A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z (Names of varieties in this index, if accepted names, appear in roman type; if synonyms, in italics.) Abby Clingotten, 433 Ada, 433 Adaptation, 68; influence of air current, 71; of altitude and latitude, 69; of fertility, 70; of insects and fungi, 72; of moisture, 69, 70; of soil, 71; of temperature, 69 Adelaide, 433 Adelia, 433 Adeline, 433 Adirondac, 157 Adlum, John, attempt to establish an experimental farm, 45, 46; book by, 45; life of, 45; quoted, 45, 46, 161; var. found by, 449 Admirable, 433 Admirable (syn. of Fern Munson), 271 Admiral (syn. of Black Hamburg), 186 Adobe, 433 Adobe Land grape (syn. of V. champini), 124 Advance, 158 Agawam, 158 Aiken, 433 Air currents, 71 Alabama, grapes in, 20 Alabama (syn. of Lenoir), 328 Alabama (syn. of Ohio (I)), 369 Albaiis, 433 Albania, 433 Albert, 433 Albino, 433 Alderton, D., var. found by, 466 Aledo, 433 Aletha, 433 Alexander, 17, 45, 50, 160 Alexander (syn. of Isabella), 307 Alexander, John, var. found by, 161 Alexander, S. R., var. orig. by, 163 Alexander Winter, 163 Alexander’s (syn. of Alexander), 160 Alexandria (syn. of Alexander), 160 Alfarata, 434 Alice (I), 164 Alice (II), 164 Alice Lee, 434 Allair, 434 Allen, John Fisk, var. orig. by, 166, 461 Allen’s Hybrid 56, 57, 165 Alma, 434 Alphonse, 434 Aluwe, 434 Alvey, 434 Alvey’s Lenori (syn. of Lenori), 479 Alvey’s Logan (syn. of Logan), 481 Amadas and Barlowe, quoted, 30, 31, 51 Amalia, 434 Amanda, 434 Ambecon, 434 Amber, 434 Amber (syn. of Early Amber), 455 Amber Queen, 166 Ambrosia, 167 Amelia (syn. of Amalia), 434 Amerbonte, 434 America, 168 American grapes, characters of, 3, 4, 98, 103, 105; distribution of, 26; early history of, 26 et seq.; resistance to disease, 6; species of, 107 American grape vine (syn. of V. aestivalis), 138 American Hamburg, 434 American Muscadine (syn. of Scuppernong), 399 Amersion, 434 Amethyst, 169 Aminia, 170 Amonta, 435 Amoreaux (syn. of Louisiana), 331 Amoreux (syn. of Rulander), 508 Amos, 435 Amy, 435 Andover, 435 Anida, 435 Anna, 435 Ann Arbor (syn. of White Ann Arbor), 523 Annie M., 435 Anthracnose, 87 Antill, Edward, essay by, 15, 40; quoted, 41 Antoinette, 171 Anuta, 435 Arbeka, 435 Archer, 435 Archer (syn. of Lenoir), 328 Archer, Ellis S., var. orig. by, 435 Arcott (syn. of Cassady), 445 Ariadne, 435 Arizona grape (syn. of V. arizonica), 133 Arizonensis (syn. of V. arizonica), 133 Arkansas, grapes in, 54 Arkansas (syn. of Catawba), 204 Arkansas (syn. of Cynthiana), 228 Arkansas (syn. of V. rotundifolia), 109 Arkansaw, 435 Armalaga, 435 Armbrilong, 435 Armlong, 435 Arnold, Charles, life of, 200; var. orig. by, 174, 190, 200, 375, 450 Arnold’s Hybrid No. 1 (syn. of Othello), 374 Arnold’s No. 2 (syn. of Cornucopia), 450 Arnold’s No. 5 (syn. of Autuchon), 173 Arnold’s No. 8 (syn. of Brant), 190 Arnold’s No. 16 (syn. of Canada), 199 Arnott (syn. of Cassady), 445 Aroma, 435 Arrold, 436 Arrott (syn. of Cassady), 445 Arthur, J. S., var. found by, 500 Ash (syn. of Ironclad), 306 Ash-leaved grape (syn. of V. cinerea), 131 Ashy grape (syn. of V. cinerea), 131 Asiatic Wine grape (syn. of V. vinifera), 154 Atavite, 436 Atoka, 436 Auburn Pearl, 436 Aughwick, 436 August Coral, 436 August Giant, 172 August Isabella (syn. of Valentine), 519 August Pioneer, 436 Augusta, 436 Augustina, 436 Australian (syn. of Huntingdon), 471 Australis, 436 Auteonello, 436 Autuchon, 173 Avery, John P., var. orig. by, 436 Avery, Seth, var. orig. by, 462 Avery Prolific, 436 Avilla, 436 Ayres, E. J., var. orig. by, 436 Ayres Pride, 436 Azure, 436 Babcock, D. W., var. orig. by, 527 Bacchus, 174 Bachman, Joseph, var. orig. by, 177, 406, 515 Badart, 437 Bailey, 176 Bailey, L. H., cited, 106, 121, 149; life of, 142; quoted, 4, 112, 133, 144; work on Vitis by, 101; writings of, 142 Bailey Prolific, 437 Bailie, 437 Bailie, Samuel, var. orig. by, 437 Baker, 437 Baldwin Lenoir, 437 Baldwin’s Early (syn. of York Madeira), 529 Baltimore Seedling, 437 Balziger, 437 Balziger, J., var. orig. by, 437 Balziger’s Concord Seedling No. 2, 437 Balziger’s No. 32, 437 Banner, 177 Barbara, 437 Bark, taxonomic value of, 105 Barnes, 437 Barnes, Parker, var. orig. by, 437 Baroness, 437 Barry, 177 Barry, Patrick, cited, 350 Barry’s No. 19 (syn. of Rochester), 388 Bartlett, 437 Bartram, John, life of, 97 Bartram, William, cited, 161, 162; life of, 97; quoted, 4, 67, 139; species compared by, 98; works of, 97 Bashtite, H. T., var. found by, 211 Bates, 437 Bauchman Red Fox, 437 Baxter, 437 Bay State, 437 Beach, 438 Beach, Dr. Soloman, mentioned, 206 Beach, S. A., quoted, 105 Beach grape (syn. of V. longii), 123 Beacon, 179 Beaconsfield (syn. of Champion), 210 Beagle, 438 Beansville, 438 Beaufort, 438 Beauty, 180 Beauty of Minnesota, 438 Beaver
dam, 438 Beeby Black, 438 Belinda, 438 Bell, 181 Bellomont, Earl of, cited, 13; quoted, 12 Belton, 438 Belvidere, 438 Belvin, 438 Ben, 438 Ben Hur, 438 Benjamin, 438 Bentham, George, life of, 135; works of, 135 Berckmans, 182 Berckmans, P. J., mentioned, 182 Berks, 439 Berlandier, Jean Louis, life of, 131 Berlaussel, 439 Berlin, 439 Bermuda vine (syn. of V. riparia), 117 Bertha, 439 Bertrand, 183 Bessey, C. E., cited, 106 Beta, 439 Bettina, 439 Beverly, Robert, quoted, 8, 33, 38, 39 Big B Con (syn. of Beacon), 179 Big Berry, 439 Big Black, 439 Big Bunch (syn. of Big Berry), 439 Big Cluster, 439 Big Concord (syn. of Jumbo), 475 Big Extra (syn. of Extra), 460 Big Hope, 439 Big Ozark, 439 Big Red (syn. of Collier), 449 Bird grape (syn. of V. munsoniana), 112 Bird’s Egg, 439 Bird’s-eye rot (See Anthracnose) Bishop, 440 Bishop, D., var. orig. by, 440 Bismarck, 440 Bissell, J. W., cited, 214 Black, Dr. R. B., var. found by, 478 Black Bear, 440 Black Cape (syn. of Isabella), 307 Black Claret, 440 Black Cluster, 440 Black Delaware, 440 Black Delaware (syn. of Nectar), 358 Black Defiance, 184 Black Eagle, 185 Black El Paso (syn. of Lenoir), 328 Black Fox (syn. of V. labrusca), 150 Black German (syn. of Marion (I)), 339 Black German (syn. of York Madeira), 529 Black Gibraltar (syn. of Black Hamburg), 186 Black Grape (syn. of Alexander), 160 Black Guignard (syn. of Guignard), 465 Black Hamburg, 524 Burroughs, 443 Burrows, J. G., var. orig. by, 443 Burrows No. 42C, 443 Burton Early, 443 Burton’s Early August (syn. of Early August), 455 Bush, 443 Bush, Isadore, cited, 119, 180, 208; life of, 119; quoted, 144 Bush grape (syn. of V. longii), 123 Bush grape of Texas (syn. of V. rupestris), 113 Bushberg, 443 Bushberg Catalogue, quoted, 189, 236 Bushy grape (syn. of V. rotundifolia), 109 Cabot, 444 Cairnano, 444 