
? The selection of Haytian proverbs in this collection was made by kindly permission of Messrs. Harper Bros., from the four articles contributed by Hon. John Bigelow, to Harper’s Magazine, 1875. The following list includes only those works consulted or quoted from in the preparation of this dictionary, and comprises but a small portion of all the curious books, essays, poems, etc., written upon, or in the Creole patois of the Antilles and of Louisiana.—L. H.

BruyÈre (Loys)—“Proverbes CrÉoles de la Guyane FranÇaise.” (In l’Almanach des Traditions Populaires, 1883. Paris: Maisonneuve et Cie.)

Baissac (M. C.)—“Étude sur le Patois CrÉole Mauricien.” Nancy: Imprimerie Berger-Levrault & Cie., 1880.

Marbot—“Les Bambous.” Fables de La Fontaine travesties en Patois CrÉole par un Vieux Commandeur. Fort-de-France, Martinique: Librairie de Frederic Thomas, 1869. (Second Edition. Both editions of this admirable work are now unfortunately out of print.)

Thomas (J. J.)—“The Theory and Practice of Creole Grammar.” Port of Spain, Trinidad: The Chronicle Publishing Office, 1869.

Turiault (J.)—“Étude sur le Langage CrÉole de la Martinique.” (Extrait du Bulletin de la SociÉtÉ AcadÉmique.) Brest: Lefournier, 1869.

De St.-Quentin (Auguste)—Introduction À l’Histoire de Cayenne, suivie d’un Recueil de Contes, Fables, et Chansons en CrÉole. Notes et Commentaires par Alfred de St.-Quentin. Étude sur la Grammaire CrÉole par Auguste de St.-Quentin. Antibes: J. Marchand, 1872.

Bigelow (Hon. John)—“The Wit and Wisdom of the Haytians.” Being four articles upon the Creole Proverbs of Hayti, respectively published in the June, July, August and September numbers of Harper’s Magazine, 1875.


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