
In the standard works listed below, the date of copyright has been preferred to that of the title page although where there are several editions from the same copyright they are given, so far as our knowledge permits. This is thought to be more just to the writers as the copyright date is usually a better indication of the time when the book was written than the date of publication. An effort has been made to present a complete bibliography of grape literature in the United States including many books which, owing to their nature, have been of no use in the preparation of this work. In addition there are given all agricultural works and periodicals to which references will be found in the preceding pages. Reports and bulletins of experiment stations and reports of horticultural societies are not included as in each case the abbreviation used is standard and sufficiently full for ready recognition. Only such European works have been included as were found useful in preparing the volume.

Adlum——A Memoir on the Cultivation of the Vine in America and the Best Mode of Making Wine. By John Adlum. Washington: 1823. Second edition, 1828.

Allen——Practical Treatise on the Culture and Treatment of the Grape Vine, etc. By J. Fisk Allen. Second edition, Boston: 1848. Third edition, 1853.

Amer. Farmer——The American Farmer. Baltimore: 1819-1832.

Amer. Gard.——The American Garden. 1888-1891. American Gardening, New York: 1892-1904. (The American Garden and Popular Gardening were combined in 1892 to form American Gardening.)

Am. Hort.——An. American Horticultural Annual. A Year Book of Horticultural Progress, etc. New York: 1867-1871.

Am. Jour. Hort.——The American Journal of Horticulture and Florist’s Companion. Name changed in 1869 to Tilton’s Journal of Horticulture and Florist’s Companion. Boston: 1867-1871.

Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt.——American Pomological Society Report. Issued usually biennially from 1852 to date.

Andrae——A Guide to the Cultivation of the Grape Vine in Texas, and Instructions for Wine-Making. By E. H. Andrae. Dallas, Texas: 1890.

An. Hort.——Annals of Horticulture in North America. A Witness of Passing Events and a Record of Progress. By L. H. Bailey. New York: 1889-1893. (Appearing annually.)

Antill——An Essay on the Cultivation of the Vine, etc. By Edward Antill. (Appearing in Transactions American Philosophical Society.) Philadelphia: 1771.

Bailey——American Grape Training; An Account of the Leading Forms Now in Use of Training the American Grapes. By L. H. Bailey. New York: 1893.

Barry——The Fruit Garden; A Treatise, etc. By P. Barry. New York: 1851. Revised edition (Barry’s Fruit Garden), New York: 1872. Revised edition (Barry’s Fruit Garden), New York: 1883.

Bolling——Sketch of Vine Culture. By Robert Bolling. (Never printed but several manuscript copies were circulated during the latter half of the 18th century. Extracts were published in several periodicals.)

Bright Bright’s Single Stem Dwarf and Renewal System of Grape Culture, etc. By William Bright. New York: 1860. Second edition, New York: 1861. (Same copyright date as first edition.)

Buchanan——The Culture of the Grape and Wine-Making. By Robert Buchanan. Cincinnati: 1852-1860 or later. (Eight editions or more.)

Budd-Hansen——American Horticultural Manual, etc. By J. L. Budd and N. E. Hansen. New York and London: 1903.

Busby——Journal of a Recent Visit to the Principal Vineyards of Spain and France, etc. By James Busby, Esq. New York and Boston: 1835.

Bush. Cat.——Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue of American Grape Vines, etc. By Bush and Son and Meissner. Third edition, St. Louis: 1883. Fourth edition same, St. Louis: 1894.

Can. Hort.——Canadian Horticulturist. Toronto: 1878 to date.

Chorlton——The Cold Grapery, from Direct American Practice, etc. By Wm. Chorlton. New York: 1853.

Chorlton——The American Grape Growers’ Guide, etc. By Wm. Chorlton. Many editions. With the exception of a final chapter added to the later editions there are no revisions. New York: 1852-1883.

Cole——The American Fruit Book, etc. By S. W. Cole. Boston and New York: 1849.

Cope——Physiography in its Application to Grape Culture. An essay in Saunders’ “Both Sides of the Grape Question”.

De Berneaud——The Vine-Dresser’s Theoretical and Practical Manual, etc. By Thiebaut de Berneaud. (Translated from the French.) New York: 1829.

Denniston——Grape Culture in Steuben County, New York. By G. Denniston. Albany: 1865. (In New York Agricultural Society Report, and also as a separate.)