California grape (syn. of V. californica), 135 California grape (syn. of V. girdiana), 136 California, grapes in, 25; raisins in, 67 California region, 61 California Rosea, 444 California White, 444 Calkins, Mr., var. orig. by, 471 Calloway, 444 Caloosa (syn. of V. cariboea), 146 Caloosa grape (syn. of V. candicans coriacea), 148 Calypso, 444 Camaks, 444 Camaks, James, var. orig. by, 444 Cambridge, 444 Camden, 444 Cameron, John D., var. orig. by, 494 Campbell (syn. of Campbell Early), 196 Campbell (syn. of Early Golden), 456 Campbell, Geo. W., cited, 115; life of, 198; var. orig. by, 198, 413, 439, 475, 495, 500, 503, 523, 549, 550 Campbell Early, 196 Campbell’s Concord Hybrid No. 6 (syn. of Triumph), 411 Campbell’s Seedling No. 6 (syn. of Triumph), 411 Canaan, 444 Canada, 199 Canadian Hamburg (syn. of Othello), 374 Canadian Hybrid (syn. of Othello), 374 Canandaigua, 201 Canby, 444 Canby, W., var. orig. by, 444 Canby’s August (syn. of York Madeira), 529 Canon grape (syn. of V. arizonica), 133 Canonicus, 444 Canyon grape (syn. of V. arizonica), 133 Cape (syn. of Alexander), 160 Cape (syn. of Isabella), 307 Cape grape (syn. of Alexander), 50 Cape May Prolific, 444 Cape of Good Hope grape (syn. of Alexander), 160 Capital, 444 Captain, 201 Captraube (syn. of Isabella), 307 Carlotte, 444 Carman, 202 Carminet, 445 Carolina (syn. of Caroline), 445 Carolina Blue Muscadine, 445 Carolina Powel (syn. of Bland), 441 Caroline, 445 Carpenter, Charles, var. orig. by, 448, 458, 483, 491 Carpenter’s Seedling (syn. of Mottled), 491 Carter, 445 Carter (syn. of To-Kalon), 410 Carver, 445 Case, 445 Case, S. D., var. found. by, 451 Case Crystal, 445 Caspar, 445 Caspar, A., var. orig. by, 445 Cassady, 445 Cassady, H. P., var. orig., by, 445 Cat Bird grape (syn. of V. rubra), 125 Cat grape (syn. of V. rubra), 125 Catarobe, 445 Catawba, 50, 203 Catawba Tokay (syn. of Catawba), 204 Catawissa (syn. of Creveling), 224 Catawissa Bloom (syn. of Creveling), 224 Catherine, 445 Catoosa, 445 Cayuga, 208 Caywood, Andrew Jackson, life of, 247; var. orig. by, 247, 272, 358, 381, 414, 420, 445, 471, 480, 483, 487, 490, 524 Caywood No. 1, 445 Caywood No. 50, 445 Centennial, 208 Central lake district, 72; acreage of, 85; climate of, 82, 83; first plantings in, 83; first shipments from, 84; fungi in, 86, 87; geology of, 81; insects in, 85, 86; pruning and training in, 85; season of, 84, 85; soils of, 82; topography of, 82; wine in, 84 Challenge, 209 Challenge (syn. of Othello), 374 Chambersburg White, 445 Chambril, 445 Champagne, 65; production of in U. S., 65 Champanel, 446 Champania (syn. of Isabella), 307 Champin grape (syn. of V. champini), 124 Champion, 210 Champova, 446 Chandler, 446 Chandler, N. M., var. orig. by, 446 Chapin, 446 Charles, 446 Charles A. Green, 446 Chas. Downing (syn. of Downing), 242 Charlotte, 446 Charlton, 446 Charlton, John, var. orig. by, 446 Charter Oak, 446 Chase, Col. L., var. orig. by, 494, 575 Chautauqua, 211 Chautauqua district, 61, 72; acreage of, 78; care of vineyards in, 79; climate of, 75, 76; first plantings in, 54, 76; first shipments from, 77; geology of, 73; grape juice in, 66; history of, 76 et seq.; insects in, 79; production of grapes in, 79; rank of varieties in, 79; soil of, 74, 75; wine in, 77 Chavoush, 446 Cheowa, 446 Cherokee, 446 Cherokee (syn. of Catawba), 204 Cherokee (syn. of Isabella), 307 Chicago, 446 Chicken-grape (syn. of V. aestivalis), 138 Chidester, C. P., var. orig. by, 446, 447, 483 Chidester No. 1 (syn. of Lyon), 483 Chidester’s Seedlings, 446, 447 Childers, James, var. found by, 476 Chillicothe, 447 Chippewa, 447 Chisholm, Dr. L. C., var. orig. by, 235, 334, 435, 443, 447, 463, 478, 525 Chisholm’s Seedlings, 447 Chlorosis, 87 Chocolate, 447 Choteau, 448 Christian, Jacob, var. orig. by, 502 Christie’s Improved Isabella (syn. of Isabella), 307 Christine (syn. of Telegraph), 409 Christine, Mr., var. found by, 410 Church Seedling, 448 Cigar Box (syn. of Ohio (I)), 370 Cigar Box Grape (syn. of Lenoir), 328 Cincinnati Horticultural Society Report, quoted, 370, 371 Clarence (syn. of Lenoir), 328 Claret, 448 Clarissa, 448 Clark, 448 Clark, B. W., var. orig. by, 361 Clark, Dr., var. orig. by, 506 Clark, J. T. C., var. orig. by, 449, 459 Clark, James W., var. orig. by, 448, 509 Clark Seedling, 448 Clarkes, 448 Classification of Vitis, 107 Claude, 448 Cleary, M. F., var. orig. by, 451 Clement, Asa, var. orig. by, 244 Cleopatra, 448 Clevener, 212 Clevener (syn. of Louisiana), 331 Clifton, 448 Clifton, William, mentioned, 161 Clifton’s Constantia (syn. of Alexander), 160 Climax, 448 Clinton, 213 Clinton-Vialia, 448 Cloantha, 448 Cloeta, 216 Clough, James Milton, var. orig. by, 426 Clover Street Black, 448 Clover Street Red, 448 Cluster, 448 Clyde, 449 Cobb, Mr., var. found by, 409 Coble, H. C., var. orig. by, 452 Cochee, 449 Coe, 449 Coffin, J. T., var. orig. by, 485 Coleman’s White (syn. of Cuyahoga), 451 Colerain, 217 Colesvine, 449 Collier, 449 Collina, 449 Colorado, 449 Colp, 449 Columbia, 449 Columbia Bloom (syn. of Creveling), 224 Columbia County (syn. of Creveling), 224 Columbian, 449 Columbian (syn. of Alexander), 160 Columbian (syn. of Columbian Imperial), 218 Columbian Imperial, 218 Columbus, 449 Common Blue grape (syn. of V. aestivalis), 138 Compacta, 449 Conckling’s Wilding (syn. of Isabella), 307 Concord, 55, 57, 66, 219 Concord Chasselas, 449 Concord Muscat, 450 Concordia, 450 Conelva, 450 Connecticut, 450 Connecticut Seedling, 450 Conqueror, 450 Constantia (syn. of Alexander), 160 Constantia (syn. of Isabella), 307 Continental (syn. of Centennial), 208 Cooke, Dr. Thos. R., var. orig. by, 487 Cooper, Joseph, var. orig. by, 450 Cooper Wine, 450 Copley, C. J., var. orig. by, 442, 444, 448, 450, 452, 453, 482, 488, 498, 508, 162 Dunlap, 455 Dunlap (syn. of Lady Dunlap), 478 Dunn, 455 Dunn (syn. of Herbemont), 288 Duquett, 455 Duquett’s Seedling (syn. of Duquett), 455 Durfee, Dr., var. orig. by, 448 Dutch, American grape culture by, 10 Dutch Hamburgh (syn. of Black Hamburg), 186 Dutchess, 246 Eames, Luther, var. orig. by, 455 Eames Seedling, 455 Early, 455 Early Amber, 455 Early Amber (syn. of Dracut Amber), 244 Early August, 455 Early Bird, 456 Early Black, 456 Early Black (syn. of Lenoir), 328 Early Black July, 456 Early Black Summer Grape, 456 Early Champion (syn. of Champion), 210 Early Concord, 456 Early Daisy, 248 Early Dawn, 249 Early Delmonico, 456 Early Golden, 456 Early Harvest, 456 Early Hudson, 456 Early June, 456 Early Lebanon, 456 Early Malvasia, 456 Early Market, 457 Early Northern Muscadine (syn. of Northern Muscadine), 365 