The list of books which follows contains all American pomological works in which the cherry is discussed at any length. Only such European books are listed, however, as were found useful in writing The Cherries of New York. Only periodicals are listed to which references are made in the text of the book. The reports and bulletins of experiment stations and horticultural societies are not included since the abbreviations used for such publications will be recognized by all. - Am. Gard.
- American Gardening. An Illustrated Journal of Horticulture and Gardener's Chronicle. New York: 1892-1904. Copyright, 1903. (Before its union with Popular Gardening in 1892, the publication was known as The American Garden. Both Popular Gardening and The American Garden resulted from the union or absorption of several other horticultural periodicals.)
- Am. Gard. Mag.
- The American Gardener's Magazine, and Register of Useful Discoveries and Improvements in Horticulture and Rural Affairs. See Mag. Hort.
- Am. Hort. An.
- American Horticultural Annual. A Yearbook of Horticultural Progress for the Professional and Amateur Gardener, Fruit-grower, and Florist. (Illustrated.) New York: 1867. Copyright, 1867. New edition. New York: 1870. Copyright, 1869.
- Am. Jour. Hort.
- The American Journal of Horticulture and Florist's Companion. (Illustrated.) Volumes 1-5. Boston: 1867-1896. Copyrights, 1867-1869. Continued as Tilton's Journal of Horticulture and Floral Magazine. (Illustrated.) Volumes 6-9. Boston: 1869-71. Copyrights, 1869-1871.
- Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt.
- Proceedings of the American Pomological Society. Issued usually biennially from 1850 to date. First published as the Proceedings of the National Convention of Fruit Growers in 1848.
- Ann. Hort.
- Annals of Horticulture and yearbook of information on practical gardening. 5 Volumes. London: 1846-1850.
- Ann. Pom. Belge
- Annales de Pomologie Belge et ÉtrangÈre; publiÉes par la Commission royale de Pomologie InstituÉe par S. M. le Roi des Belges. (IllustrÉ.) 8 Tomes. Bruxelles: 1853-1860.
- Bailey, Ann. Hort.
- Annals of Horticulture in North America for the Years 1889-1893. A Witness of Passing Events and a Record of Progress. By L. H. Bailey. New York: 1890-1894. Copyrights, 1889, 1891-1894.
- Bailey, Cyc. Hort.
- Cyclopedia of American Horticulture Comprising Suggestions for Cultivation of Horticultural Plants, Descriptions of the Species of Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers and Ornamental Plants Sold in the United States and Canada, Together with Geographical and Biographical Sketches. By L. H. Bailey, assisted by Wilhelm Miller. (Illustrated.) In Four Volumes. New York: 1900-1902. Copyrights, 1900-1902.
- Bailey, Ev. Nat. Fruits
- Sketch of the Evolution of our Native Fruits. By L. H. Bailey. (Illustrated.) New York: 1898. Copyright, 1898.
- Bailey, Sur. Unlike
- The Survival of the Unlike. A Collection of Evolution Essays Suggested by the Study of Domestic Plants. By L. H. Bailey. (Illustrated.) Fifth Edition. New York: 1906. Copyright, 1896.
- Baltet, Cult. Fr.
- TraitÉ de la Culture FruitiÈre Commerciale et Bourgeoise. Par Charles Baltet. (IllustrÉ.) QuatriÈme Édition. Paris: 1908.
- Barry, Fr. Garden
- The Fruit Garden. By P. Barry. (Illustrated.) New York: 1852. Copyright, 1851. Revised Edition, 1896. Copyright, 1883.
- Bradley, Gard.
- New Improvements of Planting and Gardening, both Philosophical and Practical. In three parts. By Richard Bradley. (Illustrated.) Seventh Edition with Appendix. London: 1739.
- Bridgeman, Gard. Ass't
- The Young Gardener's Assistant, in three parts. By Thomas Bridgeman. New Edition, with an Appendix. New York: 1857. Copyright, 1847.
- Brookshaw, Hort. Reposit.
- The Horticultural Repository, containing Delineations of the best Varieties of the Different Species of English Fruits. By George Brookshaw. (Illustrated.) In Two Volumes. London: 1823.
- Budd-Hansen, Am. Hort. Man.
- American Horticultural Manual. By J. L. Budd, assisted by N. E. Hansen. (Illustrated.) In Two Volumes. Volume 2, New York and London: 1903. Copyright, 1903.
