PAGE | The Cathedral from the Rue du Bourg (photogravure) | Frontispiece | The House of the Salmon (vignette) | 1 | Tetre de S. Nicholas | 9 | S. Modesta, South Porch (from a photograph by C. Blin, Chartres) | 18 | Gargoyle on South Porch | 32 | Cathedral: South Transept | 55 | Fulbert and His Church | 67 | L’Étape-au-Vin | 81 | Street Entrance to Old HÔtel de Ville | 104 | The Spires of Chartres | 111 | L’Âne qui vielle | 125 | The Angel Dial | 126 | Tympanum of the Royal Porch (from a photograph by C. Blin, Chartres) | 133 | Pilaster of the Royal Porch | 136 | Pilaster of the Royal Porch | 138 | Washing-place on the River Eure | facing 168 | Flying Buttresses of the Nave (from a photograph by C. Blin, Chartres) | 189 | Ambulatory, Chartres Cathedral | facing 203 | Interior North Porch | facing 221 | S. George from the South Porch (from a photograph by C. Blin, Chartres) | 226 | Thirteenth Century Gable of Old HÔtel de Ville | 232 | Courtyard in the Old HÔtel de Ville | 239 | Porte Guillaume | 245 | Chartres in 1500 (from an old engraving) | 259 | Arms of the Town | 262 | Queen Bertha’s Tower | 266 | Old Dormer Window from Maison du Saumon | 268 | Chartres Besieged by M. le Prince de CondÉ, March 1568 | 275 | Tower of S. AndrÉ | 283 | Courtyard, Maison du MÉdecin | 287 | Renaissance Oriel, Rue de la Corroierie | 297 | Place de l’HÔtel de Ville | 319 | Rue des BÉguines | 331 | Old Houses in the Rue S. MÊme | 347 | Plan of Chartres | facing 354 |
Chartres is actually | | | | 86 | kilometres | from Paris. | 71 | " | from OrlÉans. | 35 | " | from Dreux. | An excellent train, leaving the Gare S. Lazare at mid-day, runs through from Paris in one hour and a half. A good dÉjeuner is served in the train on starting. Returning from Chartres, most of the trains run into the Montparnasse Station, south of the river and twenty minutes’ drive from the Place de l’OpÉra. The road is straight and level and a favourite one with automobilists. Chartres may also, of course, be approached from Normandy vi Rouen, Évreux, Dreux, and, if you include Amiens to the North-west, and Caen (whence you will visit Bayeux, Lisieux, and Falaise) to the North-east, Chartres will be found to provide the perfect finish to a delightful and instructive, and also economical, tour. An itinerary for those who have but a short time to spare at Chartres is suggested on page 352. Hotels—Grand Monarque (Automobile Club de France); Duc de Chartres; France. The Story of Chartres