Early Ohio, 249 Early Prolific, 457 Early Purple, 457 Early Vicks, 457 Early Victor, 250 Early Wine, 457 Eastern region, 59, 61 Eaton, 252 Eaton, Calvin, var. orig. by, 253 Eaton’s Seedling (syn. of Eaton), 252 Ebony, 457 Echland, 457 Eclipse (I), 254 Eclipse (II), 256 Eden, 457 Edmeston, 457 Edmeston, D. G., var. orig. by, 457 Edmeston No. 1 (syn. of Edmeston), 457 Edward, 457 Eggert, H., mentioned, 115 Eggert’s grape (syn. of V. rubra), 125 Eichelberger, Thomas, mentioned, 44 Elaine, 457 Elbling, 457 Eleala, 457 Electra, 458 Elizabeth, 458 Elkton, 458 Ellen, 458 Ellwanger and Barry, var. orig. by, 350, 388 El Paso (syn. of Lenoir), 328 El Paso (syn. of Mission), 489 El Paso (syn. of Ohio (I)), 370 Elpo, 458 Elsenburgh (syn. of Elsinburgh), 257 Elsinboro (syn. of Elsinburgh), 257 Elsinborough (syn. of Elsinburgh), 257 Elsinburg (syn. of Elsinburgh), 257 Elsingburg (syn. of Elsinburgh), 257 Elsinburgh, 257 Elsmere, 458 Elvibach, 458 Elvicand, 258 Elvin, 458 Elvira, 259 Elvira Seedling No. 8 (syn. of Etta), 265 Emerald, 458 Emma, 458 Empire State, 261 Enfield, 458 Englemann, George, life of, 131, 132; cited, 106, 118, 123, 128, 132; quoted, 104, 105, 143; work on Vitis by, 100, 101 Engle, C., var. orig. by, 457, 458, 465, 468, 469, 472, 487, 488, 503, 516, 520, 565 Engle’s Seedlings, 458 English, American grape culture by, 6 Ensenberger, G. A., var. orig. by, 293, 311, 459, 468, 472, 475, 486 Ensenberger’s Seedlings, 459 Eolia, 459 Epurill, 459 Erickson, 459 Erskine, E. M., mentioned, 62; quoted, 53 Essex, 263 Essex County (Mass.) Seedling, 459 Estave, Andrew, mentioned, 8 Estell, Mr., var. orig. by, 506 Estella, 459 Ester, 264 Etawa, 459 Etta, 265 Eudora, 459 Eufala, 459 Eugenia, 459 Eumedel, 459 Eumelan, 266 Eumorely, 460 Eureka (I), 268 Eureka (II), 268 European grape (syn. V. vinifera), 154 European grapes, American culture by French, 9; characters of, 3, 4, 155; culture in Virginia, 8; first plantings in America, 6 Eva, 460 Evaline, 460 Evenden, Mr., var. orig. by, 483 Everbearing grape (syn. of V. munsoniana), 112 Everett, 460 Ewing, 460 Ewing’s Seedling (syn. of Ewing), 460 Excelsior, 269 Exquisite, 460 Extra, 460 Faith, 270 Fall grape (syn. of V. berlandieri), 130 Fallwicke, 460 Fallwicke, Joseph, var. orig. by, 460 False Scuppernong (syn. of V. rotundifolia), 109 Fancher, 460 Fancher (syn. of Catawba), 204 Fanny Hoke, 460 Farmers Club, 460 Farrell, 460 Farrell, D., var. found by, 460 Far West, 461 Fay, Elijah, mentioned, 54; life of, 76 Fay, Lincoln, mentioned, 77 Feemster, 461 Feemster Favorite, 461 Fena, 461 Fern (syn. of Fern Munson), 271 Fern Munson, 271 Fidia, 79, 80 Fidia viticida (See Fidia) Fisher, E. P., var. orig. by, 514, 522, 525 Fisk, 461 Fitchburg, 461 Flea-beetle, 80 Fleish Traube (syn. of Black Hamburg), 186 Flickwir, 461 Flora, 461 Florence, 272 Florence, 461 Florida, grapes in, 30 Florida Bird grape (syn. of V. munsoniana), 112 Florida grape (syn. of V. munsoniana), 112 Flower of Missouri, 461 Flowers, 461 Fluke, Newton K., var. orig. by, 461 Fluke’s Hybrids, 461 Folsom, S., var. orig. by, 268 Foreign grape (syn. of V. vinifera), 154 Foster, 461 Fox, 461 Fox (syn. of Fitchburg), 461 Fox grape, 39, 41 Fox grape (syn. of V. cordifolia), 127 Fox grape (syn. of V. labrusca), 149 Fox grape (syn. of V. rotundifolia), 108 Fox grape of the Northern States (syn. of V. labrusca), 150 Fox grape of the South (syn. of Scuppernong), 399 Foxy, defined, 4 Frakenthaler (syn. of Black Hamburg), 186 Fraker, William A., var. found by, 436 Framboisier (syn. of Isabella), 307 Framingham, 461 Frances E. Willard, 462 Franc’s Hybrid (syn. of Hybrid Franc), 300 Frankendale (syn. Black Hamburg), 186 Frankenthaler gros noir (syn. of Black Hamburg), 186 Franklin, 462 Fredonia, 462 Free Black (syn. of Fitchburg), 461 French, American grape culture by, 9 French Grape (syn. of Craig), 451 French grape (syn. of Delaware), 231 French Grape (syn. of Franklin), 462 Fritz, 462 Frost, 462 Frost (syn. of V. riparia), 117 Frost grape (syn. of V. aestivalis), 138 Frost grape (syn. of V. cordifolia), 127 Frost-grape (syn. of V. labrusca), 150 Fruit, taxonomic value of, 103 Gaertner, 272 Gallup Seedling, 462 Gandy, R. W., var. orig. by, 500 Garber, 462 Garber, J. B., var. orig. by, 433, 462, 485, 494 Garber Red Fox, 462 Garber’s Albino (syn. of Albino), 433 Garber’s Red-Fox (syn. of Isabella), 307 Garber’s White (syn. of Albino), 433 Gardner, Mr., var. orig. by, 466 Garfield, 462 Garnet, 462 Garrigues, 462 Gassman, 462 Gauger, 462 Gazelle, 462 Gelbholziger Trollinger (syn. of Black Hamburg), 186 General Pope, 462 Genesee, 463 Geneva, 274 Georgia, grapes in, 9, 54 Gerbig, A. V., var. orig. by, 463 Gerbig No. 2, 463 Gerbig No. 10, 463 German Grape (syn. of Marion (II)), 341 German Seedling, 463 German Wine (syn. of York Madeira), 529 Giant, 463 Giant Leaf (syn. of Riesenblatt), 506 Gibb, 463 Gibbs, Mrs. Isabella, mentioned, 308 Gibb’s grape (syn. of Isabella), 307 Gibralter (syn. of Black Hamburg), 186 Gilbert, Garret, var. orig. by, 463 Gilbert’s White Shonga, 463 Gill Wylie, 463 Gilt Edge, 463 Glenfeld, 275 Globe (syn. of Sage), 395 Godard, Francis, var. orig. by, 479 Goethe, 276 Goff, 277 Goff, E. S., var. orig. by, 278 Gold Coin, 280 Gold Dust, 463 Golden Beauty, 463 Golden Berry, 463 Golden Clinton, 463 Golden Concord, 464 Golden Drop, 281, 464 Golden Gem, 464 Golden Grain, 464 Golden Pocklington (syn. of Pocklington), 379 Goldstein, 464 Goldstein’s Early (syn. of Goldstein), 464 Good Adle, 464 Goodale, Geo., var. orig. by, 524 Goodhue, C. H., var. orig. by, 498 Goodman, 464 Governor Ireland, 464 Governor Ross, 464 Graham, 464 Graham, W., var. orig. by, 464 Grant, Dr. C. W., life of, 304; var. orig. by, 304, 312 Grape districts of New York, 290, 309 Herbemont Madeira (syn. of Herbemont), 288 Herbemont Seedling, 468 Herbert, 291 Hercules, 293 Heriulfusson, Biarni, mentioned, 29 Hermann, 294 Hermann Jaeger (syn. of Jaeger), 314 Hero, 468 Hertia, 468 Hertlein, John, var. orig. by, 449 Hettie, 468 Heunis, 468 Hewitt, Alexander, quoted, 9 Hexamer, 469 Hexamer, Dr., var. orig. by, 469 Hiawasse, 469 Hickman (syn. of Scuppernong), 399 Hicks, 295 Hidalgo, 296 Higginson, Francis, quoted, 12 Highland, 297 Hilgarde (syn. of Fern Munson), 271 Hill Grape of Ohio (syn. of Collina), 449 Hine, 469 Hine Seedling (syn. of Hine), 469 History, of Old World grape, 1 Hoag, C. L., var. orig. by, 361 Hobbs, O. T., var. orig. by, 497 Hock, 469 Hofer, A. F., var. orig. by, 469 Hofer Seedling No. 2, 469 Holmes, 469 Honey, 469 Honey (syn. of Raabe), 504 Honey Dew, 469 Hooker, 469 Hopeon, 469 Hopherbe, 469 