Addington, Samuel, 97-8, 162, 219-20, 336
Æsop, 126
Ainger, Canon, 39
Akbar, the Emperor, 272
Alexander the Great, 313
Alfred the Great, 306, 323
Allot, John, 125
Anne, Queen, 277
Antonius, Marcus, 299, 313
Arthur of Little Britain, 306
Arthur, Thomas, 132, 134
Ashburnham, Earl of, 321
Astle, Thomas, F.R.S., 158
Atkins, Mr, 260
Auchinleck Sale, 160
Audley, Lady Eleanor, 123
Bacon, Francis, 138, 227
Baker of Old Street, 9
Barnes, Robert, 139
Baynes, John, 28
Beauclerc, Topham, 33
Beaumont and Fletcher, 50
Beckford, W., 161
Bedford, F., 165-6, 180-1
Beling, Richard, 96
Beloe, William, 19
Benjamin, 230
Bentivoglio, Gio., 247
Bernal, Ralph, 202, 231
Besant, Sir Walter, 40
Bindley, James, 27
Birchensha, Ralph, 169
Bismarck, Prince, 159
Blondeau, Pierre, 277
Boethius, 24
Bohn, H. G., 16
——, John, 153
——, John, of Canterbury, 139
Bolland Forest, 25
Bom of Amsterdam, 262-3
Bonaparte, Lucien, 155
Boones, The, 45-7
Boswell, James, 27
Boyne, W., 164, 289-91, 334, 345, 347
Bradshaw, Henry, 60
Brathwaite, Richard, 45, 100
Breton, N., 69, 157
Bright, B. H., 64
Britton, Thomas, 27
Brooks, W., 195, 199-201, 209-10, 224
Brown, William, 6
Browsholme, 25
Bryce Collection, 336
Brydges, Sir Egerton, 9, 33-4, 139
Buccleuch, Dukes of, 25
Buchanan, George, 161
Bunbury, Sir H., 321
Bunyan, John, 121
Burke, Richard, 223
Burton-Constable Sale, 154
Burwood, 192
Burt, A. A., 166
Butler, Samuel, 46
Camus de Limari, 33
Carausius of Britain, 323
Carew, Thomas, 50
Carfrae Collection, 321
Carmichael, Mr, 138
Caxton, William, 27, 29, 32, 48, 66, 106
Cesnola, 219
Chaffers, W., 228, 233
Chapman, George, 124
Chappell, W., 187
Charlemagne, 306
Charlemont, Lord, 50, 153
Charles, I., 224, 269
—— II., 224, 336
Charron, Pierre, 125
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 111-12, 145, 157-8
Chester, Robert, 85
Churchyard, T., 24
Cicognara, 13
Cleopatra, 299, 313
Cleveland, John, 96
Cockburn, John, 214, 275
Cocker’s Decimal Arithmetic, 77
Cockpit, The, 36
Coleridge, S. T., 3
Collier, J. P., 19, 21, 59, 160
Constable, Henry, 60
——, John, 134
Corney, Bolton, 154
Corser, Rev. T., 20, 64-7, 88-91, 162
Cosens, F. W., 67-9
Cotton, Charles, 105
Coutts, Lady, 87
Cowley, Abraham, 121
Coxe, Dr, 178
Cranmer, Archbp., 146
Crashaw, Richard, 104
Crawford, Lord, 173-4
Cripps, Mr, 233
Cruikshank, George, 103
Cunningham, Colonel, 51
——, General, 317
Cutlers’ Company, 185-6
Cymbeline or Cunobeline, 323
Czar, The, 22
Dandolo, Enrico, 306
Daniel, George, 8, 37-8, 50, 59, 84-6, 110
——, Rose, 136
——, Samuel, 89, 123
Davies, Thomas, 131
Davison, F., 70-1
Day, Robert, 231
Defoe, D., 9
Dekker, Thomas, 24-5, 169-70
Demetrius of Bactria, 318
Devonshire, Duke of, 34
Diamond, Dr, 191, 193-4, 213-14, 216, 227-9
Dibdin, T. F., 19, 46
Dillon, Lord, 286
Dodsley, Robert, 129, 182-3
Dolfino, Gio., 246
Donatus, Ælius, 130
Drayton, Michael, 115-16, 154, 170
Dryden, John, 99
Durazzo Collection, 287