- Bunyard-Thomas, Fr. Gard. The Fruit Garden.
- By George Bunyard and Owen Thomas. (Illustrated.) London and New York: 1904.
- Can. Hort.
- The Canadian Horticulturist. (Illustrated.) Toronto and Peterboro: 1878 to date.
- Cat. Cong. Pom. France
- SociÉtÉ Pomologique de France Catalogue Descriptif des Fruits AdoptÉs par le CongrÈs Pomologique. Lyon: 1887. Ibid.: 1906.
- Christ, Handb.
- Handbuch Über die Obstbaumzucht und Obstlehre. Von J. L. Christ. Zweite vermehrte. Frankfurt: 1797.
- Christ, ObstbÜume
- Von Pflanzung und Wartung der nÜzlichsten ObstbÜume. Von J. L. Christ. Zweiter Theil. Frankfurt: 1791.
- Christ, WÖrterb.
- Pomologisches theoretisch-praktisches HandwÖrterbuch, oder Alphabetisches Verzeichniss. Von J. L. Christ. Leipzig: 1802.
- Cole, Am. Fr. Book
- The American Fruit Book; containing directions for Raising, Propagating, and Managing Fruit Trees, Shrubs, and Plants; with a description of the Best Varieties of Fruit, including New and Valuable Kinds. By S. W. Cole. (Illustrated.) Boston: 1849. Copyright, 1849.
- Country Gent.
- The Country Gentleman. Albany: 1853-1865. The Cultivator & Country Gentleman. Albany: 1866-1897. The Country Gentleman. Albany and Philadelphia: 1898 to date.
- Coxe, Cult. Fr. Trees
- A View of the Cultivation of Fruit Trees, and the Management of Orchards and Cider; with accurate descriptions of the most estimable varieties of Native and Foreign Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plums, and Cherries, cultivated in the middle states of America. By William Coxe. (Illustrated.) Philadelphia: 1817. Copyright, 1817.
- Cultivator
- The Cultivator. Albany: 1834-1865. In 1866 united with The Country Gentleman.
- Cult. & Count. Gent.
- The Cultivator & Country Gentleman. See Country Gent.
- Decaisne & Naudin, Man. Amat. Jard.
- Manuel de L'Amateur Des Jardins TraitÉ GÉnÉral D'Horticulture. Par Jh. Decaisne et CH. Naudin. (IllustrÉ.) Tome QuatriÈme. Paris.
- De Candolle, Or. Cult. Plants
- Origin of Cultivated Plants. By Alphonse de Candolle. Geneva [Switzerland]: 1882. New York: 1885.
- Dochnahl, FÜhr. Obstkunde
- Der sichere FÜhrer in der Obstkunde auf botanisch-pomologischen Wege oder Systematische Breschreibung aller Obstsorten. Von F. J. Dochnahl. Vier BÜnde. NÜrnberg: 1855-60. Volume 3, 1858. Cherries.
- Downing, Fr. Trees Am.
- The Fruits and Fruit Trees of America: or the culture, propagation, and management, in the garden and orchard, of fruit trees generally; with Descriptions Of All The Finest Varieties Of Fruit, Native and Foreign, Cultivated In This Country. By A. J. Downing. (Illustrated.) New York & London: 1845. Copyright, 1845. Second edition, same text, with colored plates, 1847. First revision, by Charles Downing. New York: 1857. Copyright, 1857. Second revision, by Charles Downing. New York: 1869. First appendix, 1872. Second appendix, 1876. Third appendix, 1881.
- Duhamel, Trait. Arb. Fr.
- TraitÉ Des Arbres Fruitiers; Contenant Leur Figure, Leur Description, Leur Culture, &c. Par M. Duhamel Du Monceau. (IllustrÉ.) Tomes 1 et 2. Paris: 1768. Édition publiÉ en 1872, en trois tomes. Nouvelle Édition en six tomes, 1807-1835.
- Elliott, Fr. Book
- Elliott's Fruit Book; or, the American Fruit-Grower's Guide in Orchard and Garden. By F. R. Elliott. (Illustrated.) New York: 1858. Copyright, 1854. Revised edition. 1859.
- Fish, Hardy-Fr. Bk.
- The Hardy-Fruit Book. By D. T. Fish. (Illustrated.) Two Volumes. London: probably 1882.
- Flor. & Pom.
