It was near midnight. Rachel's eyes, brightened with tears, watched her lover bathing his face. "It seemed so long," she murmured, "till you came." "That damned Warren Lockwood led me astray," he smiled. He dried his face and came toward her. She dropped to the floor beside him as he sat down and pressed her cheeks against his knees. His hands moved tenderly through her loosened hair. "You told me to be careful about getting run over," she smiled sadly, "and you go out and get all cut up in a brawl. Oh, Erik, please—something might have happened." "Nothing happened, dearest." She asked no further questions but remained with her face against his knees. This was Rachel whose hair he was stroking. Dorn smiled at the thought. After a silence she resumed, her voice softened with emotion: "Erik, I've been lying to you—about my love. It's different than I said it was. I've said always what you've wanted me to say. You've always wanted me to be something else than a woman "Dear one," he answered, "there's nothing else for me." "Now you're telling me lies," she wept. "There is something I can't give you; and that you must go looking for somewhere else." "No, Rachel. I love you." "As you loved Anna—once." "Don't! I never loved Anna—or anyone. Or anything." "I can't help it, Erik. Forgive me, please. I love you so. Don't you see how I love you. I keep trying to be something besides myself and to give other names to the things I feel. But they're only sentimental things. My dreams are only sentimental dreams—of your kissing me, holding me, being my husband. Oh, go way from me, Erik, before I make you hate me! You thought I was different. And I did too. I was different. But you've changed me. Women are all the same when they love. Differences go away." She looked up at him with tear-running eyes. "Different than other people! But now I'm the same. I love you as any other woman would. Only perhaps a little more. With my whole soul and life." "Foolish to talk," he whispered back to her. "But I'm not a dream, Erik. Oh, it sounds silly. But I want you." He raised her and held her lithe body close to him. The feeling that he was unreal, that Rachel was unreal, rested in his thought. There was a mist about things that clung to them, that clung about the joyousness in his heart. "There's nothing else," he whispered. "Love is enough. It burns up everything else and leaves a mist." His arms tightened. "Erik dear, I'm afraid." His kiss brought a peace over her face. She had waited for it. She looked up and laughed. "You love me? Yes, Erik loves me. Loves me. I know." She watched his eyes as he spoke. The eyes of God. They remained open to her. She began to tremble and her naked arms moved blindly toward his shoulders. "This is my world," she whispered. "I know, Erik. I know everything. You are too big for love to hold. The sun doesn't fill the whole world. There are always dark places. I know. Don't hide from me, lover." She smiled and closed her eyes as her lips reached toward him. The eyes of Erik Dorn remained open and staring out of the window. There was still rain in the night. |