Hopican, 470 Hopkins, 470 Hopkins, Mr., var. orig. by, 516 Hopkins Early Red (syn. of Wyoming), 431 Horner, 470 Horner, Joe, var. orig. by, 470 Hosford, 299 Hosford, George, var. orig. by, 299, 439 Hosford’s Mammoth Seedling (syn. of Hosford), 299 Hosford’s Seedling (syn. of Hosford), 299 Hoskins, A., var. orig. by, 470 Hoskins Seedling, 470 Houghton, Francis, var. orig. by, 444 Howell, 470 Hubbard Seedless, 470 Huber, 470 Huber, Theophile, var. orig. by, 339, 433, 434, 437, 439, 454, 457, 458, 468, 471, 472, 484, 516, 519 Huber’s Seedlings, 470, 471 Hudler (syn. of Black Hamburg), 186 Hudson, 471 Hudson River district, 72, 88; acreage of, 88; climate of, 89; diseases in, 92; early plantings in, 89, 90; early viticulturists in, 90; first plantings in, 55; geology of, 88; packing and shipping in, 91, 92; rain-fall in, 89; training and pruning in, 91; varieties in, 90, 91 Hueber, Lewis, var. orig. by, 496 Huguenots, 38 Hulings, Dr., mentioned, 258 Hulkerson’s Seedlings, 471 Humboldt, 471 Hunt (syn. of Herbemont), 288 Hunt, R. A., var. found by, 250 Hunt, R. H., var. found by, 371 Hunterville, 471 Huntingdon, 471 Husmann, 471 Husmann, G., cited, 115, 221; quoted, 114 Husson (syn. of Devereaux), 235 Hutchinson, 471 Hutporup, 471 Hybride de Concord No. 6 (syn. of Triumph), 411 Hybrid, first Labrusca-vinifera, 56 Hybrid Franc, 300 Hyde, Wilkes, var. orig. by, 471 Hyde Black, 471 Hyde Eliza, 471 Icterida, 472 Ida, 472 Ideal, 301 Iden, 472 Iden (syn. of Lake), 478 Illinois, grapes in, 53, 54 Illinois City, 472 Illinois Early, 472 Illinois Prolific, 472 Imitation Hamburg (syn. of Union Village), 415 Imlay, Mr., mentioned, 326 Imperial, 302 Imperial (syn. of Columbian Imperial), 218 Improved Purple Fox, 472 Improved Warren (syn. of Harwood), 467 Indiana, 472 Indiana, grapes in, 20, 54 Indian Field, 472 Infloresence, taxonomic value of, 102 International, 472 Iola, 472 Iona, 302 Iowa, 472 Iowa, grapes in, 61 Iowa Excelsior, 472 Iris, 472 Ironclad, 306 Irvin October, 472 Irving, 473 Isabella, 50, 307 Isabella Regia (syn. of Pierce), 500 Isabella Seedling, 310 Isabelle d’Amerique (syn. of Isabella), 307 Israella, 311 Italian wine grape (syn. of Delaware), 231 Ithaca, 473 Ives, 312 Ives, Henry, var. orig. by, 313 Ives’ Maderia (syn. of Ives), 312 Ives’ Maderia Seedling (syn. of Ives), 312 Ives’ Seedling (syn. of Ives), 312 Ives’ Seedling Maderia (syn. of Ives), 312 Jac (syn. of Lenoir), 328 Jac (syn. of Ohio (I)), 370 Jacent, 473 Jack (syn. of Lenoir), 328 Jack (syn. of Ohio (I)), 370 Jacques (syn. of Lenoir), 328 Jacques (syn. of Ohio (I)), 370 Jacquet (syn. of Ohio (I)), 370 Jacquet (syn. of Lenoir), 328 Jacquez (syn. of Lenoir), 328 Jacquez (syn. of Ohio (I)), 370 Jaeger, 314 Jaeger, Hermann, cited, 115; var. found by, 461; var. orig. by, 455, 473, 474, 481, 492, 523 Jaeger, Herman (syn. of Jaeger), 314 Jaeger No. 50 (syn. of Longworth), 481 Jaeger No. 56 (syn. of Dufour), 455 Jaeger No. 70 (syn. of Munson), 492 Jaeger’s Seedlings, 473 James, 315 James, J. H., var. orig. by, 474 James Seedling, 474 Janesville, 316 Jane Wylie, 474 Janie Wylie (syn. of Jane Wylie), 474 Jaques, John, mentioned, 89 Jefferson, 317 Jefferson, Thomas, quoted, 45, 161 Jeffries, Mr., var. orig. by, 526 Jelly, 474 Jemina, 474 Jennie May, 474 Jennings, 474 Jersey Grape (syn. of Willis Fredonia), 525 Jessica, 320 Jessie, 474 Jesuits, 17 Jeter, 474 Jewel, 321 Jewell (syn. of Jewel), 321 Joen, 474 Joe’s Mariole (syn. of Mariole), 485 John Burr, 474 Johnson, 474 Johnson, David, var. orig. by, 498 Johnson, J., mentioned, 206 Johnson, S. W., cited, 17; quoted, 44 Jolly, 474 Joly, 474 Jonathan, 474 Jones, Calvin, quoted, 51, 400 Jones, Judge J. B., var. found by, 184 Jones, W. W., var. orig. by, 435, 468, 525 Jones Perfumed (syn. of Carolina Blue Muscadine), 445 Joplin, J., var. orig. by, 474 Joplin’s Peaks of Otter, 474 Jordan (syn. of Moyer), 354 Jordan Large Blue, 475 Jordan’s Blue (syn. of Jordan Large Blue), 475 Joseph Henry, 475 Josselyn, John, quoted, 35 Judd, 475 Judge, 475 Judge Miller, 475 July, 475 July Sherry (syn. of Lenoir), 328 July Twenty-fifth, 475 Jumbo, 478 Luna, 482 Lutie, 334 Lycoming, 483 Lydia, 483 Lyman, 483 Lyon, 483 Lyon (syn. of Presly), 502 Mabel, 483 MacCandless (syn. of Lenoir), 328 MacCandless (syn. of Ohio (I)), 370 McCowan (syn. of Cowan), 451 McDonald’s Ann Arbor, 483 McGowan (syn. of Cowan), 451 Macedonia, 483 McKay, E. A., mentioned, 83 McKee (syn. of Herbemont), 288 McKinley, 483 McKinley, J. S., var. orig. by, 218 McLean (syn. of Devereaux), 235 McLean (syn. of Lincoln), 480 McLean, Dr. Wm., var. orig. by, 480 McLure (syn. of Mrs. McLure), 491 McMahon, Bernard, cited, 44 McMurtrie, Dr. William, mentioned, 59 McNeil, 483 McOwen (syn. of Cowan), 451 McPike, 335 McPike, H. G., var. orig. by, 336 Madeira, 483 Madeira (syn. of Black Madeira), 440 Madeira of York, Pa. (syn. of Alexander), 160 Madeline, 483 Madison County (syn. of Long), 481 Magee, 484 Magee, George J., cited, 275; var. found by, 275 Magnate, 336 Magnificent, 484 Maguel, Francis, cited, 32 Maguire, 484 Mahogany (syn. of Mahogany Colored), 484 Mahogany Colored, 484 Main, 484 Main, Mr., var. orig. by, 484 Maine, grapes in, 13 Malinda, 484 Malvasier (syn. of Black Hamburg), 186 Malvin, 484 Mammoth (syn. of Sage), 395 Mammoth Catawba (syn. of Catawba), 204 Mammoth Globe (syn. of Carter), 445 Mammoth Sage (syn. of Sage), 395 Manhattan, 484 Manito, 337 Manockanock, 484 Mansfield, 484 Manson, 484 Marguerite, 484 Marie Louise, 338 Marine’s Seedlings, 485 Marine, William M., var. orig. by, 461, 466, 476, 479, 482, 484, 485, 487, 489, 493, 496, 505 Mariole, 485 Marion (I), 339 Marion (II), 341 Marion Port (syn. of Marion (I)), 33 Marion Port (syn. of York Madeira), 529 Marique, 485 Marker, 485 Marsala, 485 Marshall, Humphrey, life of, 96; quoted, 151; writings of, 96 Martha, 341 Marvin, D. S., var. orig. by, 208, 209, 405, 444, 451, 464, 470, 474, 478, 485, 509, 510, 521 Marvina, 485 Marvin’s Seedlings, 485 Mary, 485 Mary Ann, 485 Mary Favorite, 485 Mary Mark, 486 Maryland, grapes in, 9, 10, 18 Maryland Purple, 486 Mary Wylie, 486 Mason, 486 Mason, Mrs. E., var. orig. by, 486, 507 Mason, B., var. orig. by, 486 Mason Renting, 486 Mason’s Seedling (syn. of Mason), 486 Massachusetts, grapes in, 12 Massachusetts White, 486 Massasoit, 343 Matchless, 486 Mathews, Professor, var. orig. by, 472 Mathilde, 486 Matlock (syn. of Miles), 488 Mauston, 486 Maxatawney, 344 May Red, 486 Mead, John, mentioned, 84 Mead, John, var. orig. by, 486 Mead Seedling, 486 Mead’s Seedling (syn. of Catawba), 204 Meanko, 487 Mease, Dr. James, life of, 