Dom. Enc.——The Domestic Encyclopedia; or a Dictionary of Facts, etc. By A. F. M. Willich. First American edition with additions by James Mease. In five volumes. (The fifth volume contains an article on grapes by William Bartram and James Mease.) Philadelphia: 1804.

Downing——The Fruits and Fruit Trees of America. By A. J. Downing, 1845. Second edition, same text, with colored plates, 1847. First revision, by Charles Downing, 1857. Second revision, 1869. First appendix, 1872. Second appendix, 1876. Third appendix, 1881.

Du Breuil——The Thomery System of Grape Culture. (A translation from the French.) New York: No date.

Du Breuil——Vineyard Culture, etc. By A. Du Breuil. Translated (from the French) by E. & C. Parker, with notes and adaptations by John A. Warder. Cincinnati: 1867.

Dufour——The American Vine-Dresser’s Guide, etc. By John James Dufour. Cincinnati: 1826.

Eisen——The Raisin Industry, etc. By Gustav Eisen. San Francisco: 1890.

Elliott——Elliott’s Fruit Book, or the American Fruit Growers’ Guide, etc. By F. R. Elliott. New York: 1854. Revised edition (same), 1859.

Ev. of Nat. Fruits——Sketch of the Evolution of our Native Fruits. By L. H. Bailey. New York: 1898.

Fisher——Observations on the Character and Culture of the European Vine, etc. By S. I. Fisher. Philadelphia: 1834.

Flagg——Three Seasons in European Vineyards, etc. By Wm. J. Flagg. New York: 1869.

Floy-Lind.——Guide to the Orchard and Fruit Garden, etc. By George Lindley; edited by John Lindley. American edition with notes and additions by Michael Floy. New York: 1833.

Fuller——The Grape Culturist; a Treatise, etc. By Andrew S. Fuller. New York: 1864. Same, new and enlarged edition, New York: 1867. Same, new revised and enlarged edition, New York: 1894.

Gard. Chron.——Gardener’s Chronicle, etc. London: 1841 to date.

Gar. Mon.——Gardener’s Monthly, etc. Thomas Meehan, editor. Philadelphia: 1859-1887.

Goessman——Contribution to the Chemistry of the American Grape Vine. By C. A. Goessman. In Proceedings American Chemical Society, volume 2, and also as separate.

Grape Cult.——The Grape Culturist, a Monthly Journal, etc. George Husmann, editor. St. Louis: 1869-1871.

Grant——Manual of the Vine. By C. W. Grant, Iona, N. Y.: 1864.

Haraszthy——Grape Culture, Wines and Wine-Making, etc. By A. Haraszthy. New York: 1862.

Haskell——An Account of Various Experiments for the Production of New and Desirable Grapes. Ipswich, Mass.: 1877.

Hoare——A Practical Treatise on the Cultivation of the Grape Vine on Open Walls. By Clement Hoare. Boston: 1837. Same, Boston: 1840. Same, Boston: 1845. Same, New York: 1847.

Hofer——Grape Growing. A Simple Treatise on the Single Pole System, etc. By A. F. Hofer. New York: 1878.

Hooper——Hooper’s Western Fruit Book, etc. By E. J. Hooper. Cincinnati: 1857.

Horticola——The pseudonym of Dr. Charles Siedhof who translated and added notes to Mohr’s “The Grape Vine,” etc.

Horticulturist——The Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste. Albany, Philadelphia and New York: 1846-1875.

Husmann——The Cultivation of the Native Grape and Manufacture of American Wines. By George Husmann. New York: 1866.

Husmann——American Grape Growing and Wine Making. By George Husmann. Fourth edition, New York: 1895.

Hyatt——Hyatt’s Handbook of Grape Culture, etc. By T. Hart Hyatt. San Francisco: 1867.

Johnson——Rural Economy, etc. By S. W. Johnson. New York: 1806.

Keech——The Grape Growers’ Guide. By J. Keech. Waterloo, N. Y.: 1869.

Lond. Hort. Soc. Cat.——A Catalog of the Fruits Cultivated in the Garden of the Horticultural Society of London. First edition, London: 1826. Same, second edition, 1831.

Longworth——The Cultivation of the Grape and Manufacture of Wine. By N. Longworth. Cincinnati: 1846.

Loubat——The American Vine Dresser’s Guide. By Alphonse Loubat. New York: 1827. Same, 1872.

