CHAPTER I. General Observations. The text of this book has been preserved as in the original (including punctuation irregularities); archaic and inconsistent spellings have been retained except where obviously misspelled in the original. Corrected misspellings include the following: Spelling inconsistencies include the following: A black dotted underline indicates a hyperlink to a page or footnote, and links are highlighted when the mouse pointer hovers over them. Page numbers are shown in the right margin and footnotes are at the end. The text contains typographic characters that may not necessarily display correctly with all viewing devices. For best viewing, the device’s character encoding should be set to Unicode (UTF-8), and a Unicode font selected such as Arial Unicode MS, DejaVu, Segoe UI Symbol or FreeSerif. A title has been added to the otherwise blank book cover. THE BLACK DEATH IN THE FOURTEENTH CENTURY,FROM THE GERMAN OF I. F. C. HECKER, M. D. PROFESSOR AT FREDERICK WILLIAM’S UNIVERSITY AT BERLIN, AND MEMBER OF VARIOUS LEARNED SOCIETIES IN BERLIN, BONN, COPENHAGEN, ERLANGEN, HANAU, LONDON, LYONS, METZ, NAPLES, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND ZURICK. TRANSLATED BY B. G. BABINGTON, M. D. LONDON: A. SCHLOSS, FOREIGN BOOKSELLER, 109, STRAND. 1833. |