- The Florist And Pomologist: A Pictorial Monthly Magazine of Flowers, Fruits, and General Horticulture. Conducted at first by Robert Hogg and John Spencer, later by Thomas Moore and William Paul. (Illustrated.) London: 1862-1884.
- Floy-Lindley, Guide Orch. Gard.
- A Guide to the Orchard And Fruit Garden or an account of the Most Valuable Fruits cultivated in Great Britain. By George Lindley; edited by John Lindley. American edition by Michael Floy. New York: 1833. New edition; with an Appendix. New York: 1846. Copyright, 1846.
- Forsyth, Treat. Fr. Trees
- A Treatise on the Culture and Management of Fruit Trees. By William Forsyth. London: 1802. Same with an Introduction and Notes, by William Corbett. Albany: 1803. Seventh edition [English] London: 1824.
- Gard. Chron.
- The Gardener's Chronicle. (Illustrated.) London: 1841 to date.
- Garden
- The Garden. (Illustrated.) London: 1872 to date.
- Gard. Mon.
- The Gardener's Monthly and Horticultural Advertiser. Edited by Thomas Meehan. (Illustrated.) Philadelphia: 1859-1887.
- Gaucher, Pom. Prak. Obst.
- Pomologie des Praktischen ObstbaumzÜchters. Von N. Gaucher. (Illustrirt.) Stuttgart: 1894.
- Gen. Farmer
- The Genesee Farmer. Edited by Luther Tucker, Rochester: 1831-1839. Then consolidated with the Cultivator. Another periodical of the same name was published in Rochester from 1845 to 1865. Also New Genesee Farmer and Monthly Genesee Farmer.
- Gerarde, Herball
- The Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes. By John Gerarde. Enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson. London: 1636.
- Guide Prat.
- Guide Pratique de L'Amateur De Fruits. Description Et Culture des VariÉtiÉs De Fruits ClassÉs Par SÉries De MÉrite composant les collections pomologiques De L'Établissement Horticole Simon-Louis FrÈres. A PlantiÈres-Les-Metz (Lorraine AnnexÉe) Suivi D'Une Table GÉnÉrale AlphabÉtique de tous les Synonymes connus, Francais et Étrangers appartenent À chaque variÉtÉ. DeuxiÈme Édition. Paris et Nancy: 1895.
- Hoffy, N. Am. Pom.
- Hoffy's North American Pomologist, containing numerous Finely Colored Drawings, accompanied by letter press descriptions, &c., of Fruits of American Origin. Edited by William D. BrincklÉ. Book No. 1. Philadelphia: 1860. Copyright, 1860.
- Hoffy, Orch. Com.
- The Orchardist's Companion. Alfred Hoffy, Editor and Publisher. A quarterly journal. Vol. I, 1841-2; Vol. II, 1842-3. Philadelphia.
- Hogg, Fruit Man.
- The Fruit Manual: A Guide to the Fruits and Fruit Trees of Great Britain. By Robert Hogg. First edition, London: 1860. Second edition, 1861. Third edition, 1866. Fourth edition, 1873. Fifth edition, 1884.
- Hooper, W. Fr. Book
- Hooper's Western Fruit Book: a compendious Collection of Facts from the Notes and Experience of Successful Fruit Culturists, arranged for practical use in The Orchard and Garden. By E. J. Hooper. Cincinnati: 1857. Copyright, 1857.
- Hort. Reg. (Am.)
- Horticultural Register and Gardener's Magazine. Edited by T. G. Fessenden and J. E. Teschemacher. Volume I. Boston: 1835.
- Hort. Reg. (Eng.)
- The Horticultural Register and General Magazine. By Joseph Paxton and Joseph Harrison. Vol. I. London: 1833.
- Horticulturist
- The Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste. Founded and first edited by A. J. Downing. (Illustrated.) Volumes 1 to 30. Albany, Philadelphia and New York: 1846-1875.
- Hovey, Fr. Am.
- The Fruits of America, containing Richly Colored Figures, and full Descriptions of all the choicest Varieties cultivated in the United States. By C. M. Hovey. Volume I. Boston and New York: 1852. Volume II. Boston: 1856. Copyright, 1851.
- Ill. Handb.
- Illustrirtes Handbuch der Obstkunde, unter Mitwirkung mehrerer herausgegeben von ... F. Jahn ... Ed. Lucas und ... J. G. C. Oberdieck. Siebente Leiferung. Dritten Bandes. Stuttgart: 1860; Neunte Lieferung. Dritten Bandes. Stuttgart: 1861; Sechszehnte Lieferung. Sechsten Bandes. Ravensburg: 1867.