42, 43; mentioned, 45; paper by, 43 Medora, 487 Meisch (syn. of Mish), 489 Melasko, 487 Memory, 487 Mendota, 487 Meno, 487 Merceron, 487 Merceron (syn. of Catawba), 204 Merceron, F. E., var. orig. by, 487, 499 Mericadel, 487 Merrimac, 345 Meta, 487 Metis, 487 Metternich, 487 Mianna or Mienna, 487 Michaux, AndrÉ, cited, 126; life of, 108; quoted, 118; works of, 108 Michaux, F. AndrÉ, life of, 108; works of, 108 Michigan, 488 Michigan (syn. of Catawba), 204 Michigan, grapes in, 61 Middle region, 59, 60, 61 Middlesex, 488 Mignonette vine (syn. of V. riparia), 117 Miland, 488 Mildew (See Downy and Powdery mildew) Miles, 488 Millardet, 488 Millardet, cited, 102, 233, 368 Miller, 488 Miller, J. B., var. orig. by, 463 Miller, Samuel, var. orig. by, 188, 342, 460, 482, 483, 488, 529 Miller No. 1 (syn. of Martha), 341 Miller’s No. 2 (syn. of Eva), 460 Miller’s No. 3 (syn. of Macedonia), 483 Miller’s No. 4 (syn. of Black Hawk), 188 Miller’s Seedlings, 488 Millington, 488 Millington, Dr., var. found by, 488 Millington, Mrs., var. orig. by, 498 Millington White, 488 Mills, 347 Mills, W. H., var. orig. by, 348, 478 Mineola, 488 Miner, T. B., var. orig. by, 172, 418, 433, 436, 438, 442, 444, 459, 472, 479, 480, 489, 507 Miner’s Seedlings, 489 Mingo, 489 Minnehaha, 489 Minnesota, 489 Minnesota Mammoth, 489 Minnie, 489 Minor’s Seedling (syn. of Venango), 520 Miriam, 489 Mish, 489 Mission, 489 Missouri, 489 Missouri, grapes in, 52 Missouri Bird Eye, 490 Missouri Bird’s Eye (syn. of Elsinburgh), 257 Missouri grape (syn. of V. rubra), 125 Missouri Muscadine, 490 Missouri Riesling, 349 Missouri Seedling (syn. of Missouri), 489 Modena, 490 Moffats, 490 Mohrendutte (syn. of Black Hamburg), 186 Moltke, 490 Monarch, 490 Monard, 490 Monlintawba, 490 Monroe, 350 Montclair, 490 Montefiore, 351 Monteith (syn. of York Madeira), 529 Montisella, 490 Montour, 490 Montreal, 490 Moore, Captain John B., var. orig. by, 286, 353, 456, 465 Moore, Jacob, life of, 192; var. orig. by, 192, 237, 241, 274, 448, 466, 514, 524 Moore, Rev. Archer, var. orig. by, 209, 450 Moore Early, 353 Moore’s Diamond (syn. of Diamond), 236 Moore’s No. 31 (syn. of Hayes), 286 Morin, 490 Morneberg, J. G., var. orig. by, 461 Morrell, Mr., var. orig. by, 490 Morrell Seedling, 490 Morse, 491 Morton, Thomas, quoted, 35 Mosher, S., mentioned, 206 Mottier, John E., var. orig. by, 523 Mottier (syn. of Purple Marion), 504 Mottled, 491 Mountain, 491 Mountain grape (syn. of V. berlandieri), 130 Mountain grape (syn. of V. monticola), 116 Mountain grape of Texas (syn. of V. rupestris), 113 Mount Lebanon, 491 Moyer, 354 Moyer’s Early Red (syn. of Moyer), 354 Mrs. McLure, 491 Mrs. Munson, 491 Mrs. Stayman, 491 Muench, 491 Muench, F., var. orig. by, 376, 471, 511, 521 Multiple, 491 Muncie, 491 Muncy (syn. of Catawba), 204 Muncy Black, 491 Muncy Pale Red (syn. of Catawba), 204 Munier, 491 Munson, 492 Munson, Thomas Volney, cited, 105, 106, 114, 118, 124, 128, 134, 143, 149, 233, 267, 271, 287, 290, 331; life of, 122; quoted, 122, 126, 216; var. orig. by, 122, 169, 170, 176, 179, <
978@45978-h@45978-h-1.htm.html#page_024" class="pginternal">24, 53, 54; grape districts of, 72 et seq.; viticulture in, 68; wine in, 11, 12 Niagara, 359 Niagara district, 72; acreage of, 92; climate of, 93; diseases in, 94; geology of, 92; markets of, 93; soil of, 93 Nicholson, James, var. orig. by, 468 Nicolls, mentioned, 11 Nimalba, 494 Nina, 494 Ninekah, 494 Nizola, 494 No. 93 A (syn. of Imperial), 302 Noah, 362 Nonantum, 494 Nonpareil, 494 Nora, 494 Norfolk, 364 Norfolk Muscat (syn. of Norfolk), 364 Norseman, account of grapes by, 29 North America, 494 North California grape (syn. of V. californica), 135 North Carolina, 494 North Carolina, grapes in, 38, 54 North Carolina Muscadine (syn. of Mary Ann), 485 North Carolina Seedling (syn. North Carolina), 494 North Carolina White, 494 North Star, 495 Northern aestivalis (syn. of V. bicolor), 145 Northern Fox Grape (syn. of V. labrusca), 150 Northern Light, 494 Northern Muscadine, 365 Northern Muscat, 495 Northern Summer grape (syn. of V. bicolor), 145 Norton, 366 Norton (syn. of Cynthiana), 228 Norton, Dr. D. N., mentioned, 367 Norton, E. Q., quoted, 27 Norton’s Seedling (syn. of Norton), 366 Norton Virginia (syn. of Cynthiana), 228 Norton’s Virginia (syn. of Norton), 366 Norton’s Virginia Seedling (syn. of Cynthiana), 228 Norton’s Virginia Seedling (syn. of Norton), 366 Norwood, 369 Noyes, Dr., mentioned, 215 Nuttall, Thomas, quoted, 56, 57; life of 98; writings of, 98 Obed, 495 Oberon, 495 Occidental, 495 Octavia, 495 Odart, Count, quoted, 144 Offer, 495 Ohio (I), 369 Ohio (II), 371 Ohio (syn. of Lenoir), 328 Ohio, grapes in, 22, 52, 53, 54 Ohio Cigar Box (syn. of Lenoir), 328 Ohio Claret, 495 Oklahoma, grapes in, 61 Oktaha, 495 Old Ford, 495 Old Gold, 495 Oldhouse (syn. of Lenoir), 328 Old House Grape (syn. of Harris), 466 Old Hundred, 495 Old World grape, 19, 24; failure in America, 29; habitat of, 1 history of, 1, et seq. Olita, 495 Olitatoo, 496 Olmstead, 496 Olympia, 496 Omega, 496 Omega (syn. of Catawba), 204 Onderdonk, 496 Onderdonk, G., var. orig. by, 455 Oneida, 371 Oneovem, 496 One Seed, 496 Onondaga, 496 Ontario, 496 Ontario (syn. of Union Village), 415 Onyx, 496 Opal, 496 Oporto, 372 Oriental, 373 Oriole, 497 Orphan Boy, 497 Orwigsburg, 497 Osage, 497 Osceola, 497 Osee, 497 Oskaloosa, 497 Osmond, 497 Oswego, 497 Othello, 374 Otoe, 497 Ouachita, 498 Owego, 498 Owens White, 498 Owens, Wm., var. orig. by, 498 Owosso, 498 Ozark, 376 Ozark Seedling, 498 Pacific region, 59; development of, 60, 61 Pagan, 498 Paign’s Isabella (syn. of Isabella), 307 Pale, Tennis, mentioned, 34 Pale Wooded Trollinger (syn. of Black Hamburg), 186 Palermo, 498 Palmate grape (syn. of V. rubra), 125 Palmate-leaved grape (syn. of V. rubra), 125 Palmate-leaved vine (syn. of V. rubra), 125 Palmated leaves (syn. of V. rubra), 125 Palmer, 498 Palmetto, 498 Palmetto-leaved grape (syn. of V. simpsoni), 149 Pamlico, 498 Paradox, 498 Paragon, 498, 499 Parker (syn. of Ithaca), 473 Parker, Dr. S. J., cited, 431 Parker Rocky Mountain Seedling, 499 Parmentier, M., mentioned, 23, 24 Parry, cited, 134 Pattison, 499 Pauline, 499 Paultne, 499 Pawnee, 499 Paxton, 499 Payne’s Early (syn. of Isabella), 307 Peabody, 377 Peake, E. M., var. found by, 384 Pearl, 499 Pearson, A. W., cited, 306 Pearson’s Ironclad (syn. of Ironclad), 306 Pedee, 499 Peerless, 500 Peggy, 500 Pell, G. T., var. orig. by, 500 Pell’s Illinois, 500 Penn, William, mentioned, 10 Pennsylvania, grapes in, 19, 44, 53, 54 Peola, 500 Perfection, 377 Perfume, 500 Perkins, 378 