beers Smock), 306
Beer, Samuel, var. orig. with, 306
Beer Late White Cling, 306
Beers, Joseph, var. orig. by, 306, 395
Beers Late, 306
Beers Late Melocoton (syn. of Beers Late), 306
Beers Late Red Rareripe, 306
Beers Melcatoon (syn. of Beers Late), 306
Beers Red Rareripe (syn. of Beers Late Red Rareripe), 306
Beers Smock, 306
BÉguine de Termonde? (syn. of Congress), 334
Bell Favorite, 306
Bell October, 307
Belle, 183
Belle de Bade, 307
Belle-Bauce (syn. of Belle Beausse), 307
Belle Bausse (syn. of Belle Beausse), 307
Belle de Beaucaire, 307
Belle Beauce (syn. of Belle Beausse), 307
Belle Beausse, 307
Belle BeautÉ, 307
Belle de Bordeaux (syn. of Bordeaux), 316
Belle CartiÈre, 307
Belle de Charleville, 307
Belle Chevreuse erg@html@files@47263@47263-h@47263-h-17.htm.html#Page_316" class="pginternal">316
Bordeaux, 316
Bordeaux Cling (syn. of Bordeaux), 316
Boswell, quoted, 110
BÖttchers FrÜhpfirsich, 316
Bourdeaux, 316
Boudin (syn. of Bourdine), 317
Bourdin Lackpfirsich (syn. of Bourdine), 317
Bourdine, 317
Bourdine Royale, 317
Bowers Early, 317
Bowslaugh (syn. of Bowslaugh Late), 317
Bowslaugh Late, 317
Boyd Early, 317
Boyles, 317
Boyles, James, var. orig. with, 317
Brackett, 317
Braddick American, 317
Braddick New York, 317
Braddick Red, 317
Braddick South American, 318
Braddick Summer, 318
Braddick's North American (syn. of Braddick American), 317
Bradley, 318
Brahy, Madam, var. orig. by, 469
Brainard Large Yellow, 318
Brandy, 318
Brandywine, 318
Brant, 318
Braunauer Lackpfirsich, 318
Braunauer Magdalene, 318
Braunauer Rote FrÜhe Pfirsich (syn. of Braunauer Lackpfirsich), 318
Bray, D., var. orig. with, 318
Bray Rareripe, 318
Bray White (syn. of Bray Rareripe), 318
Brett, 318
Brevoort, 319
Brevoort, Henry, var. orig. by, 319
Brevoort Seedling Melter (syn. of Brevoort), 319
Brevoort Seedling Pound, 319
Brice, Dr. S. M., var. orig. by, 319
Brice Early, 319
Brigdon, 189
Brigg's Early May (syn. of Briggs), 319
Briggs, 319
Briggs (syn. of Briggs Red May), 319
Briggs (syn. of Governor Briggs), 372
Briggs, John G., var. orig. with, 319
Briggs' May (syn. of Briggs), 319
Briggs Red May, 319
Bright, 319
Bright, Charles E., var. orig. by, 319
Brodie, 319
Bronough Cling, 319
BronzÉe, 319
Brooks, 319
Brooks, var. orig. by, 337
Coulombier, 337
Coulter, Thomas, quoted, 59-60
Countess, 337
Counts, 337
Counts, H. H., var. orig. with, 337
Coupers, 337
Coursoner Magdalene (syn. of Red Magdalen), 451
Couturier, Jean-Denis, var. orig. by, 469
Cowan Late, 337
Cox Cling, 337
Cox October, 337
Coxe, Dr., var. orig. by, 400, 455
Coxe, William, life of, 254-255;
quoted, 120, 254-255, var. orig. by, 333
Crane (syn. of St. John), 269
Crawford, William, var. orig. by, 205, 240
Crawford's Early (syn. of Early Crawford), 205
Crawford's Early Melocoton (syn. of Early Crawford), 205
Crawford's Late (syn. of Late Crawford), 240
Crawford's Late Melocoton (syn. of Late Crawford), 240
Crawford's Superb Malacatune (syn. of Late Crawford), 240
Cream, 337
Crimson Beauty I, 337
Crimson Beauty II, 338
Crimson Galande, 338
Crimson Mignonne (syn. of Crimson Galande), 338
Crockett, 338
Crockett Late (syn. of Crockett), 338
Crockett Late White ( syn. of Crockett), 338
Crofts Golden, 338
Cromwell, var. introduced by, 338
Cromwell Seedling, 338
Crosby, 202
Crosby, var. introduced by, 203
Crothers, 338
Crothers, var. orig. with, 338
Crown, 338
Cumberland, 338
Curtis, 338
Cushing, Dr., var. orig. by, 496
Cutter, 339
Cutter's Yellow (syn. of Yellow Rareripe), 289
Dabezac, 339
Dad, 339
Dagmar, 339
Daniels, E. T., var. orig. by, 337, 413, 428
Darby, 339
Darby, G., var. orig. by, 396
Darwin, Charles, quoted, 12, 65
Daun, 348
Early Barnard (syn. of Barnard), 304