McMahon——The American Gardener’s Calendar, etc. By Bernard McMahon. Philadelphia: 1806.

McMinn——A Contribution to the Classification of the Species and Varieties of the Grape Vine. By J. M. McMinn. (An essay appearing in Saunders’ “Both Sides of the Grape Question.”)

McMurtrie——Report upon Statistics of Grape Culture and Wine Production in the United States for 1880. By Wm. McMurtrie, United States Department of Agriculture. Washington: 1881.

Mag. Hort.——Magazine of Horticulture. Published first two years under name American Gardener’s Magazine. C. M. Hovey, editor. Boston: 1835-1868.

Mead——An Elementary Treatise on American Grape Culture and Wine Making. By Peter B. Mead. New York: 1867.

Mitzky——Our Native Grape, etc. Published by C. Mitzky & Co. Rochester: 1893.

Mohr——The Grape Vine. A Practically Scientific Treatise on its Management, etc. By Frederick Mohr. Translated from the German by Horticola (Charles Siedhof). New York: 1867.

Muench——School for American Grape Culture, etc. By Frederick Muench. Translated from the German by Elizabeth H. Cutter. St. Louis: 1865.

Munson——Classification and Generic Synopsis of the Wild Grapes of North America. By T. V. Munson. United States Department of Agriculture, Division of Pomology, Bulletin 3. Washington: 1890.

My Vineyard——My Vineyard at Lakeview. By a western grape-grower (A. N. Prentiss). New York: 1866.

Persoz——New Process for the Culture of the Vine. By Persoz. Translated by J. O. C. Barclay. New York: 1856.

Phelps——The Vine: Its Culture in the United States, etc. By R. H. Phelps. Hartford: 1855.

Phin——Open Air Grape Culture, etc. By John Phin. New York: 1862. Same, 1876.

Prince——A Treatise on the Vine, etc. By William Robert Prince, aided by William Prince. New York: 1830.

Rafinesque——American Manual of the Grape Vines, etc. By C. S. Rafinesque. Philadelphia: 1830.

Rec. of Hort.——Woodward’s Record of Horticulture. Edited by A. S. Fuller. (An annual). New York: 1866-1868.

Reemelin——The Vine-Dresser’s Manual; An Illustrated Treatise, etc. By Charles Reemelin. New York: 1856.

Rural N. Y.——Rural New Yorker. Rochester and New York: 1850 to date.

Saunders——Both Sides of the Grape Question, etc.: Three essays on grape culture by Wm. Saunders, F. J. Cope and J. M. McMinn. Philadelphia: 1860.

Siedhof, Charles——(See Mohr.)

Sou. Agr.——Southern Agriculturist, Horticulturist, etc. Charleston: 1828-1846.

Speechly——A Treatise on the Culture of the Vine, etc. By William Speechly. Dublin: 1791.

Spooner——The Cultivation of American Grape Vines, etc. By Alden Spooner. Brooklyn: 1846.

Story of the Vine——The Story of the Vine. By Edward R. Emerson. New York and London: 1901.

Strong——Culture of the Grape. By W. C. Strong. Boston: 1866.

Thomas——The American Fruit Culturist. By J. J. Thomas. Published at various places. First edition, 1846; twenty-first edition, 1903.

Tomes——The Champagne Country. By Robert Tomes. New York: 1867.

TraitÉ gen. de vit.——TraitÉ general de viticulture, etc. Published under the direction of P. Viala and V. Vermorel assisted by many others. In six volumes. Paris: 1903.

Tryon——A Practical Treatise on Grape Culture, etc. By J. H. Tryon. Willoughby, Ohio: 1887. Same, second edition, Willoughby, Ohio: 1893.

U. S. D. A.——. Reports of the United States Department of Agriculture: 1862 to date.

U. S. Pat. Off.——Rpt. Reports of the Agricultural Section of the United States Patent Office: 1837 to 1861.

Vineyardist——The Vineyardist. Penn Yan, N. Y.

Wait——Wines and Vines of California, etc. By Frona Eunice Wait. San Francisco: 1889.

Warder——See Du Breuil.

West. Hort. Rev.——Western Horticultural Review. J. A. Warder, editor. Cincinnati: 1850-1853.

Woodward——Woodward’s Graperies and Horticultural Buildings. By Geo. E. & F. W. Woodward. New York: 1865.


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