Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation have been retained.
Footnote [38]: The last paragraph lacks a closing quote mark; this has not been changed, since it is not clear where the quote ends.
Prov. 139: gambette may be a misspelling of jambette (jack-knife) in Bigelow’s work.
Prov. 177: zozos pariaca may be an error for zozos paliaca.
Depending on the hard- and software used to read this text, and their settings, not all characters may display as intended.
Changes made to the text:
Footnotes have been moved to directly under the proverb they refer to.
Obvious punctuation errors and missing punctuation have been corrected silently.
i.e. and i. e. have been standardised to i.e.
Introduction: gomo filÉ changed to gombo filÉ
Bibliography: Academique changed to AcadÉmique
Prov. 4: nourish it young changed to nourish its young
Footnote [12]: tiyon the true changed to tiyon is the true
Footnote [14]: little bird does’nt changed to little bird doesn’t
Prov. 49: Ceux qui mangent ne savent pas changed to Ceux qui mangent des oeufs ne savent pas
Prov. 54: le prix de la grasse changed to le prix de la graisse
Prov. 82: qui le diable emporte changed to que le diable emporte
Prov. 114: aime Á boire changed to aime À boire
Footnote [45]: oti and outi changed to oti and outi
Prov. 117: resister changed to rÉsister
Prov. 127: etrangers changed to Étrangers
Prov. 172: li rouge changed to li ronge
Prov. 204: his mother was’nt changed to his mother wasn’t
Prov. 221: morte changed to mort
Prov. 248: demandre changed to demander
Prov. 253: ’evite changed to Évite
Prov. 260: les coffre changed to le coffre
Prov. 268: Quand n’a pas changed to Quand on n’a pas
Footnote [124]: Mousse changed to Moussa as in proverb
Footnote [125]: Moun, or moune changed to Moun, or moune
Footnote [136]: commeree changed to commerce
Footnote [139]: Comment se l’expliquer autrement en dehors du mariage changed to Comment se l’expliquer autrement, en dehors du mariage? (as in the original text by Baissac)
Footnote [143]: ourasi, ouarasa changed to ouarasi, ouarasa as in verse
Prov. 344: Z ffÉ changed to ZaffÉ
Prov. 349: brÛle changed to brÛlent
Index to Dialects, III.: 267 changed to 266; IV.: 147 and 329 inserted; V.: 333 inserted.