34-39 ; history of the, in Europe, 25-39 ; history of the, in

34-39 ; history of the, in Europe, 25-39 ; history of the, in France, 32-33 ; history of the, in Germany, 33-34 ; history of the, in Greece, 26 ; history of the, in Holland, 33-34 ; history of the, in Italy, 27-32 ; history of the, in Japan, 21-22 ; history of the, in Mexico, 40-41 ; history of the, in Persia, 4-Feb ; history of the, in Spain, 33-34 ; history of the, in Turkestan and Persia, 22-25 ; horticultural classifications of the, 91-97 ; insects detrimental to the, 173-177 ; mention of the, by Chinese writers, 7 ; mention of the, by French writers, 32-33 ; mention of the, by Greek and Roman writers, 7-Jun , 26-32 ; origin of the, 11-Feb ; origin of the name of the, 2 ; original habitat of the, 4-Mar ; place of the, in the genus Prunus, 68-70 ; relationship of the, to the almond, 13-Nov , 69-70 , 80 ; tree- and fruit-characters of the, 71-77 ; uses of the wood of the, 117 Peach-acreage in New York, 132-133 ; -areas in New York, 131-132 ; -brandy, commercial value of, 116 ; -breeding, discussion of, 130 ; -culture, where started in America, 40 ; -flowers, value of, in classification, 75-76 ; -fruits, value of, in classification, 76 ; -growing, commercial beginning of, in America, 98-99 ; commercial development of, in the South, 101 ; commercial development of, in Connecticut, 101 ; development of, in New York, 101-102 ; development of, in Ohio, 102-103 ; -industry, climatic conditions affecting the, 133-143 ; development of the, in Michigan, 103 ; extent of the, in Delaware, 99-100 ; magnitude of the, in the United States, 109-110 ; profit derived from the, 100-101 Peach-leather, how made, 116 ; use of, 116 -orchard, care of the, 152-159 ; planting the, 153 ; -orchards, fertilizers best suited for, 155-156 ; intercropping of, 153-154 ; locations and sites for, 144-147 ; use of cover-crops in, 154-155 ; -production, tabulated report of, in the United States, 104-105 ; -products, 109-119 ; -stones, uses and value of, 116-117 ; -tree, ornamental forms of the, 79 ; -trees, number of, in New York, 131 ; -varieties, blooming dates of, 138-142 ; season of ripening of, 138-142 ; -yellows, discussion of, 118-130 ; first notice of, 118-119 ; magnitude of, 118 ; ravages of, in Delaware, 127-129 ; ravages of, in New England, 125 ; ravages of, in New Jersey, 122-123 ; ravages of, in New York, 123-125 ; ravages of, in the Central States, 125-127 ; regions first affected by, 120-122 ; symptoms and means of combatting, 169-171 Peaches, American, characters of, 20-21 ; canning of, as an industry, 110-112 ; Chinese, illustrations of the fruit-characters of, 15-20 ; classification of, by aid of glands, 73-75 ; classification of, by Onderdonk, 92-96 ; costs in the production of, 166-169 ; discussion of six varieties of, by Pliny, 28-30 ;