Perkins, Jacob, var. orig. by, 378 Perry, 500 Peter Wylie, 500 Peter Wylie No. 1 (syn. of Peter Wylie), 500 Petit Noir (syn. of Adelia), 433 Phelps, J. S., var. orig. by, 448 Phinney, Elias, var. found by, 437 Phylloxera, 5 Phylloxera vastatrix (See Phylloxera) Pierce, 500 Pigeon grape (syn. of V. aestivalis), 138 Pine-wood grape (syn. of V. aestivalis lincecumii), 140 Pioneer, 500 Piper, D. J., var. orig. by, 475, 513 Piqua, 500 Pittsburg Seedling, 500 Pizarro, 500 Planchette, 501 Planchon, Jules Emile, cited, 106, 124, 126, 131; life of, 124 Planet, 501 Plant lice (See Phylloxera) Plantagenet, Beauchamp, quoted, 34 Plasmopara viticola (See Downy mildew) Pliny, cited, 2 Plum grape (syn. of V. labrusca), 150 Plymouth, 501 Plymouth White (syn. of Plymouth), 501 Pocklington, 379 Pocklington, John, var. orig. by, 380, 455 Pocohontas Red, 501 Poeschel Mammoth, 501 Poeschel, William, var. orig. by, 461, 501 Pollock, 501 Pollock, Mr., var. orig. by, 501 Polychrosis viteana (See Grape fruit worm) Pond, Samuel, var. orig. by, 501 Pond’s Seedling, 501 Ponroy, 501 Pontotoc, 501 Porup, 501 Possum grape (syn. of V. baileyana), 129 Possum grape (syn. of V. cordifolia), 127 Post-oak grape (syn. of V. aestivalis lincecumii), 52, 140 Post-oak No. 1, 501 Post-oak No. 2, 501 Post-oak No. 3, 501 Potter, 501 Potter’s Early (syn. of Potter), 501 Potter’s Seedling (syn. of Potter), 501 Potter’s Sweet (syn. of Potter), 501 Poughkeepsie, 381 Poughkeepsie Red (syn. of Poughkeepsie), 381 Powdery mildew, 86 Powell (syn. of Bland), 441 Prairie State, 502 Prentiss, 382 Prentiss, J. W., mentioned, 83; var. orig. by, 383 President, 502 President Lyon (syn. of Presly), 502 Presly, 502 Pres. Lyon (syn. of Lyon), 483 Primate, 502 Prince Edward (syn. of Cunningham), 227 Prince Nurseries, 48 Prince, William Robert, cited, 121; life of, 21, 22; quoted, 57, 161; writings of, 22 Pringle, C. G., var. orig. by, 281, 464, 477, 484, 520 Professor Brunk, 502 Prof. Curtis’ grape (syn. of V. caribÆa), 146 Professor Gulley, 502 Professor Hillgard, 502 Profitable, 502 Profusion, 502 Progress, 502 Prolific, 503 Prolific Chicken Grape, 503 Provost, Paul H., mentioned, 233 Provost White, 503 Prunella, 503 Pukwana, 503 Pulaski, 503 Pulliat, 503 Pulliat, M., var. orig. by, 503 Pulpless, 503 Pungo of N. C. (syn. of Lenoir), 328 Purity, 503 Purple Bloom, 503 Purple Favorite, 503 Purple Favorite (syn. of Blue Favorite), 442 Purple Fox (syn. of V. labrusca), 150 Purple Hamburgh (syn. of Black Hamburg), 186 Purple Hamburgh of Troy (syn. of Troy), 518 Purple Marion, 504 Purple Urbana (syn. of Logan), 481 Pursh, cited, 128 Putnam, 504 Putnam, J. A., var. orig. by 164, 333, 467 Quassaic, 504 Queen Loretto (syn. of Loretto), 482 Queen of Sheba, 504 Quinnebang, 504 Quintina, 504 Raabe, 504 Raabe, Peter, var. orig. by, 504 Raabe’s Honey (syn. of Raabe), 504 Raabe’s No. 3 (syn. of Raabe), 504 Raabe’s seedlings, 504 Raccoon grape (syn. of V. cordifolia), 127 Rachel, 504 Racine, 504 Rafinesque, Constantine Samuel, book by, 47; life of, 99; quoted, 42, 47, 113; works of, 99 Ragan, 504 Raisin, 504 Raisin de cassis (syn. of Isabella), 307 Raisin de Cote, 505 Raisin du Cap (syn. of Isabella), 307 Raisin Fraise (syn. of Isabella), 307 Raisin Framboise (syn. of Isabella), 307 Raisins, how made, 67 Ramsey, 505 Randall, 505 Randall (syn. of Agawam), 159 Randall, Mr., var. orig. by, 505 Raritan, 505 Rautenberg, F. E. L., var. orig. by, 434, 440, 446, 448, 467, 490, 505, 506 Rautenberg’s Seedlings, 505 Ravenel, H. W., cited, 114; mentioned, 206 Ravesies, Frederick, quoted, 21 Ray’s Victoria (syn. of Victoria), 453, 456, 470, 475, 499, 518, 523, 525 Rommel’s Amber (syn. of Amber), 434 Rommel’s Etta (syn. of Etta), 265 Rommel’s No. 3 (syn. of Etta), 265 Rommel’s No. 19 (syn. of Black Taylor), 441 Rommel’s Taylor Seedling No. 10 (syn. of Pearl), 499 Rommel’s Taylor Seedling No. 14 (syn. of Montefiore), 351 Root worm (See Fidia) Rosalie, 508 Roscoe,
508 Rose, 508 Rose, Alfred, var. orig. by, 167 Rose, Henry, mentioned, 84 Rose, Reuben, var. orig. by, 475 Rose Colored Delaware (syn. of Delaware), 231 Rose Grape (syn. of Bland), 441 Rose of Tennessee (syn. of Catawba), 204 Roslyn, 508 Roswither, 508 Rot (See Black-rot) Rothrock of Prince (syn. of Alexander), 160 Royal Isabella (syn. of Pierce), 500 Ruby, 508 Ruckland, 508 Ruff (syn. of Delaware), 231 Rulander, 508 Rulander (syn. of Louisiana), 331 Rupel, 509 Rupert, 509 Rustler, 509 Rusty Coat, 509 Rutland, 509 R. W. Munson, 394 Ryckman, G. E., cited, 78 Saccharissa (syn. of La Crissa), 477 Sacks of Wine (syn. of Harwood), 467 Sacksteder, J., var. orig. by, 475, 477, 478 Sacrissa (syn. of La Crissa), 477 Sage, 395 Sage, Henry E., var. found by, 395 Saginaw, 509 St. Albans, 509 St. Augustine, 509 St. Catherine, 509 St. Genevieve (syn. of Lenoir), 328 St. Genevieve (syn. of Louisiana), 331 St. Genevieve (syn. of Rulander), 508 St. Hilaire, 509 St. John, 509 St. Louis, 396 Sainte-Helene (syn. of Isabella), 307 Salabra, 510 Salado, 510 Salem, 397 Salisbury, E. S., var. orig. by, 516 Salisbury Violet (syn. of Black Hamburg), 186 Sally, 510 Salt Creek, 510 Saluda, 510 Saluda (syn. of Isabella), 307 Salzer Earliest, 510 Salzer, John A., var. orig. by, 510 Samuels, 510 Samuels, M. M., var. orig. by, 520 Sanalba, 510 Sanborn, Jos. N., var. orig. by, 477 Sanbornton, 510 Sanbornton (syn. of Isabella), 307 Sanborton (syn. of Sanbornton), 510 Sand-beach grape (syn. of V. rupestris), 113 Sand grape (syn. of V. longii), 123 Sand grape (syn. of V. rupestris), 113 San Jacinto, 510 Sanmelaska, 510 Sanmonta, 510 Sanrubra, 510 Santa Clara, 511 Saratoga (syn. of Catawba), 204 Saratoga (syn. of Fancher), 460 Saunders, Dr. William, var. orig. by, 323, 458 Saxe White Seedling, 511 Saxe, W. H., var. orig. by, 511 Schenck White, 511 Schiller, 511 Schmitz Seedling, 511 Scholl, Mrs., mentioned, 205 Schoonemunk, 511 Schraidt, Casper, var. orig. by, 190 Schraidt’s Seedling (syn. of Black Pearl), 189 Schroeder, Dr. H., var. orig. by, 437 Schuylkill (syn. of Isabella), 307 Schuylkill (syn. of Orwigsburg), 497 Schuylkill Muscadel (syn. of Alexander), 160 Schuylkill Muscadell (syn. of Alexander), 50 Schuylkill Muscadine (syn. of Alexander), 160 Schwarzeblauer Trollinger (syn. of Black Hamburg), 186 Schwarzer Gutedel (syn. of Black Hamburg), 186 Schwarzwelscher (syn. of Black Hamburg), 186 Scott, 511 Scott (syn. of Ironclad), 306 Scott, Colonel, mentioned, 306 Scott, Gen. John, var. orig. by, 511 Scuppernong, 399 Scuppernong (syn. of V. rotundifolia), 109 Scuppernong, origin of the word, 51 Secretary, 402 Secunda, 511 Seedlin, 511 Seedling