Dyce, Rev. A., 36
Dyson, Humphrey, 78
Edmund of East Anglia, 277
Edward III., 324, 326
—— IV., 140, 276
—— VI., 326
Elizabeth, Queen, 130, 160, 281
Elkins of Lombard Street, 82
Ellis, F. S., 16, 45, 47, 50, 53, 65, 71, 88, 91-103, 141-2, 162, 204
Ercole I. of Ferrara, 344-5
Ethelred II., 247
Eukratides of Bactria, 318
Evans, Sir John, 218
Faliero, Marino, 306
Faustus, 183
Featherstonhaughs, The, 208
Fenn, Sir John, 156-7
Fennell, Mr, 140
Ferdinand IV. of Sicily, 272
Festeau, Paul, 140
Fisher of Midhurst, 208
Fishmongers’ Company, 125, 167
Fitch of Ipswich, 38
Ford of Manchester, 26
Ford, John, 51
Foscari, Francesco, 306
Fountaine, Sir A., 161, 213
Francia, 285
Franks, Sir Wollaston, 298
Freelings, The, 52, 92
Freres, The, 156-7-8
Fuller, Thomas, 49, 104
Furnivall, F. J., 99-101
Gale, Richard, 195, 201-2
Gardyne, Alexander, 119
Garnett, Richard, 179
Gascoigne, George, 25-6, 33, 145
Gaston de Foix, 306
George III., 22, 326, 346
—— IV., 326
——, W., 135
Gering, Ulric, 30
Gladstone, W. E., 208
Glemham, Edward, 168
Glendinning, John, 207-8
Gloddaeth, 35
Glover, William, 119
Godfrey, Edmund Berry, 231
Gosson, Stephen, 33
Gourmont, Giles, 32
Grant, Sir F., 224
Grantley, Lord, 218, 274-5, 353
Gray, Sir Walter, 153
Greene, Robert, 125, 157
Greenwell, Canon, 218, 220, 270
Grenville, Thomas, 52, 223
Grosart, Dr, 104
Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O., 113, 154, 178
Hamilton, Sir Robert, 245
Hariot, Thomas, 50
Harold II., 306
Haroun El Reschid, 272, 305
Harrison, F., 40
Harthacanute, 277
Hartshorne, C. H., 19
Harvey, Gabriel, 25-6
Hastings, Marquis of, 95-6, 105
Hatton, Sir Chris., 160
Hazlitt, Rev. W., 2-3
——, W. 222-3-5
——, Mr Registrar, 2-9, 12, 68
Head, Dr, 270
Heber, Richard, 20-38, 51, 66
Heliocles of Bactria, 318
Henderson, John, 34
Henrietta Maria, 119
Henry I. of England, 306
—— IV. of England, 276
—— VII. of England, 179
—— VIII. of England, 161, 268, 326, 336
—— III. of France, 207
—— IV. of
Oxford, Bishop of, 38-9
Papadopoli, Count N., 246-7, 293
Park, Thomas, 19
Parkers of Browsholme, 25
Peacham, Henry, 105
Peacock of Bottesford Manor, Mr, 100
Pearson, John, 45, 49, 62, 89, 108-12, 155
Pearson & Co., 112, 154
Perceval le Gallois, 32
Petyt, Thomas, 111
Philip III. of Spain, 152
Philip of Macedon, 313
Phillipps, Sir Thomas, 113, 134
Philipot, Thomas, 119
Phillimore, Dr, 312
Pickering, B. M., 49, 51, 105-7
——, W., 87, 103
Pickering & Chatto, 142
Pierceforest, 32
Pliny, 33
Powell, Dr, 139
Price, Lake, 336
——, Lawrence, 140
Ptolemy III., 299
Puttick & Simpson, 151, 167-71
Pyne, Henry, 73-80, 82, 87, 114, 135, 155
Pynson, Richard, 134
Quaritch, B., 8, 13, 29, 50, 52-3, 67, 89, 142, 147-8, 155-7, 162, 166, 171-5, 178-9, 211, 221
Quarles, F., 49
Randolph, Thomas, 145
Rawlins, Thomas, 269
Rawlinson, Thomas, 27
Reed, Isaac, 31, 34-35
Reeves & Turner, 78, 40, 165
Wigan, Edward, Colston & Coy. Limited, Printers, Edinburgh.