Parlor Mountain-Climb.


Decorate the room with such mountain flowers and foliage as can be procured, and order in advance of a stationer enough favors for all the Juniors, each favor, when pulled, to reveal some article of travelling-costume in crape paper or tissue-paper that will suggest mountain-climbing. They might all be odd mountain hats of various colors and kinds, the Alpine predominating; or some of them might be long travelling-cloaks.

For the first half or three-quarters of an hour have a stereopticon talk on the people and scenery of the Alps, giving pictures of Swiss peasants and their cottages, and interspersing story and incident to add to the interest. Follow this with a little appropriate music; a “Swiss bells” instrumental selection and one or two pretty mountain songs like “The Herdsman’s Mountain Home” would be good.

Then the Juniors are presented with their “travelling-bags,” as the favors may be called, and are told to open them by pulling, and that they will find something to wear while climbing the mountain. When all are dressed for the climb, the preparations are completed by giving each an alpenstock, and arranging several hassocks, cushions, big books, etc., in the path of the prospective climbers; for the “mountain-climb” proves to be an obstacle race on one foot.

When this part of the fun is over, there may be a written question game, involving more mountains. Here is a list that may prove suggestive:

1. What mountain in Switzerland is a girl’s name?

2. What mountain in North Carolina is a favorite relative of most Juniors?

3. What mountains are full of maps?

4. What mountain in Asia is the atmosphere and a small animal?

5. What mountain in Wales was pelted by a storm?

6. What mountain in Massachusetts reminds you of horseback-riding?

7. What peak in Japan is the first syllable of a girl’s name and an exclamation?

8. What mountains are household animals and also destroy life?

9. What mountain in the Apennines is something that hurts, and the exclamation it causes?

10. What mountain is a famous university?

11. What mountains in Australia are a kitchen stove in good order?

12. What mountains, if mixed, would make gray?

13. What mountains could blow a loud blast?

14. What hills in England are a kind of cloth?

15. What mountain in Brazil is a musical instrument?

16. What volcano in Sicily becomes a girl’s name by changing one letter?

17. What mountains give light at night?

18. What mountain is a Bible character?

19. What mountains mean a pleasant day?

20. What mountain makes a noise like a college yell?

21. On what mountain did you eat your dinner?

22. What Irish mountains are very sad?

23. What mountain in Oregon is worn on the head?

24. What mountain belongs to the baby?

25. What mountains in Spain are a good kind of soap?

26. What mountain in Palestine is a balm?

27. What mountains in Texas could take a scalp?

28. What mountains are dangerous to boats?

Following are the answers:

1. Rosa.

2. Grandfather.

3. Atlas.

4. Ararat.

5. Snowdon.

6. Saddleback.

7. Jesso.

8. Catskill.

9. Corno.

10. Harvard.

11. Black Range.

12. Black and White.

13. Big Horn.

14. Cheviot.

15. Organ.

16. Etna. (Edna.)

17. Mountains of the Moon.

18. St. Elias.

19. Fairweather.

20. Hooper. (Whooper.)

21. Table.

22. Mourne.

23. Mt. Hood.

24. Cradle.

25. Castile.

26. Gilead.

27. Apache.

28. Rocky.

To the Junior who has answered the most questions correctly a reward may be given, perhaps some pretty little article of Swiss workmanship, a set of the Perry Pictures comprising mountain views, or a book containing a good story of mountain life.

Refreshments served in picnic style may be sandwiches, and berries supposed to have been “picked on the mountains.” Close the evening with singing.


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