- Jour. Hort.
- The Journal of Horticulture began as: The Cottage Gardener; or Amateur's and Cottager's Guide to out-door gardening and spade cultivation. 25 Volumes. London: 1849-1861. Continued as The Journal of Horticulture, Cottage Gardener, and Country Gentleman. A Journal of Horticulture, Rural and Domestic Economy, Botany and Natural History. New Series. 38 Volumes. London: 1861-1880. Continued as The Journal of Horticulture, Cottage Gardener, and Home Farmer. A Chronicle of Country Pursuits and Country Life, including Poultry, Pigeon, and Bee-keeping. Third Series. 59 Volumes. London: 1880-1909.
- Jour. Roy. Hort. Soc.
- The Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society. London: 1846 to date. Vols. 1-9, 1846-55, bear the title of The Journal of the Horticultural Society of London.
- Kenrick, Am. Orch.
- The New American Orchardist. By William Kenrick. Boston: 1833. Copyright, 1832. Second edition. Boston: 1835. Copyright, 1835. Seventh edition, enlarged and improved, with a supplement. Boston: 1845. Copyright, 1841.
- Knoop, Fructologie
- Part I. Pomologie, ou Description des meilleures sortes de Pommes et de Poires. Part II. Fructologie, ou Description des Arbres Fruitiers. Par Jean Herman Knoop. (IllustrÉ.) Amsterdam: 1771.
- Koch, Deut. Obst.
- Die Deutschen ObstgehÖlze. Vorlesungen gehalten zu Berlin im Winterhalbjahr 1875-76. Von Karl Koch. Stuttgart: 1876.
- Kraft, Pom. Aust.
- Pomona austriaca, Abhandlung von den ObstbÜumen. Von Johann Kraft. 2 Theile. Vienna: 1792.
- KrÜnitz, Enc.
- Ausschnitt aus KrÜnitz' EncyklopÜdie. 1790. Cherries.
- Lange, Allgem. Garten.
- Allgemeines Gartenbuch. Von Theodore Lange. 2 BÜnde. Zweite vermehrte. Leipsic: 1897.
- Langley, Pomona
- Pomona, or the Fruit Garden Illustrated. By Batty Langley. London: 1729.
- Lauche, Deut. Pom.
- Deutsche Pomologie. Von W. Lauche. (Illustrirt.) Berlin: 1882.
- Lauche, ErgÄnzungsband
- Erster ErgÄnzungsband zu Lucas' und Oberdieck's Illustrirtes Handbuch der Obstkunde. Von W. Lauche. Berlin: 1883.
- Le Bon Jard.
- Le Bon Jardinier. 126e Édition Almanach Horticole, 1882 et 129e Édition, 1884. Paris.
- Leroy, Diet. Pom.
- Dictionnaire de Pomologie. Par AndrÉ Leroy. (IllustrÉ.) 6 Tomes. Paris: 1867-1879. Tome 5, 1877. Cherries.
- Liegel, Syst. Anleit.
- Systematische Anleitung zur Kenntniss der vorzÜglichsten Sorten des Kern-, Stein-, Schalen- und Beerenobster. Von Georg Liegel. Passau: 1825.
- Lond. Hort. Soc. Cat.
- A Catalogue of the Fruits Cultivated in the Garden of the Horticultural Society of London. London: 1826. Second edition, 1831. Third edition, 1842. A supplement was published in 1853.
- Loudon, Arb. Frut. Brit.
- Arboretum, et Fruticetum Britannicum. Par J. C. Loudon. DeuxiÈme Édition. Tome 2. London: 1844.
- Loudon's, Enc. Gard.
- An Encyclopedia Of Gardening. By J. C. Loudon. (Illustrated.) New edition. London: 1834.
- Lucas, Handb. Obst.
- VollstÜndiges Handbuch der Obstkultur. Von Ed. Lucas. (Illustrirt.) Stuttgart: First edition, 1880; second edition, 1886; third edition, 1893. Third edition edited by Fr. Lucas, 1894.
- Mag. Hort.
- The Magazine of Horticulture. Boston: 1837-1868. First published as The American Gardener's Magazine, 1835-6. Edited by C. M. Hovey with P. B. Hovey, Jr., associate editor during 1835-6.