Early Beatrice (syn. of Beatrice), 305
Early Beauty, 348
Early Belle (syn. of Hiley), 227
Early Bourdine, 348
Early Canada (syn. of Canada), 190
Early Charlotte, 349
Early Chelmsford, 349
Early Chevalier, 349
Early China, 349
Early Crawford, 205
Early Crawford Seedling No. 1, 349
Early Crawford Seedling No. 3, 349
Early Cream, 349
Early Cronesteyn, 349
Early Curtis, 349
Early Downton, 349
Early Favourite? (syn. of Favourite), 358
Early Free, 350
Early George (syn. of Early Royal George), 352
Early Grosse Mignonne (syn. of FrÜhe Mignonne), 364
Early Imperial, 350
Early Leopold, 350
Early Lewis (syn. of Lewis), 403
Early Louise, 350
Early Lydia, 350
Early Malden (syn. of Malden), 412
Early Michigan, 350
Early Mignonne (syn. of FrÜhe Mignonne), 364
Early Miners, 350
Early Newington (syn. of Smith Newington), 467
Early Newington Free, 350
Early Orange Peach (syn. of Yellow Rareripe), 289
Early Purple, 351
Early Rareripe I, 351
Early Rareripe II, 351
Early Red I, 351
Early Red II, 351
Early Red Cling, 351
Early Red Rareripe (syn. of Red Rareripe), 452
Early Red Rareripe of Rhoades (syn. of Red Rareripe), 452
Early Rivers (syn. of Rivers), 266
Early Robinson Crusoe (syn. of Robinson Crusoe), 455
Early Rose I, 351
Early Rose II, 351
Early Rose III, 352
Early Royal George, 352
Early Sam, 352
Early Savoy (syn. of Savoy), 461
Early Silver, 352
Early Strawberry, 352
Early Sweetwater (syn. of Sweet Water), 475
Early Tallman, 352
Early Tillotson (syn. of Tillotson), 367
General Jackson (syn. of Stonewall Jackson), 472
General Landon, 368
General Lee, 217
General Taylor, 368
Genesee, 368
Genueser, 368
Genueser Aprikosenpfirsich (syn. of Genueser), 368
George IV, 218
George Late, 368
George the Fourth (syn. of George IV), 218
Georgia (syn. of Belle), 183
Georgia Press, 368
Gerarde, John, quoted, 36-37;
varieties of peaches mentioned by, 36
Gest Superb, 368
Gestreifter Blutpfirsich, 368
Gettysburg, 368
GewÖhnliche Blutpfirsich (syn. of Sanguinole), 461
Gibbon, 368
Gibbon October, 368
Gibson, 368
Gibson, Eugene, var. orig. by, 326, 368
Gibson Late, 369
Gibson Seedling, 369
Gill, var. orig. with, 218
Gillingham, 369
Gilman Early, 369
Gilmore, 369
Gladstone, 369
Glasgow, 369
Glen, 369
Glen Saint Mary Nurseries, var. orig. with, 282
Glendale, 369
Globe, 369
Godbey, T. K., var. orig. by, 330, 391, 486
Goff, E. S., quoted, 149
Gold and Purple (syn. of Golden Purple), 370
Gold Ball, 369
Gold Drop, 219
Gold Dust, 369
Gold Mine, 370
Golden, 370
Golden AmpÈre, 370
Golden Ball, 370
Golden Belt, 370
Golden Cling, 370
Golden Cuba, 370
Golden Drop (syn. of Gold Drop), 219
Golden Eagle, 370
Golden Gate, 370
Golden Purple, 370
Golden Rareripe, 371
Golden Sweet Cling, 371
Goldfinch (syn. of Stark Early Elberta), 470
Goode, 379
Hatch, 379
Hatch, A aspfirsche, 395
Kleine Lieblingspfirsche (syn. of Petite Mignonne), 441
Kleiner Blutpfirsich, 395
Kleiner lieblicher Lackpfirsich (syn. of Petite Mignonne), 441
Kleiner Rother FrÜhpfirsich (syn. of Red Nutmeg), 452
Kleiner weisser FrÜhpfirsche (syn. of White Nutmeg), 491
Klondike, 395
Kohler Cling, 396
KÖnglecher Lackpfirsich (syn. of Royale), 458
KÖnig Georgs Pfirsich (syn. of Royal George), 457
KÖnigin Olga (syn. of Queen Olga), 449
KÖnigliche Magdalene (syn. of Royal George), 457
Knapp Castle Seedling, 396
Knight, Thomas A., var. orig. by, 291, 296, 349, 470
Knight Early, 396
Knight Mammoth, 396
Knight Markley Admirable, 396
Knowles Hybrid, 396
Krans, Dr., var. introduced by, 343
Kraus 4 & 16, 396
Krauser Lieblingspfirsich (syn. of Mignonne Frizee), 418
Krengelbacher Lieblingspfirsich, 396
Krummel, 396
Krummel Late (syn. of Krummel), 396
Krummel October (syn. of Krummel) 396
Kruse, var. orig. by, 396