@html@files@47263@47263-h@47263-h-24.htm.html#Page_447" class="pginternal">447

Prince's Excelsior (syn. of Excelsior), Rodman Red, 455
Rodman's Cling (syn. of Rodman Red), 455
Rogers, var. orig. with, 455
Rogers, Daniel E., var. orig. with, 288
Rogers, Lloyd N., var. orig. with, 345
Rogers I, 455
Rogers II, 455
Roman, 455
Romorantin, 455
Romorantin À Chair Rouge, 455
Ronde de VallabrÊques, 456
Rose, Preston, var. orig. with, 351
Rose (syn. of Strawberry), 472
Rose Aromatic, 456
Rosebank, 456
Rosedale, 456
Rosen-Magdalene, 456
Rosenburg Cling, 456
Roser, 456
Roseville, 456
Roseville Cling (syn. of Roseville), 456
Ross, Captain A. J., var. orig. with, 247
Rossanna, 456
Rossanne (syn. of Alberge), 293
Rote FrÜhpfirsich (syn. of Red Nutmeg), 452
Rote Magdalenenpfirsich (syn. of Red Magdalen), 451
Rothe FrÜhpfirsche von Troyes (syn. of Red Nutmeg), 452
Rothe Magdalene (syn. of Red Magdalen), 451
Rother Aprikosenpfirsch (syn. of Alberge), 293
Rouge de Mai (syn. of Briggs), 319
Round Transparent, 456
Roussaine (syn. of Rossanna), 456
Roussane Berthelane, 457
Roussanne Nouvelle, 457
Royal (syn. of Teton de Venus), 478
Royal Ascot (syn. of Marquis of Downshire), 414
Royal Charlotte, 457
Royal George, 457
Royal George Clingstone, 457
Royal George Mignonne, 457
Royal Kensington (syn. of Grosse Mignonne), 375
Royal Vineyard, 458
Royale, 458
Royale de Barsac, 458
Rozanna (syn. of Rossanna), 456
RÜdiger Starhemberg, 458
Ruding Late, 458
Rumbolion (syn. of Rumbullion), 458
Rumbullion, 458
Rumph, L. A., var. orig. by, 183
Rumph, Samuel H., var. orig. by, 210
Runde Feine Durchsichtige, 458
Runyon, var. orig. with, 458
Runyon Orange Cling, 458
Rupley, 473
Strunk, W. P., var. orig. by, 473
Stuart, 473
Stubenrauch, J. W., var. orig. by, 193, 246, 363, 404, 463, 481
Studt, 473
Stump, 276
Stump-of-the-World (syn. of Stump), 277
Stump the World (syn. of Stump), 276
Sturtevant, 473
Sturtevant, E. T., var. orig. by, 473
Suber, 473
Suber, var. orig. by, 473
Success, 473
Sugar (syn. of Chili), 197
Sulhamstead, 473
Summer Snow, 278
Sumner Early, 474
Sumner White Free, 474
Sunrise, 474
Sunset, 474
Superb Royal (syn. of Grosse Mignonne), 375
Superbe de Choisy, 474
Superbe de TrÉvoux, 474
Superior Late, 474
Sure Crop, 475
Surpasse, 279
Surpasse Bon Ouvrier, 474
Surpasse Melocoton (syn. of Surpasse), 279
Surprise, 474
Surprise de Jodoigne, 474
Surprise de Pellaine, 474
Surties, 475
Surties, var. orig. by, 356, 475
Susquehanna, 475
Swainson Black, 475
Swalsh, 475
Swalze (syn. of Swalsh), 475
Swann Free, 475
Sweet, 475
Sweet, M. E., var. orig. by, 475
Sweet Water, 475
Swick Wonder, 476
Switzerland, 476
Sylphide, 474
Sylphide Cling (syn. of Sylphide), 474
Sylvester, Dr. E. W., var. orig. by, 300, 453
Syrische Pfirsich (syn. of PÊche de Syria), 438
Taber, 476
Taber, G. L., var. introduced by, 201, 298, 360, 397,
Veitch, var. introduced by, 348
Veitch, Messrs., var. orig. by, 399
VeloutÉe de PiÉmont (syn. of Grosse Mignonne), 375
Venusbrust (syn. of Teton de Venus), 478
Vergil, quoted, 27
Veritable Chancelliere, 484
VÉritable PourprÉe hÂtive À grande fleur (syn. of Early Purple), 351
Verona, 484
Verte de Beaulieu, 484
Very Large Seedling Peach, 484
Vessier, 485
Victor, 485
Victoria, 485
Victoria (syn. of Early Victoria), 352
Vilmorin, 485
Vineuse de Fromentin, 485
Vineuse HÂtive, 485
Vinous Purple, 485
Violet HÂtive, 485
Violet Muscat, 486
Violet Musk, 486
Violette Galande (syn. of Galande), 365
Violette HÂtive (syn. of Violet HÂtive), 485
Violette de Montpellier, 486
Violetter Aprikosenpfirsich, 486
Voorheis No. 1, 486
Voorheis Silver, 486
Virginia (syn. of Columbia), 333
Waddell, 284
Waddell, William, var. orig. with, 285
Wager, 286
Wager, Benjamin, var. orig. with, 286
Wake Forest, 486
Walburton, 486
Walburton Admirable (syn. of Walburton), 486
Waldo, 486
Walker, 486
Walker, H. R., var. introduced by, 484
Walker Early, 487
Walker's Variegated Free (syn. of Walker), 486
Wallace, 487
Wallen, var. orig. with, 268
Waller, 487
Waller Brothers, var. orig. by, 487
Wallis, Henry, var. orig. with, 487
Wallis Best, 487
Wallis Heath Free, 487
Walter Early, 487
Ward, Dr. A., var. orig. by, 487
Ward Late, 487
Ward's Freestone (syn. of Ward Late), 487
Ward's Late Free (syn. of Ward Late), 487
Ware, 488
Ware, W. W., var. orig. with, 490
Wark, 488
Wark, James, var. orig. by,

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