- Manning, Book of Fruits
- Book of Fruits. By Robert Manning. (Illustrated.) Salem: 1838. Copyright, 1838.
- Mas, Le Verger
- Le Verger ou Histoire, Culture Et Description avec planches coloriÉes Des VariÉtÉs De Fruits Les Plus GÉnÉralement Connues. Par M. Mas. 8 Tomes. Paris: 1866-73. Tome 8. Cherries.
- Mas, Pom. Gen.
- Pomologie GÉnÉrale. Par. M. Mas. (IllustrÉ.) 12 Tomes. Paris: 1872-83. Tome 11, 1882. Cherries.
- Mathieu, Nom. Pom.
- Nomenclator Pomologicus. Von Carl Mathieu. Berlin: 1889.
- Mawe-Abercrombie, Com. Gard.
- The Complete Gardener. By Thomas Mawe and John Abercrombie. London: 1829.
- Mawe-Abercrombie, Univ. Gard. Bot.
- The Universal Gardener and Botanist. By Thomas Mawe and John Abercrombie. London: 1778.
- Miller, Gard. Dict.
- The Gardener's Dictionary. By Philip Miller. 2 Volumes. London: 1754. Revised edition. By Thomas Martyn London: 1807.
- Miller, Gard. Kal.
- The Gardener's Kalendar. By Philip Miller. London: 1734.
- McIntosh, Bk. Gard.
- The Book of the Garden. By Charles Mcintosh. (Illustrated.) Two Volumes. London: 1855.
- McMahon, Am. Gard. Cal.
- The American Gardener's Calendar. By Bernard McMahon. Philadelphia: 1806.
- Mortillet, Le Cerisier
- Arboriculture FruitiÈre. Les Meilleurs Fruits. Par M. P. De Mortillet. (IllustrÉ.) Tome II. Le Cerisier. Grenoble: 1866.
- Nat. Nur.
- The National Nurseryman. Published by The National Nurseryman Publishing Co. (Illustrated.) Rochester: 1893 to date.
- Nicholson, Dict. Gard.
- The Illustrated Dictionary of Gardening, a practical and scientific Encyclopedia of Horticulture for Gardeners and Botanists. By George Nicholson, assisted by J. W. H. Trail and J. Garrett. 4 Volumes. London. Supplement to same. By George Nicholson et al. London: 1900.
- Noisette, Man. Comp. Jard.
- Manuel Complet du Jardinier. Par M. Louis Noisette. Tome DeuxiÈme. Paris: 1860.
- Oberdieck, Obst-Sort.
- Deutschlands beste Obst-Sorten. Von F. G. C. Oberdieck. Leipzig: 1881.
- ObstzÜchter
- Der ObstzÜchter Zeitschrift fÜr die Gesamtinteressen des Obstbanes. References in Volume VIII, Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 10. Vienna: 1910.
- Parkinson, Par. Ter.
- Paradisi in Sole. Paradisus Terrestris. By John Parkinson. (Illustrated.) London: 1629.
- Phillips, Com. Orch.
- The Companion for the Orchard. An Historical And Botanical Account of Fruits Known In Great Britain. By Henry Phillips. New Edition. London: 1831.
- Poiteau, Pom. Franc.
- Pomologie Francaise. Recueil des Plus Beaux Fruits CultivÉs En France. Par Antoine Poiteau. Tomes 1-4. Paris: 1846.
- Pom. France
- Pomologie De La France ou Histoire Et Description de tous Les Fruits CultivÉs En France Et Admis Par Le CongrÈs Pomologique. (IllustrÉ.) Tomes I-VIII. Lyon: 1863-1873. Tome VII, 1871. Cherries.
- Pom. Inst. Reut.
- Pomologisches Institut Reutlingen. Reutlingen: 1911-1912.
- Pom. Mag.
- The Pomological Magazine; or, Figures And Descriptions of the Most Important Varieties Of Fruit cultivated in Great Britain. Three Volumes. London: 1828-30. This work has also been published under the title Pomona Brittanica.
- Popular Gard.
- Popular Gardening. An Illustrated periodical devoted to Horticulture in all its branches. Volume I. Buffalo: 1886. Continued as Popular Gardening and Fruit Growing. Volumes II-VI. Buffalo: 1887-1891. Consolidated with The American Garden and continued as American Gardening. New York: 1892-1904.
