A Rope Social.


This is best fun when held in a barn, or a large attic, if stairways, etc., are safe; and it will prove a good opportunity to “rope in” new members, or at least to make those who are not members wish that they were. There is no programme, though Christian Endeavor songs at the beginning and close are in order at every Junior social. Girls may bring their skipping-ropes; and, if the place admits of swings, by all means put up several stout ones. Introduce the game of “rope ring-toss,” or “grommet-pitching,” as it is called by sailors. The rings are made of rope, with the strands first separated so as the better to weave them into smooth, firm rings about six to ten inches across. They are made all of the same size, or of graduated sizes, as preferred. If desired, they may be wound with ribbon. The game consists in throwing these “grommets” over an upright stake, or over pegs driven in the wall or in a board, each peg being numbered. The players have each a certain number of throws, and the score is kept to see who is most skilful.

When tired of this, they may play the game of “pink violets,” composed of a little delightful nonsense and a good deal of running. The song which accompanies it may be sung to the tune of “Sing a song of sixpence,” or to any other that it will fit, or to not much of any tune at all. The words are as follows:

“Pink, pink violets, and roses bright and blue!
A Junior in a prison—whatever shall we do?
We’ll open the window east, and we’ll open the window west,
And never, never tell if the prisoner does the rest!”

The children range themselves in a circle, holding a rope to help keep the circle of a uniform size. One of them, the prisoner, goes inside the ring; another, the jailer, stands outside. They begin to sing, and at the words, “We’ll open the window east, and we’ll open the window west,” the players on first one side, then the opposite, lift the rope high enough for the prisoner to pass under; but the jailer outside is watching. The prisoner may take his choice, but must run out at one side or the other before the song stops, and must try to run once entirely around the ring before being overtaken by the jailer. Those holding the rope must neither help nor hinder the runners after the start is made, and the openings must be at about equal distances from the jailer. If the prisoner can run clear around the outside of the ring without being overtaken, he takes his place with the rest, between the two whose “open window” set him free; the former jailer becomes prisoner, the former prisoner’s right-hand neighbor becomes jailer, and the game proceeds as at first. But, if the prisoner is touched ever so lightly by the one in chase, he is sent back to the centre, where he must remain; the jailer joins the ring anywhere he chooses; his right-hand neighbor becomes the new jailer and his left-hand one a new prisoner with privilege of escape; and so the game continues. Each time only the new prisoner may run out. Whenever a third of the players are in the centre at one time, it ends the game.

After the enjoyment of the games and swings an old-fashioned molasses candy-pull may complete the festivities, and, as the Juniors vie with one another in pulling and deftly handling these most fascinating “ropes” of all as they gradually assume a light golden color, the social is sure to be voted a success.



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