
He puts a notable Cheat upon a Gentleman concerning his House.

Walking one time in the Fields with an Attendant or two, who would be constantly bare before me, if in company with any persons of quality, but otherwise, hail fellow well met; I was got as far as Hackney, ere I thought where I was; for my thoughts were busied about designs, and my wit was shaping them into a form; casting my eye on the one side of me, I saw the prettiest built and well scituated House that ever my eyes beheld. I presently had a covetous desire to be Master thereof: I was then, as Fortune would have it, in a very gentile Garb; I walkt but a little way further, and I soon found out a Plot to accomplish my desires. And thus it was: I returned and knockt at the Gate, and demanded of the Servant whether his Master was within? I understood he was, and thereupon desired to speak with him. The Gentleman came out to me himself, desiring me to walk in. After I had made a general Apology, I told him my businesse, which was only to request the favour of him, that I might have the priviledge to bring a Workman to Supervise his House, and to take the Dimensions thereof, because I was so well pleased with the Building, that I eagerly desired to have another built exactly after that pattern. The Gentleman could do no lesse than to grant me so small a civility. Coming home, I went to a Carpenter, telling him I was about buying an House in Hackney, and that I would have him accompany me to give me (in private) the estimate. Accordingly we went, and found the Gentleman at home, who entertained me kindly as a stranger. In the mean time the Carpenter took an exact account of the Butts and Bounds of the House on Paper; which was as much as I desired for that time.

Paying the Carpenter well, I dismist him, and by that Paper had a Lease drawn with a very great fine (mentioned to have been paid) at a small Rent; Witnesses thereunto I could not want. Shortly after I demanded Possession. The Gentleman thinking me out of my wits, only laught at me: I commenced my suit against him; and brought my own Creatures to swear the sealing and delivering of the Lease, the Carpenters evidence, with many other probable Circumstances to strengthen my cause; whereupon I had a Verdict: The Gentleman understanding what I was, thought it safer to compound with me, and lose something, rather than lose all.


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