- Acoma-tree.—1.
- Advisers.—101, 142.
- Alligator (or Crocodile).—198, 229, 293.
- Arms.—262.
- Arrack.—46, 305.
- “Avocado.”—5.
- Bag, Sack, “Maconte.”—51, 115, 288.
- Bagasse.—14.
- “Balaou.”—210.
- Beans.—278.
- Beard.—10.
- Bed.—33, 182.
- Belly.—39, 44, 252, 253, 274, 275, 330.
- Bengalee.—290.
- Big and Little.—249, 311, 312.
- Bird.—154, 241.
- Blows.—19.
- “Bonda.”—34, 49, 320.
- Borrowers.—138, 190, 331.
- Broom.—16.
- Boundary.—183 (note).
- Buzzards.—228.
- “Calalou.”—220 (note).
- “Calinda.”—280 (note).
- Calabash.—96, 116, 117, 297.
- Canary.—290.
- Cannon.—255.
- Cat.—70, 71, 72, 73, 85, 86, 151, 171, 200.
- Character.—309.
- Cheese.—215.
- Chest.—53.
- Leech.—217.
- Liana.—218.
- Lizard.—282, 301.
- “Man Lison.”—317.
- Manure.—216.
- Marriage.—118, 179, 195, 196, 197, 215.
- Master and Slave.—266, 349.
- Mat.—98.
- Meadows.—21, 296, 350.
- Millet.—47.
- Misery.—162, 207.
- Misfortune.—192, 302.
- Money.—125, 168, 169, 170, 307.
- Monkey.—2, 4, 5, 12, 108, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 207, 320, 323, 335, 341, 342, 350.
- Mosquito.—198, 214, 319.
- Mothers.—2, 4, 5, 184, 187, 193, 242.
- Mountains.—174, 212.
- Mourning.—121, 124, 134.
- Moussa.—299 (note).
- Mud.—155.
- Mulatto.—204, 206, 267.
- Mule.—107, 169, LA CUISINE CREOLE.
A compilation of many original Creole and other valuable recipes obtained from noted Southern housewives, with a number of chefs d’oeuvre from leading chefs, who have made New Orleans famous for its cuisine. Published by WILL H. COLEMAN, 70 ASTOR HOUSE, NEW YORK.