ost@g@html@files@50350@50350-h@50350-h-4.htm.html#Page_121" class="pginternal">121. Gibson, Col. John, biographical sketch of, 48; letter to the Rev. N. Seidel, 82, 85, 132. Girty, Simon, 152, 279. Gladwyn, Major, at Detroit, 108. Glicanican or Indian tobacco, 212. Glikhican, Isaac, a Moravian Indian, 341. GnadenhÜtten on the Mahoning, 91. Goshachking, 237, 295, 327. (See Coshocton.) Greenland, inhabitants of, 118; Moravian mission in, ibid. Greentown, incident occurring at, 144. Greenville, treaty of, xli., 298. Guyandots, the, xliv. Hardin, Mr., an Indian Peace Commissioner, 182. Harris, John, on the site of Harrisburg, 90. Heckewelder, the Rev. John G. E., biographical sketch of, vii.-xiv.; at Detroit, 144; in Upper Canada, 168; on the Muskingum, 102, 171; associated with Gen. R. Putnam, 183; on the Big Beaver, 190; at Tuscarawas, 205; at Lower Sandusky, 219; at New GnadenhÜtten on the Huron, 226; dialogue with Killbuck, 234; dialogue with Chenos, 237; his “Collection of the names of chieftains and eminent men of the Delaware Nation” alluded to, 270; general observations and anecdotes, 310 et seq.; at Post Vincennes, 311; at Marietta, 312; advice to travellers, 318. Heckewelder to Du Ponceau, letters of, 361, 371, 375, 380, 383, 395, 399, 409, 414, 422, 430. Heckewelder to Wistar, letters of, 356, 358. Henry, Judge William, of Lancaster, 82. Hermit’s Field, the, 200. Hervas, 126. Holland, Luke, a Delaware, 178 et seq. Hoosink, 255. Hudson’s Bay Company, the, 118, 120. Huron River, now the Clinton, 93. Hurons, the, xliv.; disunited from the Iroquois, 119; l
href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@50350@50350-h@50350-h-4.htm.html#Page_121" class="pginternal">121. Mahikanders or Mohicans, xliii. Maine, Province of, xxviii., 121. Manahachtanienk, New York Island, 77, 262. Maqua, the Mohican name of the Six Nations, xliv., 98. Marietta, 311, 312. Maryland, 53, 91, 92, 122. Matassins, the, 123. McKee, Alexander, 152. Mechanschican, i.e. Long Knives, 142, 143. Meigs, Return Jonathan, U. S. Agent to the Cherokees, 126. Memorials of the Moravian Church referred to, 302. Mengwe, Delaware name of the Six Nations, xxvi.; in the Great Lake region, 50; on the St. Lawrence, 54; their treachery toward the Lenni Lenape, 54, 64, 68, 98. Messissaugees, the, 121. Miamis or Twightwees, xii.; of Lenape origin, 121; their country, 93. Michael, a Monsey buried at Bethlehem, 206 et seq. Micmacs, the, 121. Minisink, the country of the Minsis, 52. Mingoes, name given to the Six Nations by the whites, xliv., 98, 130. Minsis or Monseys, 52, 53, 84, 85, 123, 124. Miquon, Delaware name of William Penn, 66, 78, 142. Mississippi River, the, xxvii., xxxii., xxxvii., 47, 49, 51, 85, 95, 118. Mitchell, Mr., U. S. Agent to the Creeks, 126. Mobilians, the, 126. Mohawks, the, xxxiv., xxxv., 61, 96, 99. Mohicanichtuck, Hudson’s River, xxxviii., 52, 53, 75. Mohicans, xxviii., xxx., xxxiii., 71, 86. Monongahela River, the, 87. Monsonies, the, 123. Montreal, 105. Moravian Indians, the, xl., 81; settle at Wyalusing, 83, 337. FINIS