
Absorption, action of medicines by, 61, 68, 87.

Acids, 120.

Aconite, 352.

Aconitina, symptoms of action of, 353.

Ague, remedies used for, 129, 207.

Alcohol, 339.

Aliments, 115.

Alkalies, 126.

Aloes, absorption and action of, 80, 96, 289.

Alteratives, 35, 157, 165.

Alum, as an Astringent, 263.

Ammonia, 334.

AnÆmia, treatment of, 148, 320.

Anthelmintics, 97.

Antidotes, action of, 92.

Antimony, 321.

Arsenic, 333.

Astringents, 256, 358.

Belladonna, 240.

Benzoic acid in lithic deposits, 156.

Bile, relation of remedies to the, 137.

Billing, Dr., on action of medicines, 132, 163, 216.

Bismuth, nitrate of, 87, 94, 97.

Blood, medicinal actions in the, 103, 106, 167.

Borax, actions of, 155, 232.

Brodie, Sir B., his experiments, 63.

Calomel, not a sedative, 328.

Cantharides, its uses, 67, 214, 307.

Castor oil, 291.

Catechu, 358.

Cathartics, 95, 286.

Chalk, not astringent, 264.

Charcoal, said to become absorbed, 88.

Chemical theories of medicinal actions, 47.

Chlorine, an Antiscrofulic, 193.

Chloroform, 342.

Cholagogues, 295.

Cinchona, 129.

Citric acid, its actions, 123, 202, 205.

Cod-liver oil, 310.

Colchicum, 331.

Conium, its actions, 246.

Copaiba, action of, 267.

Copper, Sulphate of, 93, 211, 264.

Counter-irritants, action of, 67, 91.

Creosote, actions of, 94, 245, 265.

Diabetes, treatment of, 119, 194.

Diaphoretics, 298.

Diarrhoea, treatment of, 294.

Diet, rules of, 118.

Digestion of medicines, 68-86, 104.

Digitalis, 356.

Diuretics, 302.

Duncan, Dr., his classification, 34.

Dropsy, treatment of, 307, 355.

Eberle, his arrangement of medicines, 39.

Elaterium, its modes of action, 85, 289.

Eliminatives, 268.

Emetics, 92, 324.

Emmenagogues, 102, 275.

Endosmosis, passage of medicines by, 71.

Epilepsy, remedies used in, 211, 229, 337, 345.

Ergot of Rye, 233.

Ether, 343.

Evacuants, action of, 55, 269, 280.

Expectorants, 283.

Fermentations in the blood, 180.

Fevers, treatment of, 124, 185, 188, 302.

Gallic acid, 265, 357.

Gold, its use in Syphilis, 189.

Gout, treatment of, 194, 331.

Grape-sugar in the blood, 116, 198.

HÆmatosin, relation of to Iron, 145.

HÆmorrhage, treatment of, 263.

Homoeopathy, fallacies of, 53, 184.

Hydrocyanic acid, 351.

Hyoscyamus, 240.

Hysteria, remedies used in, 211, 232, 337.

Inflammations, treatment of, 185, 323, 325.

Iodide of Potassium, 188, 191, 328.

Iodine, 328.

Ipecacuanha, actions of, 249, 283, 295, 298.

Iron, 145, 319.

Jalap, absorption and action of, 85, 96, 289.

Lactic acid in the system, 69, 116, 198.

Laxatives, 287.

Lead, actions of, 211, 254, 263.

Lemon-juice, uses of, 202, 205.

Local access, rule of, 98.

Magendie, M., his experiments, 63.

Masticatories, 281.

Mechanical theories of medicinal actions, 43, 219.

Mercury, 325.

Morphia, modus operandi of, 220, 347.

Murray, Dr., his classification, 36.

Narcotics, 234.

Nitric acid, its uses, 120, 196.

Nitrohydrochloric acid in Oxaluria, 196.

Nux vomica, 337.

Œsterlen, Prof., on absorption of medicines, 88.

Oils, fixed, absorption and action of, 84, 278, 288.

Oils, volatile, their actions, 227, 267, 278.

Opium, 346.

Pain, treatment of, 342.

Pereira, Dr., on action of medicines, 40, 131, 162, 228.

Phosphoric acid, not astringent, 262.

Phosphorus, its actions, 229, 311.

Pitch, used in Lepra, 214.

Potash, 315.

Purgatives, 286.

Quinine, 317.

Refrigerants, chemical theory of, 123.

Resins, absorption and action of, 83, 279, 288.

Rheumatism, remedies used in, 194.

Rhubarb, action of, 294.

Salines, absorption and mode of action of, 74, 188, 289, 300.

Salt, common, its actions, 93, 193, 210.

Sarsaparilla in Syphilis, 190.

Scammony, absorption and action of, 85, 96, 289.

Schultz, classification of, 57.

Scrofula, treatment of, 191.

Scurvy, remedies used in, 205.

Sedatives, 242.

Senna, chemical nature and action, 279, 289.

Sialagogues, 281.

Silver, nitrate of, its actions, 211, 264.

Skin diseases, treatment of, 213.

Special Sedatives, 249.

Special Stimulants, 233.

Squill, its doubtful action, 253.

Starch, digestion of, 82, 116, 197.

Stimulants, 226.

Stramonium, 240.

Strychnia, 337.

Sulphur, in skin diseases, 215, 301.

Sulphuric acid, 313.

Syphilis, treatment of, 188.

Tannic acid, 356.

Tartar emetic, 321.

Tea, a Sedative, 248.

Thomson, Dr. A. T., on action of medicines, 39.

Tonics, 129.

Turpentine, its modes of action, 229, 267, 305.

Urinary deposits, treatment of, 149, 307.

Water, its elimination, 154, 300, 307.

Young, Dr., his classification, 32.

Zinc, sulphate of, its actions, 93, 211, 264.


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