No. 502 (syn. of Paradox), 498 Seeds, taxonomic value of, 103 Seelye, C. W., var. orig. by, 505 Segar Box (syn. of Lenoir), 328 Segar Box (syn. of Ohio (I)), 370 Segessman, G., var. orig. by, 511 Self-fertility, 104, 105 Self-sterility, 104, 105 Selma, 511 Senasqua, 403 Seneca, 511 Septimia, 512 Seward, 512 Sex, taxonomic value of, 104 Shaker (syn. of Union Village), 415 Shala, 512 Sharon, 512 Sharon (syn. of Cayuga), 208 Sharp Beak, 512 Shelby, 404 Shelley, Daniel, var. orig. by, 512 Shelley Seedling, 512 Shephard, Orlando, mentioned, 83 Shepherd, Mr., mentioned, 340 Shepherd’s Port Wine (syn. of York Madeira), 529 Sheppard, J, N., var. orig. by, 512 Sheppard Delaware, 512 Sheppard, 512 Sherman, 512 Sherry (syn. of Devereaux), 235 Sherry of the South (syn. of Lenoir), 328 Sheruah, 512 Shirland, W. W., mentioned, 83 Short, Miss R. R., var. orig. by, 524 Shull, J., var. orig. by, 512 Shull No. 2, 512 Shurtleff, Dr. S. A., var. orig. by, 512 Shurtleff Seedling, 512 Shuttleworth, mentioned, 148 Siglar, 513 Silkyfine, 513 Silvain, 513 Silver Dawn, 513 Simpson, J. H., mentioned, 113 Simpson, R., var. orig. by, 511 Simpson’s grape (syn. of V. simpsoni), 148 Sinawissa, 513 Singleton (syn. of Catawba), 204 Skunk grape (syn. of V. labrusca), 150 Skunnymunk (syn. of Schoonemunk), 511 Skuppernong (syn. of V. rotundifolia), 109 Sloe, 513 Sluyter, Peter, quoted, 10 Small German (syn. of York Madeira), 529 Small grape (syn. of V. aestivalis), 138 Small Leaf, 513 Smart’s Elsingborough (syn. of Elsingburgh), 257 Smart’s Elsingburgh (syn. of Elsingburgh), 257 Smallwood, 513 Smallwood, E., var. orig. by, 513 Smith, Captain John, quoted, 31, 32 Smith, S. V., var. orig. by, 512 Smooth Canyon Grape (syn. of V. treleasei), 122 Snelter, 513 Snelter, L., var. orig. by, 439, 513 Snow, Seward, var. orig. by, 356 Snowflake, 513 Solander Large Purple, 513 Solrupo, 513 Somerville, 513 Sophia, 513 Souland, 514 Sour grape (syn. of V. aestivalis), 138 Sour or Pungent Winter grape (syn. of V. cordifolia), 127 Sour Winter grape (syn. of V. cordifolia), 127 South California grape (syn. of V. girdiana), 136 South Carolina, 514 South Carolina, grapes in, 54 Southern Aestivalis (syn. of V. aestivalis bourquiniana), 142 Southern Champion, 514 Southern Fox grape (syn. of V. rotundifolia), 109 Southern region, 59, 60, 61 Spangler, A. M., var. orig. by, 461 Spaniards, American grape culture by, 6 Spanish grape (syn. of V. berlandieri), 130 Species, blooming order of, 103; botanical key to, 107, 108; compared by Bartram, 98; conspectus of, 107, 108; resistance to Phylloxera, 5; seed characters of, 103 Spencer, 514 Spencer, Henry B., var. orig. by, 434, 458, 509 Sphaceloma ampelinum (See Anthracnose) Spinosa, 514 Spofford, Dr., var. orig. by, 411 Spofford Seedling (syn. of To-Kalon), 410 Spotswood, Alexander, mentioned, 8 Spotted Globe, 514 Springfield, 514 Spring Mill Constantia (syn. of Alexander), 160 Springstein (syn. of Lenoir), 328 Stayman, Dr. J., life of, 422; quoted, 155, 422; var. orig. by, 189, 230, 268, 337, 376, 378, 422, 423, 446, 450, 452, 460, 486, 491, 497, 499, 503, 513, 523 Stace, S., var. orig. by, 514 Stace White, 514 Standard, 405 Staples, Isaac, var. orig. by, 466 Stark-Star, 406 Steele, Paphro, var. found by, 285 Steele’s Seedling (syn. of Hartford), 284 Stelton, 514 Sterling, 514 Stetson, Amos W., var. orig. by, 444, 514 Stetson, Nahum, var. orig. by, 451 Stetson No. 1 (syn. of Cabot), 444 Stetson’s Seedling No. 4 (syn. of Curtis), 451 Stetson’s Seedlings, 514 Stewart, Philemon, mentioned, 365 Stewart, P., var. orig. by, 475, 515 Stinger, B. F., var. orig. by, 433 Stock, 112, 114, 121, 148 Stone, J. I., mentioned, 210 Storm King, 514 Strachey, William, quoted, 32 Stratton, Benjamin, var. orig. by, 467 Strawberry, 515 Striped Ruby, 515 Success, 515 Sugar Grape, 515 Sugar grape (syn. of V. rupestris), 113 Summer grape (syn. of V. aestivalis), 138 Summer grape (syn. of V. aestivalis lincecumii), 141 Summer White, 515 Sumner, 515 Sumpter (syn. of Devereaux), 235 Sumpter (syn. of Lenoir), 328 Sunrise, 515 Superb, 407 Superior, 515 Supreme, 515 Swamp grape (syn. of V. aestivalis), 138 Swatara, 515 Swedes, American grape culture by, 10 Sweet Mountain grape (syn. of V. monticola), 116 Sweet scented (syn. of V. riparia), 117 Sweet scented grape (syn. of V. riparia), 117 Sweet Winter grape (syn. of V. cinerea), 131 Sweetey, 515 Taft, 515 Talala, 516 Talequah, Vine Wood grape (syn. of V. aestivalis lincecumii), 141 Vinita, 520 Vinland, 29 Vinrouge, 520 Virginia, 521 Virginia, grapes in, 8, 14, 31, 32, 33, 38; wine in, 8, 40 Virginia Amber (syn. of Catawba), 204 Virginia grape (syn. of V. rubra), 125 Virginia Muscadell (syn. of Bland), 441 Virginia Seedling (syn. of Norton), 366 Viticulture of New York, 68 Vitis, characters of, 28 classification of, 107, 108 classified by Rafinesque, 100 described by Linnaeus, 95, 96; by Marshall, 96; by Michaux, 97; by Nuttall, 98, 99; by Tournefort, 95; by Walter, 96, 97 distribution of, 26 genus of, 95 number of species of, 106 sexual status of, 104 Vitis acerifolia (syn. of V. rotundifolia), 109 aestivalis, 108, 138; (syn. of V. bicolor), 144; (syn. of V. riparia), 117 Vitis aestivalis bourquiniana, 142 lincecumii, 140 var. bicolor (syn. of V. bicolor), 145 canescens (syn. of V. cinerea), 131 canescens (syn. of V. cinerea canescens), 133 cinerea (syn. of V. cinerea), 131 Lincecumii (syn. of V. aestivalis lincecumii), 141 monticola (syn. of V. berlandieri), 130 Americana (syn. of V. aestivalis), 138 angulata (syn. of V. rotundifolia), 109 araneosus (syn. of V. aestivalis), 138 Argentifolia (syn. of V. bicolor), 144 Arizonensis (syn. of V. arizonica), 133 arizonica, 107, 133 arizonica glabra, 134 Arizonica var. glabra (syn. of V. arizonica glabra), 134 baileyana, 107, 129 berlandieri, 107, 130 bicolor, 108, 144 blanda (syn. of V. labrusca), 150 blandi (syn. of V. labrusca), 150 Bourquina (syn. of V. aestivalis bourquiniana), 142 Bourquiniana (syn. of V. aestivalis bourquiniana), 142 bracteata (syn. of V. aestivalis), 138 californica, 107, 135 Californica (syn. of V. arizonica), 133 var. Girdiana (syn. of V. girdiana), 136 callosa (syn. of V. riparia), 117 Canadensis aceris folio (syn. of V. riparia), 117 candicans, 108, 147; as stock, 148 coriacea, 148 Florida form (syn. of V. candicans coriacea), 148 canina (syn. of V. labrusca), 150 caribÆa, 108, 146 Caribea (syn. of V. candicans coriacea), 148 caribea var. coriacea (syn. of V. candicans coriacea), 148 champini, 107, 124 cinerea, 107, 131 canescens, 133 floridana, 133 var. canescens (syn. of V. cinerea