Washington's Birthday.


In Miss Alcott’s “Jack and Jill” are described several good tableaux taken from scenes in the life of Washington. The cherry-tree episode is delightful; Washington crossing the Delaware, exciting; and the “Daughters of Liberty,” the “Surrender of Cornwallis,” the pathetic camp scene, “Washington at Trenton,” the Washington family, and the simulated statue of the “Minuteman,” all very effective. The detailed description would take too much space here, but the book is to be found in most libraries; and, even if it is not obtainable, the subjects may prove suggestive, and are all within the ability of children or quite young people.

Many, however, will prefer games. Did you ever play “cherry-tree blind man’s buff”? For this you will want twenty or more candied cherries, and an impromptu cherry-tree, which may be the bough of an evergreen placed upright in a flower-pot or a box. Tie the cherries to the branches with bits of silk thread a few inches long. Blindfold the Juniors one at a time; turn the blindfolded one around three times; give him a pair of scissors; and tell him to clip all the cherries he can from the tree, allowing him three minutes for the trial. He must not feel for the tree with his hands, but simply reach out with the scissors and clip where he thinks the cherries are. A little box of candied fruit is given as a reward to the one who succeeded in clipping the most cherries.

On one occasion of this kind the “yarn-spinning contest” described originally in the “spinning social” of “Eighty Pleasant Evenings” was included, the guests each trying to tell the most improbable story. But instead of the most successful story-teller’s being honored with the title of “fibmaster-general,” the reward was quite unexpectedly presented to the one who had told the poorest story, on the ground that Washington was a poor hand at telling stories and to be like him is a mark of patriotism worthy of reward.

“Burying the hatchet” is suggestive of all sorts of peaceful things, but is in reality quite a lively contest. Divide the company into two sections. Have ready one of the little hatchet-shaped candy-boxes, to be had at most confectioners’ about February 22. One division of the Juniors leaves the room; the other division hides the hatchet; and the outside party returns, and tries in five guesses to locate it. If successful, their side wins a point; if not, they win nothing. The two divisions change places, the first hiders of the hatchet going out of the room and becoming the guessers. Each side has three turns, alternating in this way. The side which has then won most points receives the hatchet filled with bonbons.

A “Washington quiz” historic in character, might be included, with such questions as the following:

  • 1. In what State was Washington born?
  • 2. In what year was he born?
  • 3. Did George attend any college?
  • 4. Who sent him on his famous journey through the wilderness?
  • 5. What position did he hold under Braddock?
  • 6. How did he act when complimented first on his military service?
  • 7. In what year was he made commander-in-chief of the Continental army?
  • 8. Where did he spend the winter of 1777?
  • 9. When was he elected president?
  • 10. How long did he hold the presidency?
  • 11. Where did he die?
  • 12. Did he hold slaves?
  • 13. Did he approve of slavery?
  • 14. What became of his slaves after their master’s death?
  • 15. By whom was he called “First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen”?
  • ANSWERS.—1. Virginia. 2. 1732. 3. No. 4. Governor Dinwiddie. 5. Aide-de-camp. 6. Blushed, stammered, and could not speak. 7. 1775. 8. Valley Forge. 9. 1789. 10. For two terms of four years each. 11. At Mount Vernon. 12. Yes. 13. No. 14. They were set free. 15. Henry Lee, in a resolution presented in the House of Representatives.

Little paper flags tinted red, white, and blue were used in one such test, the questions being written upon the reverse side.

For refreshments, serve lemonade with canned cherries dropped into it, and fancy crackers or cakes in the form of little hatchets.



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