SHETLAND | PAGE | Crofter’s Cottage | 104 | Kittiwakes. Noss Isle | 112 | Shag on Nest. Noss Isle | 113 | Sumburgh Head and Lighthouse | 117 | Bressay Lighthouse and Foghorn | 118 | Cliff Scenery, Noss. Bressay | 119 | Mavis Grind, looking south | 121 | Muckle Flugga Lighthouse | 123 | The Kame, Foula | 126 | Wind Roses, showing the prevailing winds at Sumburgh Head | 129 | Graph showing average Rainfall and Temperature | 130 | Sunrise at Midsummer, 2.30 a.m. | 132 | Single-Stilted Shetland Plough | 136 | Carding and Spinning | 137 | “Leading” Home the Peats | 138 | Dutch Fishing Fleet in Lerwick Harbour | 140 | Steam Drifters and Fish Market, Lerwick | 141 | Shoal of Whales | 143 | | A Busy Day at Victoria Pier, Lerwick | 144 | Broch of Mousa | 147 | Ground Plan, Broch of Mousa | 148 | Sectional Elevation, Broch of Mousa | 149 | Gold Armlet (Norse) from Isle of Oxna | 150 | Bressay Stone. Obverse and Reverse | 151 | Sandstone Slab with Ogham Inscription from Cunningsburgh | 151 | Lunnasting Stone | 152 | Burra Stone | 152 | Scalloway Castle | 153 | Muness Castle, Unst | 154 | Town Hall, Lerwick (Midnight, June) | 155 | Arthur Anderson | 158 | Anderson Institute, Lerwick | 159 | Lerwick, North and South | 162 | Scalloway | 163 | Diagrams | 164 | The illustrations on pp. 104, 112, 113, 118, 119, 162, are from photographs by Mr J. D. Ratter, Lerwick; those on pp. 117, 121, 123, 126, 132, 138, 140, 141, 143, 144, 147, 153, 154, 155, 159, 163, by Mr R. H. Ramsay, Lerwick; that on p. 137 by Valentine & Sons, Ltd., those on pp. 148, 149, 152, are from Tudor’s Orkney and Shetland by permission of Edward Stanford, Ltd., and that on p. 158 by permission of Mr J. Nicolson of Glenmount, Lerwick.