A Boys' Book Party.


Library parties for grown people are common enough, but the boys should have a costume book party of their own. The more boys present, the better. The following suggestions for costumes may be helpful:

1. “Black Beauty.” A good-looking boy in burnt cork.

2. “Little Men.” Two or more brothers or friends wearing high hats, long-tailed coats, etc.

3. “Pilgrim’s Progress.” A boy wearing a gown and carrying a staff. The word “Mecca” should be printed on a label fastened to his breast.

4. “Tom Saw-yer.” A boy whose real name is Tom should raise a telescope to his eyes every few minutes.

5. “Rob Roy.” A red-haired boy in Highland costume. The plaid should be correct.

6. “Kenilworth.” (Kennel worth.) A boy leading his pet dog.

7. “Under the Lilacs.” A boy wearing a garland of real or artificial lilacs.

8. “Under Drake’s Flag.” A boy wearing the British flag as a turban.

9. “Merry adventures of Rob-in Hood.” A boy named Robert wearing his sister’s hood.

10. “St. Nicholas.” A boy dressed as Santa Claus.

11. “The Pirate.” A boy dressed as a typical pirate.

12. “Story of a Bad Boy.” A boy wearing a placard on which is printed “The History of My Life.”

13. “Boys of ’76.” Two boys, each wearing a placard marked, “100-24.”

14. “Recollections of a Drummer-Boy.” A boy with a drum. On a placard is written, “Forty Years Ago.”

15. “Sketch-Book.” A boy carrying a drawing-book under his arm.

Thirty is a good number to be present at a book party. All the guests should send their book-titles to the host of the evening two or three days before the party. At the door each boy should be handed a pencil, a blank sheet of paper, and a numbered card which he should pin to his back or sleeve. Half an hour should be allowed for guessing the names. One reward might be a book like Kipling’s “Barrack-Room Ballads,” or “Seven Seas;” another, a paper-cutter; and, for the shortest list, a blank book. Ice-cream and cake have nothing to do with books, but should be served just the same, if possible, to comfort the losers.



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