- Prince, Pom. Man.
- The Pomological Manual; or, A Treatise on Fruits. By William Robert Prince, aided by William Prince. Second Edition. Part I. New York: 1832. Copyright, 1831. Part II. New York: 1832. Copyright, 1832.
- Prince, Treat. Hort.
- A Short Treatise on Horticulture. By William Prince. New York: 1828. Copyright, 1828.
- Prince, Treat. Trees & Plants
- A Treatise on Fruit and Ornamental Trees And Plants, cultivated at the LinnÆan Botanic Garden, Flushing, Long-Island, near New-York. By William Prince. New York: 1820.
- Proskauer Obstsort.
- Proskauer Obstsorten. Von Professor Dr. Stoll. Proskau bei Oppeln: 1907.
- Quintinye, Com. Gard.
- The Compleat Gard'ner; or, Directions for Cultivating and Right Ordering of Fruit-Gardens, and Kitchen-Gardens. By Monsieur De la Quintinye. Second Edition. London: 1699.
- Ray, Hist. Plant.
- Historia Plantarum. By John Ray. Second volume. London: 1688.
- Rea, Flora
- Flora: Seu, De Florum Cultura; or A Complete Florilege. By John Rea. 3 Books. London: 1676. Book 3. Cherries.
- Reut. Pom. Inst. Festschrift
- Festschrift zum FÜnfzigjÄhrigen Bestehen des Pomologischen Instituts In Reutlingen. Reutlingen: 1910.
- Rev. Hort.
- Revue Horticole. Journal D'Horticulture Pratique. (IllustrÉ.) Paris: 1829 to date.
- Rural N. Y.
- The Rural New-Yorker. A Journal for the Suburban and Country Home. (Illustrated.) Rochester and New York: 1850 to date.
- Soc. Nat. Hort. France Pom.
- SociÉtÉ Nationale D'Horticulture De France. Section Pomologique. Les Meilleurs Fruits au dÉbut du XXe siÈcle. (IllustrÉ.) Paris: 1904.
- Sou. Cult.
- The Southern Cultivator. A Monthly Journal, devoted to the improvement of Southern Agriculture. (Illustrated.) Augusta, Ga.: 1843-1848.
- Thacher, Am. Orch.
- The American Orchardist. By James Thacher. Boston: 1822. Copyright, 1822.
- Thomas, Am. Fruit Cult.
- The American Fruit Culturist. By John J. Thomas. (Illustrated.) First Edition. Geneva and Auburn, N. Y.: 1846. Copyright, 1846. Revised Edition. Auburn, N. Y.: 1851. Copyright, 1849. Revised Edition. New York: 1869. Copyright, 1867. Revised Edition. New York: 1885. Copyright, 1875-1885. Twentieth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. New York: 1897. Copyright, 1897. Twenty-first Edition, Revised and Enlarged. New York: 1911. Copyright, 1903.
- Thomas, Guide Prat.
- Guide Pratique de L'Amateur de Fruits. Par O. Thomas. 1876. DeuxiÈme Édition. 1895. See Guide Pratique.
- Thompson, Gard. Ass't.
- The Gardener's Assistant; Practical and Scientific. By Robert Thompson. (Illustrated.) Two Volumes. London. 1859. Same, revised by William Watson. Six Volumes. London: 1901.
- Truchsess-Heim, Kirschensort
- Systematische Classification und Beschreibung der Kirschensorten. Von Christian Freiherrn Truchsess. Edited by Friedrich Timotheus Heim. Stuttgart: 1819.
- U. S. D. A. Rpt.
- Reports of the United States Department of Agriculture: 1862-1894.
- U. S. D. A. Yearbook
- Reports of the United States Department of Agriculture: 1894 to date.
- U. S. Pat. Off. Rpt.
- Reports of the Agricultural section of the United States Patent Office: 1837 to 1861.
- Wickson, Cal. Fruits
- The California Fruits and How To Grow Them. By Edward J. Wickson. (Illustrated.) Second Edition. San Francisco: 1891. Copyright, 1889. Fourth Edition. Los Angeles: 1909. Copyright, 1908. Seventh Edition. San Francisco: 1914. Copyright, 1914.
- Willich, Dom. Enc.
- Domestic Encyclopedia or a Dictionary of Facts. By A. F. M. Willich. First American edition with additions by James Mease. In five volumes. Volume 4. Philadelphia: 1803.