Kruse Kent, 396
La Belle, 396
La Chalonnaise, 396
La Fleur, 396
La Fleur, G. H., var. orig. with, 396
La France, 397
La Grange, 397
La Magnifique, 397
La Reine, 397
La Rieva, 397
LacÈne, var. orig. with, 291
Lackpfirsich von Pau (syn. of Pau), 433
Lady Anne Stewart, 397
Lady Farham, 397
Lady Lindsey, 397
Lady Palmerston, 397
Lady Parham (syn. of Parham), 433
Lafayette I, 397
Lafayette II, 398
Lafayette Free, 398
Lakeside Cling, 398
Lamont, 237
Lamont, Charles, var. orig. with, 238
Lancaster, 398
Lancaster Yellow Rareripe (syn. of Lancaster), 398
Lansdell, Henry, quoted, 24-25
Lane, 331
Lynn Lemon Cling, 407
Lyon, 407
Lyon, T. T., life of, 270
Lyon Cling, 407
Lyon Mammoth Cling (syn. of Lyon Cling), 407
Lyons, Jacob C., var. orig. with, 463
McAllister, 407
M'Clish, 407
McClung, var. orig. with, 221
McCollister, 407
McConnell Seedling, 408
McCormick, 408
McCowan, Dr., var. orig. by, 408
McCowan Cling, 408
McCoy, Henry, var. orig. with, 408
McCoy Free, 408
McCoy Seedling, 408
McDevitt, 408
McDevitt, Neal, var. orig. with, 408
McIntosh, 408
McIntyre Late Free, 408
McKay, W. L., var. introduced by, 291;
var. orig. with, 408
McKay Late, 408
McKevitt, 409
McKevitt, A., var. orig. with, 409
McKinley, 409
McKinnel, 409
McKinney, 409
McLide Seedling, 409
McNair Late, 409
McNeil, 409
McNeil Early, 409
Macon, 409
McShaw, 409
Madame d'Andrimont, 409
Madame BernÈde, 409
Madame Daurel, 409
Madame Edouard Pynaert (syn. of Madame Pynaert), 410
Madame Gaujard, 409
Madame MalfilÂtre, 410
Madame Pynaert, 410
Madeira, 410
Madeira Freestone (syn. of Madeira), 410
Madeleine Blanche (syn. of White Magdalen), 490
Madeleine Blanche d'Anoot, 410
Madeleine Blanche de DouÉ, 410
Madeleine Blanche de Loisel, 410
Madeleine Blanche prÉcoce (syn. of White Magdalen), 490
Madeleine du Comice (syn. of Comice d'Angers), 333
Madeleine de Courson (syn. of Red Magdalen), 451
Madeleine Dekenhoven (syn. of Dekenhoven Pfirsich), 341
Madeleine d'Ekenholen (syn. of Dekenhoven Pfirsich), 341
Madeleine Hariot, 410
Madeleine HÂtive (syn. of Royal Charlotte), 457
Madele pginternal">482
New England Cling, 425
New Ford (syn. of Ford), 361
New Globe, 425
New Golden Purple, 425
New Noblesse, 425
New Prolific (syn. of Prolific), 261
New Royal Charlotte (syn. of Royal Charlotte), 457
New Serrated (syn. of Unique), 482
New White Rareripe, 426
New York Early (syn. of Smith Newington), 467
New York Early Lemon Clingstone, 426
New York Rareripe (syn. of Large York), 238
New York White Cling (syn. of Large White Cling), 399
Newark Seedling (syn. of Niagara), 252
Newhall, 426
Newhall, Sylvester, var. orig. by, 426
Newington (of America), 426
Newington (syn. of Old Newington), 429
Newington Magdalene? (syn. of Old Newington), 429
Newman, 426
Newman, Charles, var. orig. by, 426
Niagara, 252
Nicarde, 426
Nichols, 426
Nichols, Joseph, var. orig. with, 426
Nichols Orange Cling (syn. of Nichols), 426
Nicholson Smock, 426
Nicols Beauty, 426
Nina Cling, 426
Nivette, 426
Nivette VeloutÉe (syn. of Nivette), 426
Nix, 427
Nix Late (syn. of Nix), 427
Nix Late Cling (syn. of Nix), 427
Nix Late White (syn. of Nix), 427
Nix October (syn. of Nix), 427
Noblesse, 427
Noblesse Early, 427
Noblesse of Oatlands, 427
Noblesse Seedling (syn. of Alexandra), 295
Noblest (syn. of Noblesse), 427
Noisette, var. orig. with, 316
Nonpareil, 427
Normand, 427
Normand Choice (syn. of Normand), 427
North China No. 2, 427
Northern Apricot (syn. of American Apricot), 297
Norton, G. H., var. orig. by, 344
Norton Late, 428
Norvell Mammoth, 428
Norvell, Dr. H. V., var. orig. by, 428
Norwood, quoted, 47, 64
Novalis, 428
Nugent, E. J., var. orig. with,

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