Chicago’s one hundredth birthday was the occasion of a celebration interesting to many thousands, and not the least interesting feature was the Indian village in Lincoln Park. Picturesque in their typical costumes, the red men appeared much as their ancestors did a century ago. From Chief No-zu-kah, the medicine-man in his coonskin cap and red blanket, who rattled his medicine-bags as he walked, down to six-year-old Hach-si-acha, the braves and squaws were the centre of attraction; and this, together with an Indian festival once successfully given by a wide-awake older Endeavor society, inclines me to think that the Juniors should have one of their own, improving on all former undertakings of the kind, and perhaps on nature as well!
War-paint and feathers, beads, blankets, and moccasins, should be brought into use for the costumes. Decorate the rooms with plenty of boughs and foliage, to represent a woodland scene; hang cages of singing birds from the branches; and have a wigwam in one corner, with a buffalo robe spread in front of its entrance. Two Junior “Indian” girls who have learned the now popular basket-weaving, may be seated here at their work, with finished baskets for sale. One or more flower-girls may wander about, selling colored grasses and other similar treasures. One of the Junior boys may represent a medicine-man, and sell roots and herbs; another may sell bows and arrows to all who wish to test their skill at the target, which must be so placed that stray shots can do no damage. A loan exhibition of Indian curios will be instructive, if there is some one to explain them; and the Indian portraits, in colors, to be found among the Perry Pictures, will prove interesting. A fancy-work booth may contain feather fans, dainty bags of beadwork, dolls dressed as pappooses and squaws, and birch bark made into all kinds of pretty conceits, from toy canoes to bon-bon-boxes filled with salted nuts instead of candy.
The bows and arrows will play a lively part in the evening’s festivities. A small sum may be charged for each trial, if desired. Archery is said to be the coming sport; and, if it is indeed soon to be revived from its centuries of partial sleep, and thus rival golf and other favorites, one cannot begin to practise too soon! It is certainly graceful, healthful, and fascinating enough to warrant the revival.
Refreshments should be nuts and fruits, delicious in themselves, but served on wooden plates by “Indian” waitresses in the most primitive manner. A programme might be rendered beginning with a reading from “Hiawatha” illustrated with tableaux, which the Juniors, with careful training, can present as well as any one; including also an Indian hunter’s drill with bows and arrows, in which either boys alone, or girls alone, or both boys and girls, might take part; and closing with all the Juniors’ forming in line and uttering a war-whoop, which if not realistic will be at least startling.