Handkerchief Gymnastics.


There are still many girls, even in these hygienic times, who are not fortunate enough to attend schools that have gymnasiums. For these the Junior girls may like to help organize a class for the practice of handkerchief gymnastics. The writer has made a thorough test of every one of these exercises before recommending them, and knows them to be of practical benefit. They are similar to those practised daily at Cornell University.

More breath means more life, and some of these exercises are especially good to promote deep breathing. Let each girl come provided with a large handkerchief and a gymnasium suit, which is easily adapted from an old dress having a loose blouse; nothing but the skirt will require change.

Standing erect on the ball of the foot, grasp the handkerchief by diagonally opposite corners, so that the hands will be about an arm’s length from each other. At the beginning and end of each exercise the handkerchief is to be only lightly stretched. A towel may be used instead of the handkerchief if that should be preferred, holding it by the ends instead of by the corners.

The following directions will show the different positions to be taken. Do not overdo the matter; some of the little girls will require frequent rests, and some will be eager to go on; hence it is sometimes well to divide them into classes. While most of these positions are easily understood from the directions, a few are more difficult to describe in words. We illustrate certain ones.


1. Arms extended straight forward, on a level with shoulder.

2. From position 1 bend the arms, and rise onto the toes. Extend the arms and sink back from the toes. Repeat from five to ten times. This exercise is especially adapted to produce deep breathing. The mouth must be kept closed.


3. From position 1 bend the left leg at the knee, and raise it till it touches the towel. Same with right leg.

4. From position 1 extend the left leg sideways and swing the arms to the left. Return to position 1.

5. Arms raised high above the head.

6. From position 5 bend the body at the hips, and lean as far forward as possible, the body and the arms remaining in a straight line, the head raised slightly, and the weight of the body resting on the toes.

7. From position 5 bend and extend the knees, keeping the body upright.


8. From position 5 bend the left arm, and lower sideways the right one, which is extended. The towel passes across the back. The left hand holds the upper end of the towel back of the upper part of the arm, close to the shoulder. Raise the arms back to position and repeat to the left, the right arm being bent and left extended.

9. Arms lowered in front of the body.

10. From position 9 twist the body to the left, the feet remaining unmoved, and at the same time raise the arms, keeping them extended, until they are high above the head. In the same way repeat the exercise, turning the body to the right.


11. From position 5 bend the body forward, swinging the extended arms as low as possible without bending the knees.

12. Towel directly in front of the forehead, the head and elbows back.

13. From position 12, with toes apart, charge forward with the left foot, keeping the right knee straight, bringing the weight on the forward foot; return to position by rising on the toes of the forward foot and giving a slight spring.

14. From position 5 swing the arms forward, bending the body at the hips and bending the knees. The feet, with toes apart, remain with the soles flat on the floor; the arms rest on the knees; and the towel is near the floor directly in front of the feet and as far forward as possible.

15. From position 9 the left arm, bent, is raised over the head in order to raise the towel upward directly behind the back. The right arm remains extended downward. The towel is raised by bending the right arm and extending the left. After raising and lowering the towel some five times reverse the process, the right arm bending above the head and the left arm extending downward. Finally the towel moves up and down behind the back, while deep breath is taken and held.

When the exercises are once learned, they are the best of tonics, and all the more exhilarating if done to music when the class is together. The children should also be encouraged to practise them regularly at home for perhaps five minutes just after the daily sponge-bath. The older ones especially, whose increased school studies are beginning to suggest round shoulders, will find the plan a great help. Their lessons will be learned more quickly and easily because with the blood in active circulation the brain will be clearer.



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