canescens), 133 Floridana (syn. of V. cinerea floridana), 133 cordifolia 107, 127; (syn. of V. riparia), 117 coriacea (syn. of V. berlandieri), 130 foetida, 128 helleri, 129 sempervirens, 129 cordifolia var. (syn. of V. cordifolia helleri), 129 foetida (syn. of V. cordifolia foetida), 128 Helleri (syn. of V. cordifolia helleri), 129 riparia (syn. of V. riparia), 117 sempervirens (syn. of V. cordifolia sempervirens), 129 coriacea (syn. of V. candicans coriacea), 148 dimidiata (syn. of V. riparia), 117 diversifolia (syn. of V. aestivalis lincecumii), 140 doaniana, 108, 137 ferruginea (syn. of V. labrusca), 150 Floridana (syn. of V. munsoniana), 112 Floridana (syn. of V. rotundifolia), 109 girdiana, 108, 136 hyemalis (syn. of V. riparia), 117 Illinoensis (syn. of V. riparia), 117 incisa (syn. of V. cordifolia), 127; (syn. of V. riparia), 117; (syn. of V. rotundifolia), 108 incisifolia (syn. of V. aestivalis lincecumii), 141 intermedia (syn. of V. aestivalis), 138; (syn. of V. riparia), 117 labrusca, 4, 102, 108, 149 Labrusca (syn. of V. aestivalis), 138; (syn. of V. cordifolia), 127 labrusca var. aestivalis (syn. of V. aestivalis), 138 Labrusca var. alba (syn. of V. labrusca), 150 nigra (syn. of V. labrusca), 150 rosea (syn. of V. labrusca), 150 labruscoides (syn. of V. labrusca), 150 latifolia (syn. of V. labrusca), 150 linsecomii (syn. of V. aestivalis lincecumii), 140 longii, 107, 123 longii microsperma, 123 luteola (syn. of V. labrusca), 150 Missouriensis (syn. of V. riparia), 117 monosperma (syn. of V. rubra), 125 monticola, 107, 116; (syn. of V. berlandieri), 130 multiloba (syn. of V. aestivalis lincecumii), 140 munsoniana, 107, 112 muscadina (syn. of V. rotundifolia), 108 Mustangensis (syn. of V. candicans), 147 Nortoni (syn. of V. aestivalis), 138; (syn. of Cynthiana), 228 Novo Mexicana (syn. of V. longii), 123; var. (syn. of V. longii microsperma), 123 Nuevo Mexicana (syn. of V. longii), 123 obovata (syn. of V. labrusca), 150 occidentalis (syn. of V. aestivalis), 138; (syn. of V. labrusca), 150 odoratissima (syn. of V. riparia), 117; (syn. of V. riparia prÆcox), 121 Palmata (syn. of V. rubra), 125 peltata (syn. of V. munsoniana), 112; (syn. of V. rotundifolia), 109 prolifera (syn. of V. labrusca), 150 pullaria (syn. of V. cordifolia), 127 riparia, 107, 117; (syn. of V. arizonica), 133 var. palmata (syn. of V. rubra), 125 prÆcox, 121 rotundifolia, 50, 51, 107, 108 rubra, 107, 125 rugosa (syn. of V. labrusca), 150 rupestris, 70, 71, 107, 113, 114 dissecta, 115 var. dissecta (syn. of V. rupestris dissecta), 115 serotina (syn. of V. cordifolia), 127; (syn. of V. riparia), 117 simpsoni, 108, 148 Solonis (syn. of V. longii), 123 var. microsperma (syn. of V. longii microsperma), 123 sylvestris (syn. of V. aestivalis), 138; (syn. of V. labrusca), 150 Virginiana (syn. of V. labrusca), 149 taurina (syn. of V. labrusca), 149; (syn. of V. rotundifolia), 108 tenuifolia (syn. of V. riparia), 117 Texana (syn. of V. monticola), 116 treleasei, 107, 122 verrucosa (syn. of V. rotundifolia), 108 vinifera, 3, 4, 25, 108, 154 americana (syn. of V. aestivalis), 138 sylvestris americana (syn. of V. labrusca), 149 Virginiana (syn. of V. baileyana), 129; (syn. of V. cordifolia), 127; (syn. of V. riparia), 117 virginiana (syn. of V. rubra), 125 Virginiensis (syn. of V. rubra), 125 vulpina (syn. of V. aestivalis), 138; (syn. of V. cordifolia), 127; (syn. of V. labrusca), 149; (syn. of V. riparia), 117; (syn. of V. rotundifolia), 108 var. cordifolia (syn. of V. cordifolia), 127 prÆcox (syn. of V. riparia prÆcox), 121 Vivie, M., var. orig. by, 521 Vivie Hybrid, 521 Vivie’s Hartford (syn. of Vivie Hybrid), 521 Waddel, 521 Waddel, John F., var. orig. by, 521 Waldo, J. B., var. orig. by, 521 Waldo Seedling, 521 Wales, 521 Wallis, Henry, cited, 396; mentioned, 295 Walter, 419 Walter, Thomas, life of, 96 Waneta, 521 Wapanuka, 421 Ward, Edmund, var. orig. by, 446 Warder, J. A., mentioned, 311; var. orig. by, 452 Warmita, 521 Warner’s (syn. of Black Hamburg), 186 Warner’s Black Hamburgh (syn. of Black Hamburg), 186 Warner’s Hamburgh (syn. of Black Hamburg), 186 Warren, 521 Warren (syn. of Herbemont), 288 Warren (syn. of Lenoir), 328 Warrenden (syn. of Herbemont), 288 Warrenton (syn. of Herbemont), 288 Warty grape (syn. of V. rotundifolia), 109 Washington, 521 Washington (syn. of Doder), 454 Washington (syn. of Eumelan), 266 Washita, 521 Wasserzieher, Otto, var. orig. by, 363 Waterloo, 521 Waterman, N. M., var. orig. by, 445 Watertown, 462, 463, 474, 486, 491, 500, 506, 527, 528 Wylie’s Seedlings, 527, 528 Wyman, 527 Wyman (syn. of To-Kalon), 410 Wyman’s Seedling (syn. of Wyman), 527 Wynant, 527 Wyoming, 431, 527 Wyoming Red (syn. of Wyoming), 431 Xenia, 528 Xlnta, 528 Yellow-leaf (See Chlorosis) Yellow Muscadine (syn. of Scuppernong), 399 Yoakum, 528 Yomago, 528 Yonkers, 528 Yonkers Honey Dew (syn. of Honey Dew), 469 York Claret, 528 York Lisbon, 529 York Lisbon (syn. of Alexander), 160 York Madeira, 529 Young, Frank L., var. orig. by, 483 Young America, 529 Youngken’s Honey Dew (syn. of Honey Dew), 469 Yunker’s Honey Dew (syn. of Honey Dew), 469 Zane, 529 Zane, Mr., var. orig. by, 529 Zelia, 529 Zinnia, 529 Zita, 529 Zoe, 529 FOOTNOTES: [74] There is some evidence to show that the Clinton contains Labrusca blood. [134] The description of Vitis vulpina by Linnaeus is so meager, including the leaves only, that for many years botanists were in doubt as to the species intended. Muhlenberg was the single exception when he gave Linnaeus’ Vulpina and Michaux’s Cordifolia as synonymous. Whether he did this from knowledge, or whether it was by chance, it is impossible to say. He states no reasons and consequently received no following among other botanists. Elliott supposed that Linnaeus intended to describe the southern Rotundifolia and this view seems to have been generally accepted. In the late eighties or early nineties, Planchon first, and later Britton, by referring to Linnaeus’ specimens, determined that the latter’s Vulpina was the same as Riparia, and in accordance with botanical rules, presented the name Vulpina as the correct name for this species. Bailey, however, states (Ev. Nat. Fr., 1898:102) that he found two specimens in the Linnaeus collection labeled Vulpina, one of which was the true Riparia and the other Cordifolia. Since a change of the name would bring confusion to more than ninety years of botanical and horticultural literature, it seems inadvisable to make one on such contradictory evidence. [204] Horticulturist, 16:286. 1861.
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